Broly the new super saiyan beardie


Gray-bearded Member
You're lucky Broly eats his salad, and yes, we know that Puff "should" eat greens, but Puff doesn't seem to know that, and he's had his own ideas about what he likes to eat for the past 3 years. He was around a year old when we got him, and for the first year we had him, he would attack his salad like he was afraid it was going to get away. But ever since he got sick in late 2014, his appetite for greens has never come back up to what it used to be, until now, all of a sudden. He's been chowing down on his salad almost every day, often twice a day, for probably almost a week now, just like he used to. Go figure. Don't get me wrong -- not to "look a gift horse in the mouth" -- I'll take it! :D

(I'm expecting him to go hormonal any day now -- I have a feeling that's what's coming next. :wink: )

You don't have to be autistic to say something as a joke and hurt someone's feelings -- it seems to happen to all of us at one time or other. My mother's parents were poor immigrants and I think she was ashamed of that, and one time she got into a big fight with her mother and started telling her that she was a "Polish immigrant," not a real American, and my grandmother got really upset. I was just an ornery little kid, probably somewhere between 5 and 10 years old, and I started calling Grandma a Polish immigrant just to get a rise out of her, and she got really angry with me. At first she wouldn't forgive me when I realized that she was really hurt for some reason, and I tried to make up with her. The sad thing was that at the time, I did not even know what the word "immigrant" meant -- I didn't even know how to pronounce it right. Now I understand -- both of my grandparents on my mother's side probably came to American as refugees from WWI (as far as we know). They worked hard and made the best life for themselves and their children that they possibly could, and we should have all been proud of them, but back then, I didn't get it either. Kids can be cruel, but most of the time they don't really mean to be -- they just don't know any better. We probably all need to forgive ourselves for the mean stuff we did when we were that young.

It sounds like cold viruses do pretty much the same thing to you that they usually do to me -- By the time the sore throat and nausea are gone, and the laryngitis sets in, I'm usually feeling better even though I sound horrible when I talk, so I have to tell people that I feel better than I sound. Luckily, I haven't had one of those viruses lately -- not since last fall, if I remember correctly. They're not fun. Glad you're feeling better.

Not too much wind for us today -- just cloudy and kind of sloppy with temperatures just above freezing, so the snow is trying to melt. We're out of crickets, so if my husband gets home from work early enough and if the roads aren't too bad he's going to do the run to Petco. But if not, we still have some roaches so Puff won't miss his big weekend bug meal. And there's always Repashy Grub Pie, although I'm starting to think that in Puff's case, that's probably a better thing to keep around for a laxative in case he gets constipated. :roll:

I hope you and all your critters get through the storm ok.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

We get through fine just some flickering lights.
Wind isn't as bad as the news said.

The whole saying things mean is what Aspergers does. I've looked up the symptoms a million times. Been medically diagnosed so obviously I didn't try to diagnose myself. Not saying people who are not autistic can't say mean things. Because they can. I have to go back to that dr here soon. Social Security is setting up an appointment. They want to ascess me again like it goes away :roll:. It doesn't goes away...they still want to anyway. It's been 3 yrs so Idk what I did or said to get in. The dr will ask money problems like you're in 3rd grade. Ya know, count coins to make a dollar and like a dollar and two dimes. I was soo bad as I was under pressure to count correctly. I failed it. That's what probably got me in. I can't count money for my life! I hate this! If they ascess me and get kicked out of social security. We gotta go through the whole process again as I can't work. It sucked the first time. Going to the social security building filling out papers, phone interview with a worker. I got extremely agitated that they had me come to the ss building to do the interview. Right now, we're just waiting for the date they have the appointment set up. It's sad when you're 30 and you can't count money. It's hard under pressure...I can do it if nobody asks.

As for the salads, I kept being persistent especially through his picky stage. I gave him salads as a baby and he ate them as well as bugs. More protein than plants. He still has his picky/won't eat days. Im still persistent with veggies/greens. Not one day goes by that I don't give him any veggies or greens. Im not saying you haven't tried with your 5 yo boy. When's he turn 6? Broly will be 4 next Jan. Jamie will be 5 in September. Kane will be 2 in July.


Gray-bearded Member
It's always nice when the weather turns out not to be as bad as the forecast said it was going to be. :)

On the other hand, my sister says that after shoveling 18 inches of "partly cloudy" out of her driveway, she doesn't pay attention to the weather forecasts anymore... :wink:

Dealing with government agencies is just so much "fun." :banghead: So they make you jump through all those hoops and stress you out and make your disability even worse, just to prove that you have a disability -- makes a lot of sense, right? :roll: Maybe I'm lucky (blessing in disguise?) that I'm not eligible for disability benefits under the social security system (how I ended up in that situation is a pretty long complicated story), at least as long as we can just barely make ends meet on my husband's salary and our savings, and our parents' help (while they were still alive). At least I don't have to deal with all that hassle, although I'll be able to file for SS retirement benefits in another year, but I'll get more $ if I can wait longer. It will depend on my husband's employment situation at the time. I had similar problems when I was still working -- I could be doing a project and getting along just fine, and I might be done by, say, 2pm, but the minute I have some supervisor needing me to promise that I'll have it done by 3pm, forget it. I guess people like you and me can only get things done if we're allowed to do it on our own terms. My own description of my disability is "can no longer consistently perform to someone else's expectations." They don't seem to be able to come up with a good diagnosis, but they usually settle on "cyclothymia" just to have something to put on the insurance forms, and meds (as well as psychotherapy, for that matter) either make me crazier than I already am or they don't work at all, so I do without.

No offense taken about beardies and salads. I think we both know that we both know that we both do the best we can to get our beardies to eat a balanced diet (hope you can follow that, bcuz I'm not sure if I can :? ). Meanwhile, Puff is still eating greens, even a few hours after "Daddy" stuffed him with plenty of bugs yesterday. He made a big mess this morning -- he seems to be playing with his salad now, but I think he still eats some in the process. Also poops more often -- nice little greenish turds, still pretty soft with lots of liquid, but not quite so sloppy. More green fiber in his diet. :mrgreen: Like you, we always make sure that he has a salad in his tank. My husband makes them for him whenever I'm not up to it, so between the two of us, Puff gets what he needs even when "Mommy" has a bad day.

Actually, my bearded dragon probably eats a better diet than I do, even when he's finicky about the veggies. :oops:

Puff was a rescue, so we don't know his exact birthday ("hatch day"? whatever), but we'll start calling him 6 years old sometime next month. We adopted him in April 5 years ago, and they told us he was about a year old then, and the vet agreed that was probably about right.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yet another bout of Why can't I keep away from them?! Now it's viral LARYNGITIS! First was pharyngitis now laryngitis. My voice is completely gone, tonsils are inflammed and pus all over them again. Runny nose, coughing and watery eyes. See? The colds I get seem to ACT like allergies. In the end, they're not. It's pretty bad because I do pet my hamster and guinea pigs. Knock on wood, they don't have RI. I've been lucky.

It's been very nice the last few days. It's still chilly but sun is out and is looking like spring. Usually spring consists of winter weather. It rains at night for right now. Eventually, it will come back where it rains till June. May if we're lucky.

Dragons are gaining weight back. I fed them at at 1, every dragon will be weighed. My gargoyle and tokay gecko too. Leopards and skink (Capaldi) tomorrow. Im OCD about cleaning so I wash my hands in between animals. I do weigh my hamster and guinea pigs. It's a every other month deal. Ash is an old lady hammy I make sure she's experiencing less stress in her old age.

Broly shed off his back and lips. His foot and part of his leg are white. Part of his tail is now dark. Of course he passes Well at least, I know why weight is lowered if anything.


Gray-bearded Member
Allergies and viruses at the same time are no fun. I seem to be able to get through either one fairly decently most of the time even though they make me fairly miserable for a while, but I figured out a while back that if I have a bad case of both at the same time, I'm liable to end up in the emergency room sucking on one of those nebulizers because I can't breathe, so I hope you get better soon. I guess it will still be ok for you to cuddle your reptiles -- as far as I know, there are no human viruses that reptiles can catch.

I can usually tell the difference between allergies and a cold, but I think the allergies probably make you more susceptible to the colds. Yeah, it sucks... :(

We're not out of the woods with weather yet around here -- daytime temperatures slightly above freezing but still below freezing at night, with a little snow and rain predicted. It will make a big sloppy mess for a while as the snow and ice melts. We call it "breakup" and it gets pretty ugly -- lots of things that really should have stayed frozen start defrosting, but we like it anyway because it means that summer is just around the corner. :wink:

Puff is still pigging out on his greens several times a day and pooping in his tank as often as once a day -- big change for the better for him, more work for me cleaning up after him, but I'm not complaining. I guess this is going to be the "new normal," although I don't know for how long it's going to last. I'm starting to wonder if he's been in "semi-brumation" for like the last 3 years? :?

OCD can sometimes be beneficial if it's justified -- washing your hands between animals is a good thing. We try to remember to wash our hands before and after handling Puff, especially if it involves poop. In my case, I'm OCD about making sure doors are locked, but I remind my husband that I believe it's justified, especially given the uptick in crime that we've had in our neighborhood lately. I think he gets a little tired of me checking the locks as often as I do (house, car, etc). :roll:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Being OCD isn't too fun just makes me clean.
I also have a routine for everything. If I don't have my routine the way I want I get upset. I wash dishes and take the trash out at a certain time. I feed animals at a certain time as well. I can't miss or I get mad. So let's say I feed at 5pm and I go over it Im mad. It doesn't ruin my night but I like the way I run things. It's not fun to be mad because I mess up. Being sick is no different I keep on with my routine. It's definitely Aspergers. Im not using it as a "crutch" as I once was accused of. In school, kids said I used it as a crutch not to do something. I didn't know I even had it then. They called it autism at the age of 3. Basically I used autism as a crutch. Yeah well...I didn't. I sleep every night at 4 and wake up at 10. I know it's a horrid sleep schedule. I have insomnia. As a kid I was forced to sleep at 9 though. I actually didn't sleep till midnight and woke up at 6 to eat and get dressed. I was slow in the morning so my parents had to get me up two hours early for school. My elementary didn't start till 830 which at home get up at 630. I wasn't even far from school. 530 when I got into jr high. I kept the same time into high school. I wasn't any better as I got older. Im still slow to this day. I get up to feed every day I can't be lazy and let Tom do all the work. I was raised to pull my weight to help. He already deals with sick animals all day long. He doesn't want to come home to a dirty house and animals not taken care of. He appreciates what I get done for the day.

That was a TLDR...

Short version of lizards: they're all fed and picked up after.
Victor is fine he's still singing and talking.


Gray-bearded Member
Yeah, it's no fun for me either. I'll be all settled down in bed reading a book or falling asleep, and then all of a sudden I have to get up and go make sure I locked all the doors for the night. I have these little mental rituals I go through to memorize the date and time that I checked the locks so that I don't forget if I did it and then have to go check again. Cleanliness, not so much in my case, and with my background in biology, you'd think I'd be a germophobe, but somehow that just didn't happen. My house would probably be cleaner and healthier if I were a little more OCD about stuff like that than I am, but I always liked a little wall plaque that my mother had -- It said, "My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy." :mrgreen:

I've been accused of using my mental condition as a "crutch" too -- even by my own sisters. I get, "Are you sure you're not just telling yourself that?" or, "Yeah, we're burned out too, but we can't afford to quit our jobs." (Neither could I, but I had to anyway.) We're all retired now (I get to call myself "retired" now that I'm over 60), so I don't get that so much from them anymore, and I've learned not to bring it up.

You and me both with the sleep thing too -- my circadian rhythms don't belong on this planet, so I sleep whenever I'm tired and get up whenever I feel like I have enough energy to do a few things. But I've tried keeping track this month and it's turning out that I'm actually getting about 8 hours of "sleep" (not always good quality sleep) per 24 hour period, just not all at the same time. So I don't know if I should call that "insomnia" or "non-24."

I wish I could "pull my own weight" (because I've got a lot of weight to pull :roll: ), so that my husband would be able to kick back and have dinner and go to bed when he comes home from work, but he almost always has to help me with critter care. He's willing to do it though -- he loves Puff (and loved Squirmles, when he was still alive) as much as I do. And believe it or not, he appreciates the little that I'm able to do, no matter how little. We've both got good husbands. :) :)

Puff is still stuffing greens in the front end and pooping out the back end almost every day -- like someone flipped a switch. He's more alert and active too -- almost like a different beardie. Gets excited when he sees me knitting -- probably thinks the yarn is worms. :lol:

I was wondering about Victor -- nice to hear he's still singing and talking and doing well. Is he learning any new songs or words? Does he listen when you practice with the guitar?

And BTW, that wasn't such a bad "TLDR" -- I think some of mine get much worse. :wink:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Victor sings Dr Who theme. He's learned Jurassic Park from the guitar and Mario. Tom plays Mario on the Wii. Victor is hilarious! He's learned Power Rangers (old 90s version). He dances to Alice Cooper. I don't think he knows the words though. He learned Pokemon (older stuff). I put on YouTube and select songs I like or grew up with. He's learned what I like and he asks for a song. I put it on first and he's happy to hear anything else. He still does phone calls and car horns/alarms. He's a sweet guy.

Victor is smarter than us apparently. I read birds are smarter.

I got two new snails. Pichu has passed away a few months ago. I just don't always report it. People here like reptiles more. Feeding them collards is hard as hell! They're always in the wrong spots LOL. They're trolling me!


Gray-bearded Member
I can't imagine Victor doing the Dr Who theme -- can he actually imitate the eerie electronic sounds? So now I'm thinking that if he ever learns to do that weird grinding noise that the TARDIS makes when it materializes (I think River Song once said it's because he runs it with the brakes on :lol: ), he might be able to trick you into thinking that The Doctor is about to pop up somewhere in your house. :wink: Anyway, Victor sounds like he's lots of fun to have around if he doesn't drive you crazy...

Did the beardies ever get used to the human voice coming from the bird or do they still look at him like "WTF?"

My father in law (God rest his soul) used to talk about how smart some species of birds are (especially parrots and members of the crow family, including ravens, magpies, jays, etc). Some of them can remember thousands of locations where they've cached food for the winter, and he summed it all up by saying, "And I can't even remember where I put my car keys half the time."

So how many snails do you have all together now? I've seen them in tanks at pet stores, but I've never gotten around to learning much about what all it takes to keep them happy and healthy if you have one (or more). I guess there are both aquatic and terrestrial species, and that would make a difference, and I think some people try to create a whole aquatic ecosystem in their fish tanks, and I understand that it often includes snails, but that's about all I "know" -- and I could be wrong about all that as well. I've never tried to keep any aquatic pets (unless you count the few days with that one little fish that my husband thought our snake would eat) because the idea of having to maintain the water chemistry has always scared me away. So I admire anyone who is willing and able to do aquatics and/or amphibians and molluscs.

Puff is "stalking" his salad again at the moment -- pounces on it like he's afraid it's going to get away, just like he used to over 3 years ago. More details about that over on my Puff H. Bailey blog. And I just got a whiff of... sure enough. Nice big sloppy one in the tank, and he's looking at me like, "Turn off that stupid computer and get busy and clean this up!" So I guess that's what I better go do... :mrgreen: (This is becoming a daily thing lately. You can't change the laws of physics: More greens/fiber in = more poop out.)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

He does the eerie electronic sounds too. I know this bird sounds too good to be true. It also sounds like Im making it up. He can't do the grinding noise. It's impossible for anyone to do it. Im not making it up. I need a working vid camera. My phone isn't the best choice. Im always on my phone so maybe I can find deals on cameras. He sings Japanese songs at times because we put on Japanese music. It's how I learned some of the language that way. Mostly anime theme songs. I still like anime.

Tom and I have dinner with his brother and his girlfriend later today. I'll feed the animals before I go. Early dinner for them.

The dragons don't care for Victor making human voices. They pay him no mind.

I have 14 snails (some have bred). I sold some babies. I have some in my guppy tank and dwarf frog tank. So 7 in each tank. So it's not overstocked. I guess you admire me huh? I have salt water tank too. 4 snowflake eels, 3 seahorses, one starfish, 8 crabs, 2 blue damsels and 2 yellow tangs. They're happy animals. My tangs wanted to breed. No eggs yet. It's a huge 150gal tank so rarely any attacks. Since his dad passed away, Kingy has ruled the tank with his mom and sister. We have a new snowflake eel. He's a timid guy right now. He stays away from the other eels. I don't think the existing family has accepted him yet. He's still happy though. He swims by them occasionally. They like to patrol the starfish for some odd reason. They make sure she's good so they take off. I guess everyone can fend for themselves but maybe the starfish cant. Idk.


Gray-bearded Member
As I understand, they made that sound by dragging keys over piano wire and then doing some fancy remixing and filtering and whatever with the recording, trying to come up with something for what a time machine might sound like. It's no wonder that nothing and nobody can imitate it.

I haven't been watching any anime lately, but I like it too -- especially the artwork. I love the way they draw the characters. But I need the voices to speak English, or I can't keep track of what's going on. I think they dub some of it when they show it here -- that's why their lips don't move at the same time that you hear them say the words, but it's not as badly noticeable as with live action.

So Victor is bilingual, huh?

Yes I do admire you, being able to find the energy to take care of all those critters. Your 150 gallon fish tank is bigger than my beardie's tank (125 gal) and I can barely manage that filled with air, let alone water. Your big tank must weigh a ton! And I'd suppose that maintaining the water chemistry in a salt water tank is even more complicated. It's amazing that you've been able to set up and maintain an environment where they can all get along and stay healthy and happy.

Happy Spring -- sunny day here today, and slowly getting "warmer" (relatively speaking). Puff is still pigging out on his salads several times a day and pooping about once a day. Life is pretty good. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Victor isn't bilingual he just happened to pick up a few words and phrases. He mostly speaks english. He can't speak full on japanese every day. He doesn't like Texas Chainsaw Massacre that's for sure. He was resting on Toms lap and Leatherface revved up his chainsaw and Victor took off! He flew upstairs. Im not too scared of these types of movies. It's freaky though. Tom calmed Victor down and was able to get him to watch the movie. We turned down the volume. He stayed on Tom the rest of the movie. He was so startled still shaking. I didn't think it was THAT loud. The volume was at 16...Idk I guess the chainsaw is loud. My left ear is deaf so what do I know?! Because of my left ear, Tom listens to everyone's breathing for RI.

Im thinking our last and only hamster, Ash, is developing cancer in her stomach region. Im not too sure but her stomach doesn't feel right to me. Tom can take her to get xrays but she's already old and he's worried the stress of all that and being woken up in day could kill her faster than the assumption of cancer. He will take her if she's showing any signs of pain. He decided it's best to leave her be. She is drinking and eating, she's able to use the bathroom. She doesn't run much because she wobbles (which came first) when she walks. She does attempt to run up my arms when her cage door is open. She seems happy when she's up. She's acting normal. Cancer doesn't need her to act different but whatever. I don't think she needs to go to the vet they probably can't cut it out of her anyway. I know one guy who did but his hamster died two weeks after having vets take cancer out of it. I suppose it ain't worth it. She's such a small animal vets are probably hesitant.

Broly still shedding most parts of his body. He's grumpy but gaining all his weight back 557g. Over winter altogether adding up all the weight he lost 20g. Not 20g in one week just adding up all the weight over winter he dropped. The total was 20g. Not bad considering he still did eat something over winter.

Kane is shedding chest and belly not his back. He lost 17g over winter he gained it back and is 567g. Kane is 25" long.

Jamie shed her back and now her tail is coming up. She lost 23g over winter. She's up to 511g. She's working it back up. She's not as big as Kane. She's 20" like Broly.

Aw, thanks for admiring! Nobody admires much what I do. Well Tom does. He worries I'll get sick much stress of getting things done. Housework and animals. It's hell keeping saltwater tank in perfect condition. I started this hobby after my freshwater tank 29 gal (was fresh water) had succumbed to a nasty bacterial infection called columnaris or cotton mouth disease or mouth rot. Basically fish version of mouth rot. I tried stopping it with meds. I thought i killed it off. Added rot was just growing slowly on them. Completely tore it down, bleached the S out of it. Recycled as a salt water tank starting with damsels (who I still have). ...just some of the fish I had in the 29 that was in the cottom mouth tank. I switched them all to the 150 gal. My 29's in the basement. The tank will be used one day. Idk when or what will be in there. Cotton mouth is gone. You look up cotton mouth or easier to type columnaris you'll see the S I dealt with. It's usually fatal. I lost all my fish...except for two betta fish who are dead now. I was's a horrible disease and feeling to see them suffer and I didn't realize till it was too late. So yeah, Im terribly paranoid about my tanks. I set up a skimmer on all my does something I forget what right now. I had an all nighter...didn't sleep till 7a. I kept having panic attacks. Idk what triggered wasn't the movie if anyone was wondering. I been watching horror movies since I was 4 yrs old. That's what mom tells me at least.


Gray-bearded Member
I hate to admit it, but I'm pretty wimpy myself when it comes to horror movies. Dr Who is about all the "horror" that I can stand, and only because it's mixed in with lots of science fiction, magic, and time travel -- I find time travel especially intriguing. :mrgreen:

I haven't seen any of the chainsaw massacre movies, but if I did, I'd probably react pretty much the same way that Victor did -- except that I wouldn't even be able to run up the stairs, let alone fly. :lol: I'd have to find somewhere else to hide. :oops:

My husband has tested as somewhat hard of hearing but our current "health insurance" (such as it is) won't pay for hearing aids. Meanwhile, the volume on the TV has to be uncomfortably loud for me in order for him to be able to hear it, so we compromise as best we can. Luckily, loud noises don't seem to bother Puff as long as he's in familiar surroundings.

It sounds like Ash is not suffering so Tom may be right about letting her spend whatever time she has left in peace. Sometimes it's not worth it to use "heroic measures" with elderly animals (or people, for that matter) just to keep them alive for a little longer, especially if it's going to cause them unnecessary pain and/or stress. It kind of reminds me of my father in law -- he was in "hospice care" for the last couple of years of his life. They knew he was dying, so they were just trying to keep him comfortable, but not trying to do anything drastic to keep him alive. So you do what you can to make their life as pleasant as possible and help them enjoy whatever time they have left, but sometimes it is best to just let nature take its course.

It also sounds like all your beardies are at nice healthy sizes and weights. I don't think a 20-odd gram loss over winter brumation is anything to worry about -- heck, they can lose that much after a big poop. Kane is a big one -- if I remember correctly, I think you said he's a German Giant.

I haven't measured lately, but Puff is on the small side. I don't think his length is any more than 18 inches. We don't weigh him on a regular basis at home -- we have a little scale but I don't think it's really accurate enough. His annual exam is due next month so he'll get weighed at the vet's. I figure he's probably somewhere around 520-540 grams.

I think we're both lucky that we have husbands who appreciate what we do, but yours has a lot more to appreciate than mine does.

So I googled columnaris -- Yikes! :shock: :cry: No kidding -- anyone who has any feeling at all for fish would be traumatized by something like that. It sounds nightmarish. Something like that would be worse than any horror movie because it's your own critters that you care about and because it's real.

I looked up aquarium skimmers too, because I was curious. At first glance without a whole lot of in-depth reading :study: , apparently it's for removing excessive protein and/or other organic crud from the water so the tank stays cleaner. Probably a very good thing to have for your fish tanks.

I hope you can get some decent sleep when you need it. I have trouble getting regular sleep or good quality sleep too -- I seem to have too much garbage going on in my brain. I sometimes say that I don't really have a "train of thought" -- I have a bunch of little "bumper cars," but if they ever slow down and line back up into a "train," then that's about when the "locomotive runs out of steam" and slows down and stops (aka depression), but sometimes that's about the only time I can get any decent sleep, so I'm still trying to learn to do what I can when I can, and rest when I get tired. One thing that will trigger a "panic attack" (I'm not sure if that's what it is but I don't know what else to call it) for me is to start thinking about all the things I have to do that aren't getting done because I'm too tired or too depressed (or whatever) to make myself get up and do them. It goes something like this: "I HAVE to do this; I CAN'T do this; AND I CAN'T ask or allow anyone else to do this for me, and someone or something is going to suffer because of it." (For example, Puff needs to be fed, bathed, cleaned up after, etc, and I'm not up to it...) So there's no way out of that dilemma and I freak out unless I can remind myself that I really don't HAVE to do whatever it is RIGHT NOW, and that I can ask my husband for help when he gets home, and that I'll just have to live with the fact that he isn't necessarily going to do it exactly MY WAY (being a control freak doesn't help). So I think I may have the beginnings of a "coping strategy," but I can't always make it work. Fortunately I don't have to worry about not getting enough sleep at night, because I don't have a job, so I can sleep during the day if I need to (one of the many reasons I'm out of the work force for good). So instead of laying there awake worrying about not being able to get enough sleep, I just get up and do something quiet so I don't keep my husband awake, because he does need to get enough sleep so he can go to work the next day. Sometimes we get to talking and when he falls asleep while I'm still talking, I tell myself that I need to "shut up or get up" so that he can get his sleep and so that I can use whatever energy I have to do something productive. Besides, the poor guy blames himself for not being a good listener when he's dead tired. :oops:

Oooh, another TLDR. In the meantime, Puff gave up waiting for his good morning cuddle and went "downstairs" to attack his salad. :wink:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yes, columnaris is a beast! It's very nightmarish. Of course if you catch it early (which looks like fungus and often mistaken for it) it's treatable. My betta fish (male and female) survived the nightmare. Betta and one snail (at the time) all three lived.

Well, it snowed last night. It didn't stick but it was definitely cold as heck. I felt bad but the spider had to go outside. It only came in because it IS cold. It's still cold now so no lizard is moving today. Quill is also inside since it's cold. He's lying down with my service dog, Badger (didn't name him he came with). Quill is actually not bothering any animal. CJ would..but since reptiles are reluctant to move, CJ can do what he wants. He roams the house...reptiles in their tanks and room with the door closed.

Kane is german giant and his colors are citrus tiger. Broly is standard never really knew what color. When Broly gets bright it's like he's white or pale yellow. I can't tell which. I know his head is orange/yellow. When he's dark he's orange and olive colored. It should be easy to tell but Im not good with colors looking similar to each other. Jamie is a leatherback with orange. Broly trying to shed part of his face so he's puffing out his beard though no shed there.

I love horrors. Sometimes one more than another. I do sometimes run into a really campy/bad one. It may not be good but we're seeing The Strangers. I believe it's out. If it's not we'll do something else.

Yeah the skimmers do that. I also remember them keeping bacteria down. Something to that effect. Anyway, I gotta go get ready to go out now that Im not so tired. Tomorrow is my mom's bday. Turning 49 so gotta run and get a gift.


Gray-bearded Member
I guess the good old "polar vortex" must be sending our nasty weather down your way again, because it's been pretty nice here for the past few days. The "glaciers" in our backyard are finally retreating -- pretty soggy ground underneath, but we'll have green grass soon if we don't get a setback -- still early in the season. Puff is still pigging out on his greens several times a day.

I didn't realize that you had such a colorful bunch of beardies. I think Puff is mostly "normal" colored (whatever that is) although he may have a little "citrus" or whatever in him because he's orangish around the eyes. I don't know anything about his ancestry or breeding -- rescues usually don't come with a pedigree and Puff is no exception. And I haven't done much research on all the different color morphs that beardies come in nowadays. I just hope that breeders remember to select for good health and temperament over exotic colors and features. Yeah -- in my dreams, right? You're lucky these days if you can get healthy ones that haven't been inbred to the point of having all kinds of weird recessive traits. But best for me not to get started on that issue (one of my pet peeves because I suspect that Squirmles may have been inbred and if so, he was probably lucky that he lived to be 15). Anyway, Puff turns a nice bright golden color when he's happy and warm (especially when he's stuffed with bugs :wink: ), with brownish-greyish speckles that turn black when he's upset or cold.

I hadn't heard much about "The Strangers," but I see it's in out in the theaters around here. It sounds pretty scary. Some kinds of "camp" can be really fun sometimes. :mrgreen:

Our reptile vet says that the most important thing for keeping bacteria populations down is to remove the protein so they don't have anything to live on, and that's more important than what kind of device or disinfectant you use. I had probably mentioned to her that I try to be careful with harsh chemicals (such as bleach) because sometimes I think you can do more harm with the chemicals than the germs you're trying to kill, and she agreed that just keeping the tank clean is the main thing, weather it's full of water or air -- but easier with air. All you need is some paper towels, a spray bottle, and a little "elbow grease," unless you're fighting with something really nasty. But I suppose a skimmer does the job nicely if you have a tank full of water.

Pardon me for doing the math, but I figured out that your mom must have been pretty young when you were born -- like 18 or 19? Hope you guys had fun for her birthday. :D My mom was 38 when she had me -- almost old enough to be my grandmother. I guess I'm lucky I didn't end up with Down's Syndrome or some such. I may be a little weird but it could have been a whole lot worse. :)

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Mirage came out of brumation on April 26. He was doing great. On May 2 he started acting funny. We just redid his tank, and he keeps going into one of his hides. He just lays there. He shows no intrest in food. HELP!
is tape safe for fixing something in my leopard geckos hide?
Day 3 of brumation. It's a struggle. I really miss my little guy. 😔
Mirage entered brumation yesterday, I'm gonna miss hanging out with my little guy.
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