Bearded Dragon Not Eating


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My 1 1/2 year old boy has slowed down eating and not pooping. I took him to the vets who administered an enema, which was fine, and the faeces was normal (this was after 2-weeks). I'm with him every day so I know he doesn't eat the substrate. I've checked the temps, etc and everything seems fine. It's now been 3-weeks since the vets and he hasn't pooped since. He ate 3 morio worms on Saturday but nothing since. He's not great with veg but I'm persevering. He's plenty hydrated, loves his baths, and otherwise acting perfectly normally. I'm wondering if it could be due to breeding season/age, but would take any suggestions or ideas please.
He is my baby and I don't want to lose him, but I don't want him to suffer a barrage of tests at the vets if they're not needed.


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
My 1 1/2 year old boy has slowed down eating and not pooping. I took him to the vets who administered an enema, which was fine, and the faeces was normal (this was after 2-weeks). I'm with him every day so I know he doesn't eat the substrate. I've checked the temps, etc and everything seems fine. It's now been 3-weeks since the vets and he hasn't pooped since. He ate 3 morio worms on Saturday but nothing since. He's not great with veg but I'm persevering. He's plenty hydrated, loves his baths, and otherwise acting perfectly normally. I'm wondering if it could be due to breeding season/age, but would take any suggestions or ideas please.
He is my baby and I don't want to lose him, but I don't want him to suffer a barrage of tests at the vets if they're not needed.

There could be several reasons hes not eating ---- first incorrect surface basking temps- those need to be 95-100 taken w/ a digital probe thermometer --- next UVB bulb is how old? and what are you using coil or a long tube fixture and placement and distance for the bulb? Enemas are NEVER recommended - too many risk factors - hes not going to poop if there is nothing to poop out --

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Karrieree beat me to it, but enemas should be last ditch effort. That is very likely whats wrong with your boy. The vet did an enema on my male Zen without asking me (the answer would have been absolutely hell no) but anyways, i nearly lost him after. It took weeks of syringe feeding him critical care, putting him out in real sunlight, keeping his temps up at night, ect to get him better. He didn't eat on his own for weeks and weeks.
Hopefully thats not whats going on with your boy, but keep a watchful eye on him till you know for sure.
Btw i took Zen in for something completely unrelated to even needing a fecal, the vet decided to just do it because he was there.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry that the vet performed an enema. Your dragon is lucky he hasn't had any major
complications from the enema, it can be quite serious.
I concur, if your dragon hasn't eaten much of anything he most likely wont be excreting much,
We can all help review your tank setup if needed, to be sure everything is all correct for him.
The heating & lighting for reptiles, is extremely crucial to their overall health & wellbeing.
At his age, if he is apparently healthy & everything else on your setup is good, then he might
be starting a seasonal slowdown or brumation perhaps. Vets often mistake brumation on a
healthy reptile & begin treating them with medications, etc only to find out that they are just
simply slown down.
We can go over everything to double check before automatically assuming brumation is starting,
of course because they do hide their illness often.


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