Curiousity about good behavior and acclimating Uro to being held without stress.


Beardie name(s)
Arlo the Uromastyx
I am curious and seeking extra advice as I have a new little guy named Arlo. He is my first lizard I got him on Sunday July 10th. He's been kind of suspiciously relaxed and eating just fine since I got him which I'm happy about! Still some glass surfing but thats to be expected. He loves when I place food around his tank for him to find. Arlo is good, I just want some extra advice on how to approach him in a way that is comfortable after he has a good routine and has settled. Any advice on handling and how to build trust with Arlo? Hand feeding tips would be great too!


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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Arlo the Uromastyx
I am curious and seeking extra advice as I have a new little guy named Arlo. He is my first lizard I got him on Sunday July 10th. He's been kind of suspiciously relaxed and eating just fine since I got him which I'm happy about! Still some glass surfing but thats to be expected. He loves when I place food around his tank for him to find. Arlo is good, I just want some extra advice on how to approach him in a way that is comfortable after he has a good routine and has settled. Any advice on handling and how to build trust with Arlo? Hand feeding tips would be great too!
Side note: He watches me a lot! Is that normal? 😅

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Hi there,

Uros typically are harder to tame than beardies. Calcifer took me near a year to get tamed, although admittedly I wasn't being as consistent with my efforts as I could have been.

Either way, it's the same as taming any lizard - Time, patience, and baby steps. There are no real rules or guides, but there are tips that can help.

  • If he is really frightened of you, you can try to start interacting/holding him when he is tired/cold. They are less likely to fight/run when they are in this state.
  • Don't try to pick him up by coming overhead. Most lizards see this as a threat because it is similar to a bird. Try to bring your hand to him low and from the side.
  • Be consistent.
If his previous owner handled him, he likely is already tamed, or will be easier to tame.

I can tell you he already is acting a lot different than Calcifer did, which leads me to believe Arlo is comfortable around people, and will be quite easy to tame if he isn't already.


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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
She was having a staring contest with a mealworm. I guess I never taught her to not play with her food, lol.
bro went to bed already, it’s 10:36 pm
Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.

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