Does this bother anyone else?

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Sub-Adult Member
By that bother I am meaning the extremist organization known as Peta. I find the things I have heard about them very distressing and should be to all pet owners. They seem to be an organization with an agenda for making us all non pet owning vegans. I have seen things that said there is that and other organizations trying to destroy pet ownership. I have heard they want to stop breeding dogs and cats spay and neutering the current ones and letting them go extinct. They want to end all pet owner ship including deemed exotic pets which bearded dragons fall under that category. To me a life without pets seems like a very bleak and unwelcoming future. I could not imagine having a pet die of old age knowing he was the last of his kind and there would be no more.

Anyone else really worried about this?

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Me too. I had also heard other very bad things about PETA, but can't remember what they were at the moment. There was a news report about them awhile back, and I was very angry throughout the entire program.


Hatchling Member
I was just having a discussion about PETA with my boyfiend yesterday actually... I was actually going to see if I could find more out about it but I think they are very extreme in their tactics. For instance a few years back I remember on the news about them phoning a grocery store to tell them that they had poisoned all the turkeys during Thanksgiving time. All the turkeys had to be pulled from the shelves. This doesn't make any sense since just more turkeys will have to ordered for the Thanksgiving holiday :? boyfriend made the comment (since I am huge animal lover) that if I ever joined them we would be done! Of course I would not, I do not belief in their tactics if they do things like this. I agree, pets bring so much joy in my life and often I prefer pets to people sometimes. I think life would be very bleak without them!!!


Gray-bearded Member
PETA uses terrorist tactics to forward their agenda :angry5: . Because they are extremists they turn off most sane people. Of course a lot of Hollywood types go for them, but they are often nuts themselves. :roll: Sad thing is... they do have a FEW good ideas that get mixed up with the insanity and lost in the mess. They do more harm than good on animal rights issues. They are kinda like the pro-lifer who shoots the doctors. Hellooo... I thought all life was sacred? Sometimes I feel like the nut cases are gaining on the rest of us! :banghead:

Sandy H


Sub-Adult Member
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Well what concernes me is there extremist ways. I actually tried to reason with some of them on there forum. Thought maybee it did not help that I made the screen name IeatSteakYUM. But any way they were saying the human being is also an animals which is true. I then asked if they had a problem with animals eating other animals they said no. Then I said well if a human being is an omnivore animal like all primates are then why is eating meat wrong? I told some of them just open you're mouth and look animals with teeth like that are omnivore. Meaning there is some canine and thin chopping teeth in the front and molars in the back and stated if we were to be herbivore animals that we would have only molars like a cow or buffalo or any other bovine like animal.

Well like someone else stated the people in Peta do not seem to think with reason even with someone who seems more educated then them. They had a one sided view and could not seem to see my logic. For some reason they say they want animals to have the same rights as humans. That is not true they want humans to have less rights then animals. Since other animals can eat what they were desighned to eat but human beings can not which is just insane.

Then they go on to say that they want pets abolished. Also I am not impressed about them trying to stop animal testing. Ok I can admitt some animal testing is just stupid and should not be done but done right animal testing can actually bring forth medical advancements. Which I really care about that because I have a degenerative muscle condition where they are actually making advancements in it from animal testing.

Infact if not for animal testing I would not even be a member on this site because I would have died before getting to adult age. Animal testing is what showed them that steroids can slow and sometimes stop the degenerative process. As well as the cure they are trying to work on was started with animal testing. It seems PETA is trying to destroy me having pets and destroying my only hope at survival. As well as the fact with my condition I need to eat allot of meat. It has the protein and other ellements I need to survive as well. Without eating meat I would surely die. Every one needs some meat in there diet but I really need it. So there is 3 ways PETA makes me mad.

Also they seem very dangerous to me they seem to care about animals more then people and that is very dangerous. I fear for what those lunatics will try to do. I also fear that they may somehow succeed I mean mad men have affected things a great deal before. Just look at history about all the problems that have been caused by people who are downright insane.

Oh yeah and when I said on the PETA forum that it is actually a necessity for me to eat meat that I should simply not and die. No kidding they basically said I should just not do what I have to do to survive. But oh it is ok for a lion to do it. I mean common something is big time messed up.

I even heard that the leader of peta wants upon death her skin made into wallets her feet made into furniture and her flesh turned into nuggets. I mean seriously what kind of freak would have that as final wishes. Someone who thinks screwed up tings like that is someone I fear. Who knows what someone that insane is capable of.

Denise Bushnell (RIP)

Juvie Member
Retired Moderator
I am also bothered by some of PETA's antics.....they carry things way too far in their ideas about what is right and wrong concerning the keeping of some animals.

I do agree with some of their ideas, such as not buying things made of real animal fur (why should we, when we can get items made of fake fur which look just as nice, and keep us just as warm?) or doing away with puppy mills (which generally treat animals horribly just to make a buck), or even some testing on animals, such as testing to see how some products may poison them, or blind them, etc., etc. However, for the most part their thinking is a bit too extreme for my tastes.

You simply can't say that all testing on animals is a bad thing.... some animal testing can lead to all sorts of medical breakthroughs for people. However, I see no sense in doing things such as putting products in an animal's eyes, to see if it blinds them, or forcing something down their throats, to see if it poisons them, or things like that. If the sort of testing that companies are doing will benefit humans in the long run, and may lead to a cure for certain human diseases, then I see nothing wrong with it, as long as it is done humanely, so that the animals being used are not allowed to suffer unnecessarily.

As far as PETA ever being able to convince the government that keeping pets should not be allowed, I doubt that we'll ever have to worry about that. The number of extremist PETA members are way outnumbered by responsible pet owners, and, given enough leedway, PETA will probably put itself out of business because of all the illegal things that they do in the name of "their cause". At least that is my opinion.

Our legislators are not stupid....and they can surely see that some of PETA's claims are way "off the wall", and, as such, would not be a viable solution to anything!


Hatchling Member
Ever seen any of their recruiting videos? They show you all sorts of awful, graphic images in the hopes that you will be too frightened and disgusted to ever eat meat again. They aim these at preteens/impressionable ages.
I was fourteen when I saw "Meet Your Meat" and yes, it did go as they had planned. I couldn't eat meat for almost two weeks. ...But I couldn't eat much of anything else either. I vomited the first night and was then scared to try eating the next day. After a few days I could hastily scarf bread items (toast, crackers) and fruits (apples mainly) without feeling scared or guilty. And eventually worked back up to eating in a normal fashion.
But even today; I'm nineteen, and I still don't eat most meats. Poultry is about it. And if I sit and look at that chicken leg too long, I can feel nauseous, thinking where it came from, cracked viciously off the carcass of some dead bird in a cold dark room.

Anyway. PETA is ridiculous, yes. They take a good cause (animals being treated fairly) and destroy it, because any sane person, like Sandy said, is going to go "UGH those PETA people, they're so crazy, don't listen to them." And boom, if you care about animals, you are deemed crazy.

Personally though, the animal testing, I am on their side. I don't see why animals should be punished that way if only humans are benefiting from it. My grama and I have discussed how they should do those experiments on death row inmates. Then, we would know exactly how medicines/chemicals/whatever effect a human, not a middleman rat or chimp. And they've done something bad enough to be murdered for, so why not put them to some good medical use? To help out their fellow people, help make up for whatever awful thing they did? What did the animal do in its life to deserve getting experimented on? It's not fair at all in my eyes. If it's "humane" enough of a practice, "we're not hurting them", why not put it to human use. But then I could just be some crazy loon who thinks that animals, for some ungodly reason, should be treated fairly and doesn't know that human life is the only important life there is.


Sub-Adult Member
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Well they still need to do some tests on animals but sure death row inmates why kill them? Well unless the experiments kill them but if so who cares. But still you want to see if something is at least viable before you test on a death row inmate. I mean you do not want to waste the human test subject on something that for sure will not work. Plus why not test on rats? Rats have caused the death of many humans and they still do. So why not test on the disgusting flee bitten disease bags. Though the rat and mouse are the only animals I see who actually did something to deserve that.

But I also always thought why they do not use criminals for testing. Well the vicious ones who did something so horrible it disturbs anyone who even heard of what they did. Even so I can see how frivolous testing on animals for stupid crap is not something anyone should do. I have heard the way they test some things with animals and some things they do are donright retarded. Such as seeing if a cough syrup causes cancer they feed some animals nothing but the couch syrup then when they get cancer say "see we knew it caused cancer". Well Duh you give any living thing to much of something and they will get cancer I mean anyone can figure that out.

But for worthwhile testing then animals should be used. I mean common rats they are rodents. Rodents are pretty much food for other animals. So really any rodents purpose really is to die or spend there whole life running from something trying to kill them. People are definitely worth more then rats.

So besides the odd experimenting thing the rest of what PETA says is merely ramblings from an insane person. Ohh and those recruitment videos for PETA it did not even bother me in the slightest. Infact I actually while watching one ate a sandwich that was simply chicken beef and pork between 2 slices of bread and some cheese and mustard and it did not even affect my appetite. There is nothing PETA can throw at me that will bother me about eating meat. Infact some vids just made me hungry.


Sub-Adult Member
I used to be a member of PETA a very long time ago when I was a teenager, but all we did was volunteer at pet shelters and picket the fur convention when they came to town. Although I do eat tofu at least once a week I have never subscribed to PETA'S vegan stance and can not imagine life without pets. I love them like my children and they are a part of my family. However, I can understand when you see how poorly allot of people treat their pets and how animals are treated on farms and puppy mills, never mind the sicko's that fight dogs and chickens. If you have ever volunteered at a pet shelter it is EXTREMELY depressing to see all the animals you know are going to be put down and the conditions they live in before they are put down, cold, frightened and lonely. I can see how they can come to these extreme ideas about not eating or keeping animals as pets because of all the suffering that goes on. It would be better if pet ownership was more regulated and if the fines were heavier for pet neglect and abuse. But you are right, some of them have become like the right to lifer's who commit murder. It starts out with good intentions and gets completely insane!


Hatchling Member
I'm a dedicated vegan and believe in a lot of what PETA represents. They have become more moderate as of late with their views and tactics lately. However, I don't always agree with them. Nonetheless, I'm not worried about them affecting laws. The US is a very meat-oriented country and they are a small organization, all things considered.

As far as people in PETA being crazy, insane, or unable to reason... well, that would be just like assuming based on those youtube videos that all Bearded Dragon owners are sadistic psychopaths. Some might be, but not all are. As a vegan, I can tell you that I have had many many omnivores attack my views in public and private sittings and tell me how stupid I am. The irony is that I am always clear to tell people it is a personal choice and not an indictment against their eating habits (or leather wearing). But, some "carnivores," just like some PETA members, are overly convinced that there way is the only way, a little defensive, and far to eager too start a fight.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
sixxmum":5884a said:
I'm a dedicated vegan and believe in a lot of what PETA represents. They have become more moderate as of late with their views and tactics lately. However, I don't always agree with them. Nonetheless, I'm not worried about them affecting laws. The US is a very meat-oriented country and they are a small organization, all things considered.

As far as people in PETA being crazy, insane, or unable to reason... well, that would be just like assuming based on those youtube videos that all Bearded Dragon owners are sadistic psychopaths. Some might be, but not all are. As a vegan, I can tell you that I have had many many omnivores attack my views in public and private sittings and tell me how stupid I am. The irony is that I am always clear to tell people it is a personal choice and not an indictment against their eating habits (or leather wearing). But, some "carnivores," just like some PETA members, are overly convinced that there way is the only way, a little defensive, and far to eager to start a fight.

Well I see no problem eating what you want to eat. Though I get defensive if someone tries to make me out as some kind of sadistic demon from hell just because I eat meat. You do not want to eat meat hey I have no problem with it if that is what you want to do. I can respect that but people should also respect that I eat meat which being an omnivore you can do either. Well ok actually not totally you would not do so well if you only ate meat. Also even so someone eating only veggies needs to eat some vegetables that have protein in it every needs that.

I understand there is many ways to eat and I don't care until they take the attitude of them being superior to me because of the eating habits they choose. If you don't want to eat meat you won't see me forcing you or anyone to eat it. I am neutral when it comes to that there is no real wrong way to eat. Unless of course you eat huge amounts of food becoming huge. But that can happen no matter what you eat if you eat like some people do.

I can see pushing to make meat animals kept and slaughtered in a less horrible manner. I mean keeping animals in bad conditions and loading them full of drugs to make them grow fast is not exactly an animal you want to eat the meat of. So it is better for the animal and better for the people eating the meat produced from that said animal.

But no pet ownership no use of animals at all? Common that is going to far. I mean I see evidence where PETA even classifies insects as animals. I mean to grow some fruits and vegetables you need the use of domesticated bees. So no use of animals would not only get rid of all meat but would also get rid of many fruits and veggies as well. So PETA's whole removing humans from using animals for any purpose thing is an all around bad idea.

They are even against getting an exterminator to kill an infestation of termites or rats. I am sorry but if there is creatures destroying my home I will hire someone to destroy them simple as that.

They may try to say they are not against pets but they are. If they say to stop breeding animals and only adopt animals in shelters and all those animals are made sterile then in 15 years that means no pets. Lets say all pet animals were made sterile today. By the time I am 40 since I am 25 now the world would be devoid of pets by the time I am 40.

Oh and why should everyone not have pets just because some people abuse them? The same could go for other things. Such as people should not have kids because some people abuse kids. Well that would mean the human race would go extinct would'nt it. Which I have seen evidence where PETAS ultimate goal is to have the human race be extinct.
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