I’ve been having on and off issues with Jasper’s digestion since I got him, and it looks like it’s starting to flare back up again. This morning he had diarrhea, and I’m really hoping it’s from the extra baths to help with shedding and giving him some squash, but I’m still concerned since it has...
Xion's taken the last of her parasite medication and still has diarrhea...it's REAL stinky and watery.
She's currently back to a 75w bulb since the 100w burnt out (gotta tell mom to not use temu lol) but the basking spot is up to temp (sometimes even gets to 112F, varies throughout the day) but...
hey all, i meant to make this post sooner but i got covid (im immunocomprimised so i didnt have a great time). now that im better i can sit down and make this post, because i really need help. this is pretty long again.
guafi is not eating anything besides bugs. i cant convince her to eat...
So Xion's always had this incredibly nasty smelling poop, though I didn't have anything to compare it to since I haven't had a beardie in a long time. Whenever she'd go you'd hear this LOUD WET FART as liquid would launch out behind her before the log.
Well, it got worse.
Now, every time it's...
Hi! So my boy is about 5 years old, and for majority of his life he has pooped once a week. Pretty much rejected / did not eat a wide variety of vegetables as well (despite attempts to feed them to him). About a week ago he has begun, pooping pretty much daily. Last week we replaced his UVB (it...
Please help me , my baby isnt even 3 months old yet, and she has diarrhoea and what looks to be mucus of some sort in her poop? Why could this be? i am so worried please help, im sitting by her and watching her and waiting for any replies on this thread
I am new here. I am mildly educated in basics of reptile care, having them all my life and my parents having them as well. But I’m at a loss and exhausted.
For some information: 75g tank, weighs 236g, basking ambient temp is 90.1, laser checked at 105, cool side 74. 100w deep dome...
I've tried looking through to see if I saw anything similar, sorry if I missed it.
My beardie hasn't pooped in almost three weeks. She's been eating up until yesterday when she stopped so now I'm even more concerned.
Staple insect has always been crickets, have also done dubai roaches and...
Frankie has been stressed (window surfing and has stress marks) and the last couple of poops have been like in the photo I thought it could be the relocation and shedding but it's been 3 weeks now and he is still surfing and still shedding. (His temps are good, and his uvb should be good)
hi everyone!
i made an account just to post about this because i haven't been able to find anything anywhere about what's going on with my lil buddy icarus!
her cage is in my bedroom. two days ago i woke up to her completely black. beard and chest the color of ink. this is the first time it...
(Reposting with an edit because I'm still not sure what's up)
Just when I though all was well again, Clyde is now having diarrhea! And weird behavior.
^Healthy poop just over a week ago.
(lol ignore the greens floating in water I was trying a trick to see if he would drink on his own hahaha)...
My 10 month old beardie was diagnosed with coccidia. She has had super runny diarrhea but never showed any other symptoms. She has an amazing appetite. Like she will eat any and everything. I have albon. So i am wondering if I should go ahead and give her that? Or a third round of toltrazuril?
The one in the video is Larry, a 4months old beardie (not sure about the sex, I haven’t tried too hard to guess since I figured out it is a bit early anyway). Larry has a mild diarrhea and, just in the morning, goes around the cage and occasionally does glass surfing (see attached video). I...
My 10 month old dragon has had diarrhea since I got her a month ago. The previous owner was a young kid who couldn’t take care of her anymore and said she takes huge poops. Well now I know what he means. She has gone about once a week. Could it be stress? She acts normal and attacks her food...
I’ve been on here quite a few times and I’m still struggling with my bearded dragons runny stools. His poop is half watery and half semi solid partially digested greens and bugs. Mainly stuff that’s hard to digest like the skin of a bell pepper or the head of a cricket.
I was finally able to...
My dragon Orlando is almost 4 years old. We've had him since he was a baby. Over the last year, he's been struggling with digestive issues that I and his vet can't figure out.
Here's his setup:
40 gallon glass enclosure, screen lid
Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 UVB T5HO 22 mounted under the screen
So because of covid I am having a hard time finding a vet accepting new exotic patients. I have a 6 mos old beardie that started having weird poops around Thanksgiving. He is active, eats greats, growing, shedding and when he sees me start to feed him runs down doing his happy dance. But his...
Hi everyone!
When should I start to worry about diarrhea?
My beardie is two years old. Recently, he's been having diarrhea on and off - usually the poop will be rather runny with varying levels of formation and often the urate will be rather hard - the smell is rather normal. Aside from the...