Does this bother anyone else?

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Hatchling Member
I didn't say that you specifically had a problem with vegans. I said that, while I'm sure some PETA members are confrontational and obnoxious, so are some meat-eaters. There are a-holes in every bunch.

From my perspective, PETA doesn't stand for some of the things you seem to think they do (based on the literature I've gotten and their statement of positions on their website). But, I could certainly be misunderstanding, as could you.

In any case, I don't think your ability to own a pet, eat a burger, or hire an exterminator is likely to be threatened by PETA.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
sixxmum":eb2b9 said:
I didn't say that you specifically had a problem with vegans. I said that, while I'm sure some PETA members are confrontational and obnoxious, so are some meat-eaters. There are a-holes in every bunch.

From my perspective, PETA doesn't stand for some of the things you seem to think they do (based on the literature I've gotten and their statement of positions on their website). But, I could certainly be misunderstanding, as could you.

In any case, I don't think your ability to own a pet, eat a burger, or hire an exterminator is likely to be threatened by PETA.

Still you cannot deny that there intent is to indeed end pet ownership. I mean common you have to know making all of an animal sterile will mean eventual extinction. This is not just random info this is all stuff from PETA's website by the way. They clearly say they want the domestic pet breeds to be removed from existence.


Hatchling Member
Actually, I'm not sure I can't deny that, but we'll just have to agree to disagree there. Have a good night.


Sub-Adult Member
Oh and why should everyone not have pets just because some people abuse them? The same could go for other things. Such as people should not have kids because some people abuse kids. Well that would mean the human race would go extinct wouldn't it. Which I have seen evidence where PETAS ultimate goal is to have the human race be extinct.

Unfortunately it seems like the most neglectful parents are the ones having the most kids, and most of them never get a chance at a decent life because they get sucked into their parents crappy world. A bit of personal experience- my nephew - the oldest of my sister's four - is an animal hoarder and he is always buying little animals but has the worst animal husbandry so most of them end up dead in a month or two. It makes me sick, but he won't listen to anyone. There is no getting through to people who are crappy parents or pet owners.
Did you ever see that movie where everyone in the future is completely stupid? The sad truth is that it is probably not too unrealistic when you think about how this generation is mesmerized by the Hills and Paris Hilton. :puke: What is this country coming to? When I was a kid the only thing my parents let me watch on tv was Masterpiece theater and Nature so I always had my nose in a book. This new generation really scares me. If we keep destroying the environment, because we are too stupid and greedy to care, we won't have to worry about extremist groups because we will destroy ourselves! Then the roaches can take over the earth and PETA will be happy. hehe


Juvie Member
VEGASLIZARD":06753 said:
Oh and why should everyone not have pets just because some people abuse them? The same could go for other things. Such as people should not have kids because some people abuse kids. Well that would mean the human race would go extinct wouldn't it. Which I have seen evidence where PETAS ultimate goal is to have the human race be extinct.

Unfortunately it seems like the most neglectful parents are the ones having the most kids, and most of them never get a chance at a decent life because they get sucked into their parents crappy world. A bit of personal experience- my nephew - the oldest of my sister's four - is an animal hoarder and he is always buying little animals but has the worst animal husbandry so most of them end up dead in a month or two. It makes me sick, but he won't listen to anyone. There is no getting through to people who are crappy parents or pet owners.
Did you ever see that movie where everyone in the future is completely stupid? The sad truth is that it is probably not too unrealistic when you think about how this generation is mesmerized by the Hills and Paris Hilton. :puke: What is this country coming to? When I was a kid the only thing my parents let me watch on tv was Masterpiece theater and Nature so I always had my nose in a book. This new generation really scares me. If we keep destroying the environment, because we are too stupid and greedy to care, we won't have to worry about extremist groups because we will destroy ourselves! Then the roaches can take over the earth and PETA will be happy. hehe
Well said!


Hatchling Member
ghr15":9d31f said:
Plus why not test on rats? Rats have caused the death of many humans and they still do. So why not test on the disgusting flee bitten disease bags. Though the rat and mouse are the only animals I see who actually did something to deserve that.


But for worthwhile testing then animals should be used. I mean common rats they are rodents. Rodents are pretty much food for other animals. So really any rodents purpose really is to die or spend there whole life running from something trying to kill them. People are definitely worth more then rats.

Er, we've got three pet rats here. :? They are an immensely clean species, grooming themselves as often as our cats, maybe more so. They are also very intelligent, capable of learning tricks and maneuvering out of difficult "traps" and toys and cages. They have social hierarchies, too. Thus: smart.
I'm assuming you're referring to them as "disease bags" from the bubonic plague thing, but they actually just carried the disease-y fleas, if I remember right...

Anyway, as for the death row people, there are so many, aren't there? I doubt that scientists would run any risk of running out or wasting a subject.
And maybe the thought of doing so much eventual good for society would turn people off their bad deeds in the first place. :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
My rats won me first prize @ my high school science fair. Taught them to press a telegraph device to receive food. They are pretty smart, but if you think beardies can smell. My room smelled like a cesspool because I wasn't diligent about cleaning it their cage. They were clean, I was messy! I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Heck people even keep hissing roaches as pets, so every living thing has someone who loves it. The idea of people testing on any animal is upsetting. Even though you know that good can come out of it in the end, it doesn't make me feel any better about it.


Gray-bearded Member
ghr15":8f5d8 said:
Well they still need to do some tests on animals but sure death row inmates why kill them? Well unless the experiments kill them but if so who cares. But still you want to see if something is at least viable before you test on a death row inmate. I mean you do not want to waste the human test subject on something that for sure will not work. Plus why not test on rats? Rats have caused the death of many humans and they still do. So why not test on the disgusting flee bitten disease bags. Though the rat and mouse are the only animals I see who actually did something to deserve that.

But I also always thought why they do not use criminals for testing. Well the vicious ones who did something so horrible it disturbs anyone who even heard of what they did. Even so I can see how frivolous testing on animals for stupid crap is not something anyone should do. I have heard the way they test some things with animals and some things they do are donright retarded. Such as seeing if a cough syrup causes cancer they feed some animals nothing but the couch syrup then when they get cancer say "see we knew it caused cancer". Well Duh you give any living thing to much of something and they will get cancer I mean anyone can figure that out.

But for worthwhile testing then animals should be used. I mean common rats they are rodents. Rodents are pretty much food for other animals. So really any rodents purpose really is to die or spend there whole life running from something trying to kill them. People are definitely worth more then rats.

So besides the odd experimenting thing the rest of what PETA says is merely ramblings from an insane person. Ohh and those recruitment videos for PETA it did not even bother me in the slightest. Infact I actually while watching one ate a sandwich that was simply chicken beef and pork between 2 slices of bread and some cheese and mustard and it did not even affect my appetite. There is nothing PETA can throw at me that will bother me about eating meat. Infact some vids just made me hungry.

1. death row inmates aren't even worth classifying as animals let alone humans IMHO so I would absolutely vote using them for testing things. Think about it we pay them to sit in a clean fairly safe place, get 3 meals a day and do little to nothing because they were disgusting wastes of air and did things that put them where they are.

AND 2. My rats are cleaner then you so please get your facts straight before you insult them. They bath them selves every time they're touched, eat or sometimes just for no reason, they've never had fleas and they're more likely to run away then bite if spooked.
>Is highly sensitive about people labeling rats as vermin etc<

And My dad is banned from my apartment for saying exactly that bull spit. :angry5: :evil:

Peta does take it too far but some of their ideas I do agree with as long as they stay away from my meat. I eat veges but I wasn't meant to be a vegetarian. And their "meet your meat" video amused me more then anything else, I've rung chicken necks and picked out the cow I wanted for dinner so I knew that what they showed on that video was so outlandishly outdated that it was simply amusing.


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lacy_black":c4869 said:
ghr15":c4869 said:
Well they still need to do some tests on animals but sure death row inmates why kill them? Well unless the experiments kill them but if so who cares. But still you want to see if something is at least viable before you test on a death row inmate. I mean you do not want to waste the human test subject on something that for sure will not work. Plus why not test on rats? Rats have caused the death of many humans and they still do. So why not test on the disgusting flee bitten disease bags. Though the rat and mouse are the only animals I see who actually did something to deserve that.

But I also always thought why they do not use criminals for testing. Well the vicious ones who did something so horrible it disturbs anyone who even heard of what they did. Even so I can see how frivolous testing on animals for stupid crap is not something anyone should do. I have heard the way they test some things with animals and some things they do are donright retarded. Such as seeing if a cough syrup causes cancer they feed some animals nothing but the couch syrup then when they get cancer say "see we knew it caused cancer". Well Duh you give any living thing to much of something and they will get cancer I mean anyone can figure that out.

But for worthwhile testing then animals should be used. I mean common rats they are rodents. Rodents are pretty much food for other animals. So really any rodents purpose really is to die or spend there whole life running from something trying to kill them. People are definitely worth more then rats.

So besides the odd experimenting thing the rest of what PETA says is merely ramblings from an insane person. Ohh and those recruitment videos for PETA it did not even bother me in the slightest. Infact I actually while watching one ate a sandwich that was simply chicken beef and pork between 2 slices of bread and some cheese and mustard and it did not even affect my appetite. There is nothing PETA can throw at me that will bother me about eating meat. Infact some vids just made me hungry.

1. death row inmates aren't even worth classifying as animals let alone humans IMHO so I would absolutely vote using them for testing things. Think about it we pay them to sit in a clean fairly safe place, get 3 meals a day and do little to nothing because they were disgusting wastes of air and did things that put them where they are.

AND 2. My rats are cleaner then you so please get your facts straight before you insult them. They bath them selves every time they're touched, eat or sometimes just for no reason, they've never had fleas and they're more likely to run away then bite if spooked.
>Is highly sensitive about people labeling rats as vermin etc<

And My dad is banned from my apartment for saying exactly that bull spit. :angry5: :evil:

Peta does take it too far but some of their ideas I do agree with as long as they stay away from my meat. I eat veges but I wasn't meant to be a vegetarian. And their "meet your meat" video amused me more then anything else, I've rung chicken necks and picked out the cow I wanted for dinner so I knew that what they showed on that video was so outlandishly outdated that it was simply amusing.

Well don't try to tell me rodents are clean they are not. I had hamsters a Guinea pigs before they are really dirty.
Yeah they lick themselves some cleaning that is. Unless you give the rats baths every day no way are they cleaner. Since I shower every day that is definatly cleaner. Oh and rats are meant for bigger animals the eat them that is the purpose of rats and rodents to be eaten.

Also the life of a person is more valuable then a rat. but still using test rats on stupid stuff is not a good thing.

Also yes the meet you're meat amused me as well. It also strangely made me hungry.


Hatchling Member
Grrrrr....I am a HUGE animal lover and looked into joining PETA at one point and time. They are so caught up with nut case antics that they have sadly lost focus on what truly animals well being. By all mean shut down the puppy mills! Stop animal abuse! Relocate unwanted animals into homes they will be loved and adored! The fur thing is just wrong! How about passing a law that protects even slaughter animals from abuse. Yes they are going to become our dinner but it does not mean they should be treated with such extrema disregard. Make a law that it is more humane. Nope not PETA they do this instead...

Exclusive: PETA’s Pet Killing Program Set a New Record in 2008
Public Records: PETA Found Adoptive Homes for Less than 1 out of 300 Animals

Animal lovers worldwide now have access to more than a decade’s worth of proof that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) kills thousands of defenseless pets at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. Since 1998, PETA has opted to “put down” 21,339 adoptable dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens instead of finding homes for them.

PETA’s “Animal Record” report for 2008, filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shows that the animal rights group killed 95 percent of the dogs and cats in its care last year. During all of 2008, PETA found adoptive homes for just seven pets.

Just seven animals -- out of the 2,216 it took in. PETA just broke its own record.

Why would an animal rights group secretly kill animals at its headquarters? PETA’s continued silence on the matter makes it hard to say for sure. But from a cost-saving standpoint, PETA’s hypocrisy isn’t difficult to understand: Killing adoptable cats and dogs – and storing the bodies in a walk-in freezer until they can be cremated – requires far less money and effort than caring for the pets until they are adopted.

PETA has a $32 million annual budget. But instead of investing in the lives of the thousands of flesh and blood creatures in its care, the group spends millions on media campaigns telling Americans that eating meat, drinking milk, fishing, hunting, wearing leather shoes, and benefiting from medical research performed on lab rats are all “unethical.”

The bottom line: PETA’s leaders care more about cutting into their advertising budget than finding homes for the nearly six pets they kill on average, every single day.

The Virginia Beach SPCA, just down the road from PETA’s Norfolk headquarters, manages to adopt out the vast majority of the animals in its care. And it does it on a shoestring budget.

Years of public outrage has not been enough to convince PETA to eliminate its pet eradication program.

Now the death toll of animals in PETA’s care has reached 21,339, including more than 2,000 pets last year. That’s not an animal charity. It’s a slaughterhouse.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
SuperMom30":dde30 said:
Grrrrr....I am a HUGE animal lover and looked into joining PETA at one point and time. They are so caught up with nut case antics that they have sadly lost focus on what truly animals well being. By all mean shut down the puppy mills! Stop animal abuse! Relocate unwanted animals into homes they will be loved and adored! The fur thing is just wrong! How about passing a law that protects even slaughter animals from abuse. Yes they are going to become our dinner but it does not mean they should be treated with such extrema disregard. Make a law that it is more humane. Nope not PETA they do this instead...

Exclusive: PETA’s Pet Killing Program Set a New Record in 2008
Public Records: PETA Found Adoptive Homes for Less than 1 out of 300 Animals

Animal lovers worldwide now have access to more than a decade’s worth of proof that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) kills thousands of defenseless pets at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. Since 1998, PETA has opted to “put down” 21,339 adoptable dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens instead of finding homes for them.

PETA’s “Animal Record” report for 2008, filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shows that the animal rights group killed 95 percent of the dogs and cats in its care last year. During all of 2008, PETA found adoptive homes for just seven pets.

Just seven animals -- out of the 2,216 it took in. PETA just broke its own record.

Why would an animal rights group secretly kill animals at its headquarters? PETA’s continued silence on the matter makes it hard to say for sure. But from a cost-saving standpoint, PETA’s hypocrisy isn’t difficult to understand: Killing adoptable cats and dogs – and storing the bodies in a walk-in freezer until they can be cremated – requires far less money and effort than caring for the pets until they are adopted.

PETA has a $32 million annual budget. But instead of investing in the lives of the thousands of flesh and blood creatures in its care, the group spends millions on media campaigns telling Americans that eating meat, drinking milk, fishing, hunting, wearing leather shoes, and benefiting from medical research performed on lab rats are all “unethical.”

The bottom line: PETA’s leaders care more about cutting into their advertising budget than finding homes for the nearly six pets they kill on average, every single day.

The Virginia Beach SPCA, just down the road from PETA’s Norfolk headquarters, manages to adopt out the vast majority of the animals in its care. And it does it on a shoestring budget.

Years of public outrage has not been enough to convince PETA to eliminate its pet eradication program.

Now the death toll of animals in PETA’s care has reached 21,339, including more than 2,000 pets last year. That’s not an animal charity. It’s a slaughterhouse.

Here is why they kill so many they want to remove humans using animals for anything including pets. They have intent to make the domesticated dog and cat extinct. They want all uses for animals gone that is why they do not try for any reasonable stuff. Because what they want is not reasonable and is downright insane. So they want us all the be pet less vegans that use animals for no purpose at all. Oh and they even consider insects as animals so they are even against using for instance bees to pollinate crops. Which is needed to grow allot of fruits.

Also yes I agree it is a slaughter house. Some peta people have said that they would rather kill an animal then see it being a pet. It should really be called IPEDA which stands for Insane People for the Extermination of Domesticated Animals. That is there purpose anyone who does not think so does not have there eyes open to what is really going on.

That is why it concerns me an organization run buy crazy people cannot be a good thing. Also if they are being extreme now what is next? What is to stop them from all of a sudden bombing slaughter houses or pet stores or some other such thing? But the thing is if stupid people would stop giving money to PETA they would no longer be an issue because the organization of PETA would be no more.


Hatchling Member

I'm speechless...where did you get all that info? That is pretty sad. It makes my heart ache. A comment about the SPCA facilities...I think most have pretty good success...where I am from anyway because a lot of people tend to want to adopt first and it is because of all the kind hearted people volunteering their time to the SPCA'a and humane societies. I wonder if PETA has trouble adopting out animals because of their rep? I actually did not even know that they did adopt out animals. Around here we just see the humane society advertisements and donation boxes. Maybe they feel advertisement is better spent on their shock videos rather than adoption campaigns ?


Hatchling Member
It was in the news...there is a BUNCH of new story's about them causing animal death. There a bunch of ****** I'm just glad I do my research :study: before donating any cash to places like that. I found my time and money would be better spent on things I could do something about, so I decided to volunteer at a rescue shelter and retrain problem dogs in my spare time. This way they are more adoptable and I didn't even have to stand out by the road naked with a picket sign lol.

I agree, a life with out animals in it wouldn't be any kind of life at all. Every time I have a rotten day all I have to do is come home to my four legged baby's and it just melts away. I do believe some animals should be left as wild animals only but why in the world would anyone want to do away with dogs, cats, dragons, horses ect.. They touch so many peoples hearts and souls and in return us responsible pet owners give them a life full of love and put them up on a pedestal where they belong. I really wish people would stop sending these nut jobs money and get these wackos shut down for good...PET LOVERS UNITE!!!



Gray-bearded Member
I don't understand how you can say rats are dirty. Yes I own a guinea pig who's blind, she does need cleaned every few days because she makes a mess, I'm getting into breeding hamsters again because they will be snake food and they also can become dirty if the owner is lazy.

My rats all have a spot picked out where they do their business, I didn't train them it's just what they do naturally. They shouldn't be given baths because it's unhealthy for their natural oils and it terrifies them more then its worth.
I suppose on this we have to agree to disagree, I feel my rats are much more important then those "humans" who are on death row, I don't even see them as humans anymore, they lost that rating in my mind. I feel they should be used for testing products on or fried, simple as that. not left to be a financial burden on decent people, they gave up the rights when they did the crime.

Peta, same as other organizations started out a good idea but unfortunately became just another problem to deal with.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
lacy_black":f29d4 said:
I don't understand how you can say rats are dirty. Yes I own a guinea pig who's blind, she does need cleaned every few days because she makes a mess, I'm getting into breeding hamsters again because they will be snake food and they also can become dirty if the owner is lazy.

My rats all have a spot picked out where they do their business, I didn't train them it's just what they do naturally. They shouldn't be given baths because it's unhealthy for their natural oils and it terrifies them more then its worth.
I suppose on this we have to agree to disagree, I feel my rats are much more important then those "humans" who are on death row, I don't even see them as humans anymore, they lost that rating in my mind. I feel they should be used for testing products on or fried, simple as that. not left to be a financial burden on decent people, they gave up the rights when they did the crime.

Peta, same as other organizations started out a good idea but unfortunately became just another problem to deal with.

Where did I say the guys on death row are more important then rats? Death row people are actually about as important as dirt. When I say a rat is not as important as a human being I mean decent people. Inmates may be the same phiscally to a human being but are not in my eyes really human. Still if used as test subjects they sort of become a commodity where you don't want to run out. It is not that you care about them. You just want to use them for things really needing testing as opposed to something that is not really known to do anything. Nothing wrong with doing something that kills the inmates but you want to actually use the testing opportunity wisely. There may be allot but not that many when it comes to stuff like this.

But why fry them when you can do tests on them? Yes I agree they gave up there rights when doing a heinous horrible crime. But really for them death is too good for them. It is better to keep them as test subjects where they are begging to be put out of there misery but never are.

But still you want to use animal testing first to see if it is even possible before using the inmate test subjects.

Also I do not think PETA ever had good intentions. There intentions of eradication of domesticated animals and using animals for any purpose was always and always will be there agenda. Oh and the Guinea pigs and hamsters I had were cleaned every day and they still stunk and there cages were really messy and stinky after just 1 day. So that is why I say rodents are dirty. Because the ones I had were dirty.
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