Bowel movements have increased?


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Hi! So my boy is about 5 years old, and for majority of his life he has pooped once a week. Pretty much rejected / did not eat a wide variety of vegetables as well (despite attempts to feed them to him). About a week ago he has begun, pooping pretty much daily. Last week we replaced his UVB (it was due to be replaced) and switched the UVB brand Arcadia which seems to be significantly stronger, he then began eating more vegetables. Specifically butternut squash.

I also was finally able to introduce dubia roaches to him (previously he ate mostly pheonix worms for protein since he used to only want wax worms… I figured it was a way to get him to eat more calcium). Anyways he pooped in his tank for the first time a couple days ago, then pooped again the next day (this poop was kind of mushy and disfigured so that was a red flag for me) but then after his poops started looking solid + normal again, however they all have a little orangey tint (the exact shade as the squash) and once again… he normally does not poop this much.

He also has been glass surfing and running around quite a lot, I am thinking maybe it’s a combination of the stress from changing things, eating new foods, and well he also got his UVB in September which is mating season for them (so maybe stress from hormones? he has been acting all macho too idk)

(Also before anyone attacks me for his underbite, as the people on r/beardeddragons did once when I just posted an unrelated picture, he has had the underbite since we got him. Whether or not it was genetic or the beginnings of MBD there has been no progression or signs of MBD within the last five years, he gets UVB & calcium supplementation as needed. He has been to the vet before, he literally has just always had an underbite I promise I am not… abusing him lol)


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Hi! So my boy is about 5 years old, and for majority of his life he has pooped once a week. Pretty much rejected / did not eat a wide variety of vegetables as well (despite attempts to feed them to him). About a week ago he has begun, pooping pretty much daily. Last week we replaced his UVB (it was due to be replaced) and switched the UVB brand Arcadia which seems to be significantly stronger, he then began eating more vegetables. Specifically butternut squash.

I also was finally able to introduce dubia roaches to him (previously he ate mostly pheonix worms for protein since he used to only want wax worms… I figured it was a way to get him to eat more calcium). Anyways he pooped in his tank for the first time a couple days ago, then pooped again the next day (this poop was kind of mushy and disfigured so that was a red flag for me) but then after his poops started looking solid + normal again, however they all have a little orangey tint (the exact shade as the squash) and once again… he normally does not poop this much.

He also has been glass surfing and running around quite a lot, I am thinking maybe it’s a combination of the stress from changing things, eating new foods, and well he also got his UVB in September which is mating season for them (so maybe stress from hormones? he has been acting all macho too idk)

(Also before anyone attacks me for his underbite, as the people on r/beardeddragons did once when I just posted an unrelated picture, he has had the underbite since we got him. Whether or not it was genetic or the beginnings of MBD there has been no progression or signs of MBD within the last five years, he gets UVB & calcium supplementation as needed. He has been to the vet before, he literally has just always had an underbite I promise I am not… abusing him lol)
Squash itself has a pretty high water content and your feeding new bugs. He’s probably just getting use to it all. He will most likely go back to pooping less. I wouldn’t worry yet unless you realize poops are irregular in shape and consistency. For seeing orange colored poops, just try to feed less squash or a different kind. Sometimes my beardie gets some red spots in his poo from eating bell peppers. Don’t worry too much he will go back to normal just watch how much your feeding.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Definitely sounds to me like the Squash just overhydrated him a little bit.

What is the strength of the new light uvb bulb and how far is it above his basking site? Is it obstructed by a screen? You said it seemed more powerful. If it is for example a 14% bulb at a short distance unobstructed it could be too strong.

*edit* And sorry you dealt with that nonsense on Reddit

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