Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Here's a pic everyone. Broly on my bed getting mad at the clouds LOL. They keep blocking the sun. I still use Photobucket dont ask Idk why. He's 479g he dropped 6g from two weeks ago. He was 485g Mar 16! So enjoy! I have been busy and dealing with a stomach bug on Mon and just now recovering. Im able to hold food and drinks down. Yes, even liquids came up too. Broly enjoying what sun we can have though still chilly (53*). It's not bad if we didn't the freaking wind! That's whats chilly! I am watching my kittens who are not in the pic. Our dogs are outside (outside dogs unless freeze warning or snow) dogs unless they have to come in.


Gray-bearded Member
He's a very handsome dragon. :D Looks like he has plenty of warm fuzzy things to snuggle up with there if he's disappointed about the weather. Our weather here in Anchorage turned snowy and cloudy a few days ago, with temperatures still just above freezing in the daytime and just below freezing at night, so we've probably got at least a few more weeks of ice and slush and big sloppy mess outside. Our beardie's having a lazy day. Might as well sleep through "breakup" until it's REALLY "spring". :roll:

I'm pretty lucky that I don't seem to get those stomach bugs very often, but when I do, they make me pretty miserable. :( Hope you're feeling better.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I get them once a month since Nov 2016! Im not sure why. I did go to the doctor. He said I have a very sensitive stomach. I have been eating a bad diet, so it's time to change. I have been eating fruit..I need to include veggies. Carrots, lettuce, cabbage..y'know...the water stuff..they usually just taste like water to me. Fruits I can take because they have taste...veggies are like water. I drink enough water these days. I do take some mustard or collard like maybe a quarter of a leaf. I wash and eat without dressing. I'll keep trying to shove greens and veggies down my throat. Im tired of a once a month stomach bug because of the bad diet. Chocolate is now a once a week treat. Same as any sweets actually. I know theyre bad for us anyway. I already had enough cancer scares!! Between colon and stomach I dont need anymore scares, it's stressful.
Thank you, Bailey! He is handsome. He's napping, window time tires him. Idk what he sees outside that's interesting but hey. I suppose he hopes for a female beardie to walk by. I caught him eating paper towel!! Luckily just a corner piece that fits between his eyes. Paper breaks up in water and passes fine anyway. Idk why he wanted to do that...strange.


Gray-bearded Member
Has your doctor said anything about testing you for things like food allergies or sensitivities, celiac disease, and/or a little organism called helicobacter pylori? (The only reason I know much of anything about this stuff is that we've been through a lot of it with my husband.) I've had a cast iron stomach for most of my life but I've abused the privilege :oops: and now that I'm older it's starting to catch up with me. I like sweets and chocolate way more than is good for me too, and veggies not so much.

Having a bearded dragon has helped my husband and me to eat a little healthier because I try to make salads for us at the same time that I make them for the beardie. It turns out that the "bearded dragon diet" is pretty healthy for humans too. :) Except that I can't stand to eat plain greens without some kind of salad dressing on them, so hopefully you can find something that makes it tasty but doesn't upset your stomach.

I think that sometimes beardies that are used to being indoors get a little stressed out when they can see all the stuff that goes on outside the window in the big bad world out there. I can see how they'd want to be there and watch the show, but how it would also wear them out after a while. Maybe they suffer from "sensory overload" just like we do.

I decided to use paper towels for a "substrate" in our beardie's tank because I figured that it's just pulped wood fiber, so it wouldn't do him any harm if he ate some. But Puff hasn't shown any interest in eating the paper towels -- heck, he hardly ever even eats his veggies. I guess sometimes they get confused about what's food and what's not food, and about the only thing our little guy recognizes as food is a moving insect. :roll:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

So I talked to my doc he said we can test for celiac disease. He did say it sounds a lot like whats going on but going to test for sure. It's April 11 my appointment.

Sunny yet cold day. Winter just doesnt wanna leave here. More sun than cloud. His back leg and front done shedding, lips almost now on the tail this lone scale. My first thought was "omg he ripped a scale off!!" Further inspection no blood so obviously no injury. It's a lone shedding scale just 1. Looks like 2017 is gonna be a shedding year for Broly.
He didnt shed much but lips and chin 2016.


Gray-bearded Member
Our beardie occasionally sheds the odd single scale too, and it can look like they snagged it or something. :? They don't shed as often or as much at a time when they get older and they're done growing. Just one more little thing they do to keep their human slaves guessing. :roll:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Broly's doing well. He's gaining weight on occasion losing some), eating and bming. He'll take his supplements. I had to go to my dr. I can't wait til April 11, it's hurting too much. I went in on Friday the 31st. It's been worse. I been sick since Fri night. I also had it on Saturday and today. Sun was my day off from torture. Got the test done. I didnt ask how long it will take. He'll call though....he also scheduled an tube test...forgot the name. Basically he snakes me to see up there. It's not really a colonoscopy. Still in pain still running off to the bathroom. I can't get a break from this!!
I hope answers come soon. I have already been screened for colon and stomach cancer (reason for stoma now was colon related not cancer). It's almost an everyday occurance since Fri minus Sunday.


Gray-bearded Member
At least your beardie is doing well, but sorry to hear that you're having so many problems yourself. I hope they can figure it out without putting you through too many more invasive tests. If it does turn out to be celiac, the one good thing would be that you can do something about it by avoiding gluten, and there's lots of good gluten-free stuff on the market these days. (My niece has celiac disease and a couple of other auto immune disorders as well, and it took a while to figure it out in her case too, but she seems to be doing much better now that she knows what not to eat.)

Both my husband and I were tested for celiac, and as I recall it doesn't take very long to get the results, maybe a week at the most? So however it turns out for you, I hope there will be a way for you to feel better soon. Take the best care of yourself that you can in the meantime...

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Tomorrow I do have my scope test. I hate it because I had those a lot already because my colon issues luckily not cancer. Im still not comfortable with it but I relax best I can. Hopefully by Friday we'll know whats wrong with my stomach. You'd think with it happening every month it'd be the more natural thing...but it isn't unfortunately. Im better today. I stopped eating gluten (not good for bodies anyway) since Fri see if thats it. I ate peppers on Sun my mom did say they are colon healthy. Well quarter of my colon is gone I have IBS. Well it's not too bad anymore.

Broly still just as handsome and lightly stroked his lips and chin. Shed started to come off. He also ate two bowls of salad and one bug meal (roaches, 7).

My xbox life: it's unnecessary but whatever. I get nervous around strangers online I stand around in a corner LOL. It's also how I am in real life. I know not how to meet people but OMG it's exhausting to try to play..somehow I fly into walls. I also don't like having anyone mad at me I get very quiet and try to hide. You can't hide in game on team members. I tried it didnt work. I know how to play for some reason I forget how to play online when it comes to teams. It's probably an Aspergers in turn looks like I don't know how to play :roll:.


Gray-bearded Member
You should make sure your doctor knows when you stopped eating gluten versus when you do the celiac test, because it can affect the results. Just a little something I learned somewhere along the line when my husband and I were dealing with this sort of stuff a few years ago.

Gluten-free is a sort of a fad nowadays. It isn't bad for everyone unless they have celiac or some sort of allergy or sensitivity. But the nice thing about it is that there are a lot more good gluten-free foods on the market for people that really need them, because so many people want them whether they need them or not ("supply and demand", economists call it). There was a time not too long ago when decent gluten-free foods were pretty hard to get, but they're becoming more and more available now.

Our beardie is finally getting around to shedding the other half of the skin on his tail, although it will probably be a while before the rest of it comes off -- light colored but not loose yet. The first half came off like several months ago and his tail has been patchy colored ever since. Adult beardie sheds seem to take forever. :roll:

I wish ours liked veggies as much as yours does! :mrgreen:

I've never played xbox. Most of my video game career involved an Atari 2600. Ever seen one of those? They're museum pieces now. You probably weren't even born when they were still popular. And only a few years before that, we thought "Pong" was pretty cool -- and they only had them in hotel lobbies and arcades because the average person couldn't afford to have one in their home. How far we've come... and boy, do I feel old! :shock: (when did that happen?...)

I remember being exhausted the day I got good enough at "Pac-man" to clear the board and get an "extra life" before I got "eaten", so theoretically I could have played forever, and I maxed out the score so that it rolled over back to zero -- it took me about 2 hours and my whole arm was sore from working the "joystick". Then I had to go buy another game because that one wasn't challenging enough anymore. :roll: Nowadays, all it takes to get me totally exhausted is to just sit around and watch a couple of hours of Dr. Who...

I know what you mean about people getting mad at you. I'm hypersensitive to that too. Being quiet, hiding, or "running" away (except that these days I can't really "run" anymore :wink: ) are actually my best coping strategies, as opposed to breaking down and crying right in front of them, or getting angry myself and yelling back at them, which I try not to do, but sometimes it happens. My poor husband is used to it but somehow he's able to realize that it's the "illness", whatever that is in my case, and not the "real me".

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I stopped gluten like 3 weeks ago maybe more. I got done being snaked so I just woke up. Im at home and my mom fed Broly his salad. He wouldnt eat any veggies or greens last summer. My parents just fed him and left for work. I do live with Tom but he's at vet school right now since finals are May 22. He's really studying hard to be able to work with exotics as well as cats and dogs.
He knows more about reptiles but he does have a handle on cats and dogs. He is working with my other vet too. He goes back and forth between school and the vet office.

I know of Atari. I never seen one I have seen a play station 1 and 2 is broken. 1 works. I have a Sega Genesis that has a missing part. It worked in the 90s. Tom has a n64 that still works. We have some old games for it like Pokemon and Zelda. I remember Pac Man in arcades..Pizza Hut used to have stuff like that. I was a young kid then. I used to bring this Digimon plush toy there. I didnt leave it LOL. I still have that plush. It's got wear and tear. Ok I was about 11 or 12 when I had that plush. I love Dr Who..I just can't pay attention for very long.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, Kami, sorry you're stomach is bothering you so much. Hope you get results that tell you what the problem is. Keep me posted.

Broly looks great, glad he enjoys all his stuffies. When my grandkids started going to my son's for the weekend, instead of here, they left a few suffies behind, so I gave them to Nathaniel, Gabriel and Castiel, so they all have suffies now. I thought Nathaniel wouldn't like the doggie I put into his tank, but he moved it beside his basking log and is not only sitting on it to bask but to sleep on it, too. Gabriel got a stuffed pink elephant and sits on it every once in awhile. Castiel got a bunny and a hedgehog, he sleeps beside them sometimes and likes to sit on the bunny when he's cooling off. Cierra has had a white piggy since I got her and Imp still has his blue elephant Ella. He still sits on her, even though he's so big now, I have to put her sideways to lie down for him to sit on her. It's funny to watch. They're all doing really well.

I did an awful thing without realizing it, I had Miss Leona (my leopard gecko) on heat too high and it affected her front legs and almost killed her. So got the temps right and have been giving her pedialyte baths and Carnivore Care with a bit of extra calcium, twice a day. She's much better but I think the heat damaged the muscles in her front legs. I can't afford to take her to the vet either, but I think she developed MBD along the way, too. Her tummy was burned, her vent and one foot. But those have all recovered. I'm hoping she survives. she's sleeping in her hide right now, I'll get her up later.

Hope you feel better soon, Kami. Glad you were able to get in to see your doctor.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I hope I found out too.
I found Broly's end of tail dark and took a light and shined it and's a shed it's yellow underneath. Dark on top. He's a either pink shed (orange areas) or yellow shed (normal colors). Lips are ALMOST done. There's a shed in his vent but hangs out and no worries not blocking his BMs. He can still go just wondering how to dislodge it. I've lightly scrubbed his vent to dislodge it! It's not going anywhere. Hopefully it comes off/out. Baths arent really making it come off. He doesn't even notice it's there. He just swims off if I mess with that tiny piece too long.
Thank you Deb! How are you doing? Imp still skinny and not eating? I read Gabriel big but still with you. Hope you find Imp's problem. Heard you adopted adorable Bella! Great now you have a dog and she's a real cutie.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Kami,

Things are hectic because Tara left the kids with Eric for a month at least, if she even comes back, we're just not sure. He's trying to get the key to her place so he can get clothes for the kids, she left him hardly anything. So he has the car. Told him to contact the owner if he doesn't hear from her, so he can get all the clothes and some toys out of there. She got evicted, Sat is last day. So hopefully he does get there. He lost his job 3 weeks ago and had to take 2 weeks to get better (was let go because he kept missing because of getting constantly sick) so now he's wondering how he's going to get a job with 2 young kids. It's insane, but we had a feeling this was going to happen. I spent Sat, Sun, Mon afternoons there, by yesterday I was so exhausted I couldn't get to work. I rested all day, didn't even do anything with the dragons, so this am is baths supplements and food.

Otherwise, my life is fine and love having Bella with me all the time. She's a great dog!

Gabriel is still full of life, here's a picture of him after climbing on the toy garbage truck I have in the living room.

Nathaniel likes it, too

I just posted a bunch of pictures on my thread, so go look at them, tell me what you think. I got a good pic of Castiel`s eye, so pretty!

So off to get my morning started, I'll talk to you soon. Get better!


Gray-bearded Member
Hi Kami -

As long as Broly's vent shed doesn't seem to be bothering him and as long as it's not getting in the way when he poops, I'd just let nature take its course if I were you -- that's a delicate area. The warm baths will help keep the skin soft and it will come off when it's ready.

Whenever Puff poops I usually check to make sure there's nothing left hanging out of there, and I've pulled out a few of those "penis plugs" that he seems to get especially often around mating season, and he doesn't seem to mind :|, but one time I accidentally pulled on a piece of shedding skin instead and he was NOT ok with that, :shock: so I learned to be more careful with anything around that area -- gotta be really gentle if I even touch it at all.

Nice to hear from you too Deb, but sorry to hear that your human family is going through such hard times. :( I hope Miss Leona can recover, but I'm glad to hear that Gabriel is still doing so well.

BTW, since we seem to all be on a first name basis now (Sweetiepie9 = Deb and BlueDragon09 = Kami, right?) I should probably introduce myself too -- I'm SueAnn (that's what the "S" in "SHBailey" stands for) -- pleased to meet you both. :)

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Mirage came out of brumation on April 26. He was doing great. On May 2 he started acting funny. We just redid his tank, and he keeps going into one of his hides. He just lays there. He shows no intrest in food. HELP!
is tape safe for fixing something in my leopard geckos hide?
Day 3 of brumation. It's a struggle. I really miss my little guy. 😔
Mirage entered brumation yesterday, I'm gonna miss hanging out with my little guy.

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