Hi, i left to go to the store and came back to an apple cinnamon air freshener plugged near my bearded dragons enclosure because my brother isnt so knowledgeable on reptiles. Buddy is a rescue dragon (7-8 month old) i recently rescued. Hes in a small 20 gal quarantine enclosure kind of near...
I brought my beardie to the vet in February and she was perfectly healthy! Now she is older but my sister was watching her for me in the beginning of March and she noticed when she ran or walked her back leg would kinda flip weirdly…she also would stumble on herself! She is known to...
We just adopted this beautiful beardie female around 2 yrs old. We picked her up this last December 2023. I had her labs drawn because the end of her tail was turning black, the vet ran a full blood profile. She said she had a difficult shed and also the concern with her high calcium count and...
Hi, this is an update on the bearded dragon i rescued a month ago. We decided to name her jiggly puff because her beard is big lol. She now weighs 542-550 grams and were still doing critical care but every other day. I still have to kind of force the food carefully into her mouth but she takes...
I have a dragon named Ragnar, he's around two years old. He's currently in a 40-gallon tank with reptile carpet, an Arcadia T5, he's got a 150-watt basking bulb with basking temps around 90-100 degrees, and the humidity is around 30% with an analog gauge. He also has the ramp bowl that he sits...
My 1 1/2 year old boy has slowed down eating and not pooping. I took him to the vets who administered an enema, which was fine, and the faeces was normal (this was after 2-weeks). I'm with him every day so I know he doesn't eat the substrate. I've checked the temps, etc and everything seems...
About 2 months ago on March 24th, I bought a beardie from a lady on craigslist and named her Athena. She was in bad condition and didnt even come with food, I tried really hard to bring her to good condition and it worked, she was walking (her back legs havent worked very well since I got her)...
Hi guys, I am completely sick to my stomach and filled with worry! I was at work today and my fiancé came home from running errands to this in our beardies cage. I have multiple beardies at the moment in different enclosures. I also had a beardie(milo) for 9 years. He passed away the beginning...
hi, i have a juvenile female bearded dragon. she had parasites in the beginning of june and shes been on two different meds for it and seemed to be doing better afterwards and we still have to get a sample tested. but shes bloated again so we were hoping it isnt parasites again. her waste looks...
My bearded dragon has what I presume to be yellow fungus, a ring around the end of his tail was a strong yellow. I immediately set up a very appointment. Since the appointment was so far out, I decided to take measures into my own hands while we waited. I started putting some antibacterial cream...
My bearded dragon, Sylvain, is 3 years old and has always had some issues. When I got him he was a year old, covered in his own poop and already had a stiff/bent tail due to metabolic bone disease. He has always had some issue going on with his stomach that makes his poop irregular, but the vet...
Hey, my beadie has barely eaten anything in a week, only have 3 crickets about 3 days ago. He also just sleeps all day or chills with his eyes closed.
His basking temp is 105° with humidity being around 20-30%. UVB and heat light are over crossing each other and meet at the basking spot, the...
I need some advice for my beardie. He prolapsed Friday night and i could not find a vet over the weekend in my area who could help. Monday morning i called the vet but they couldnt see him until the following day. (Ive been doing sugar baths and sugar paste in the meantime). When i took him in...
My baby beardie (~3 months old) seems to be having some trouble with his eye. It’s squinted considerably, and the part I can see appears gray and very watery. I’m not sure how to post a picture, but if someone could help me out I’d be happy to add one.
He has a proper light setup with a...
I need help really fast. I already own one beardie who is just over a year old and her name is mustard. I just got a new beardie yesterday (ketchup) who couldn't be more than 6 weeks old at the most. I was doing that thing where I took him over to the dogs and let them smell him etc to make them...
So my bearded dragon had not been eating or really moving much, he stays on his basking spot and doesn’t really move from there he hasn’t ate at all in like 3 days, I thought he was shedding because his tail is turning gray but he just doesn’t seem to healthy, I took them a nice little soak in...
Sorry if this is kinda gross but as my bearded dragon was using the bathroom something was sticking out of her butt. It was red but within about 3 minutes it went back in on its own. I tried to look things up but I can’t find anything. I added a picture so you can see. Thanks