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Beardie name(s)
Mustard, Sriracha
I need help really fast. I already own one beardie who is just over a year old and her name is mustard. I just got a new beardie yesterday (ketchup) who couldn't be more than 6 weeks old at the most. I was doing that thing where I took him over to the dogs and let them smell him etc to make them calmer about the new pet in the house and for some reason my dumbass thought of mustard like one of the dogs because she has always been so docile, so I sat the two together - not too close because i knew there was some level of danger involved - but in less than a second, ketchup moved his head and mustard lunged at him biting down on his head. I got her off him almost immediately but the damage was done and I am lost as for what to do.

I flung ketchup away from mustard and immediately put her back in her enclosure and turned my attention to ketchup. He was spinning to the left pretty bad, he started bleeding from the mouth but only about a drop's worth in total, his eye was swollen and not opening and he refused to open the other one. And of course it had to happen at the same time as one of the the biggest recorded floods in my area so i could only make it to a local vet who doesn't specialise in reptiles of any kind. We took him in there and he was pretty unresponsive until provoked e.g touching his eye or head, in which case he would fling his head out of the way and do more left-wards circles.

All the vet could do was examine him and give him a TINY dose of antibiotics as he is still so small. I have him sitting in his enclosure and I am constantly monitoring him trying to give him water and a blend of crickets, celery greens, carrots, spinach and grapes mixed together with some water smoothie style. His whole body now won't move very much which I'm not sure if that's because of the pain or just because he can't but I'm very worried and as I cant get him to a qualified herp vet I have no idea what to do from here. He only moves his head when prompted by the syringe and he is keeping his mouth agape. The only thing that he is really moving by himself is his tongue.



Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
@Drache613 I hope I did this right but heres a person I think can give you some advice. Ive never tagged anyone in a post but that person Drache613 is a vet tech and who I buy my calcium from. I'm so sorry to hear about this happening. My wife and I have put ketchup on a prayer chain. Can you post a pic so people know the extent of the wounds?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor little one, it sounds like a very critical situation. Is he trying to move at all, or essentially just resting or sleeping?
How is his eye looking? His head may have been crushed, it is hard to know for sure. Are you able to see any bite marks
on the head?
For now, all you can do is try to keep him 75-80F overnight to boost his system. Keep him as calm as you can & under the
least amount of stress as possible. His eye might need treatment, so you can get some raw, unpasteurized honey to thin out
in warm water to use in & around his eye.

Let us know how he is doing.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Mustard, Sriracha
Unfortunately, ketchup passed around an hour after I made this post. I feel absolutely awful and have no idea what to do. I can barely see my keys as I'm typing. I feel like I failed him. Absolutely distraught.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Unfortunately, ketchup passed around an hour after I made this post. I feel absolutely awful and have no idea what to do. I can barely see my keys as I'm typing. I feel like I failed him. Absolutely distraught.
I am so sorry- if you decide to try again please do not ever have your dragons together-


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Serves you right. Bearded Dragons are aggressive towards each other, either adult or baby. I hope this teaches you a lesson not to have two bearded dragons together, even one is docile.
After what this person put themselves through I think that goes without being said. We help each other on this forum. Its a community and we don't knock each other down!


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
I'm so sorry that that happend:(. sometimes we get curious and see what happens. I left my bearded dragon alone on my bed and she's only a baby and she jumped down and my bed is like 3 feet high and she jumped down. She got stunned a little but then she was fine. I was desperate. I din't know what to do. I'm so sorry about Ketchup. Pets come and go and he went so soon.:_(

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh I am very sorry that happened, it is a very unfortunate turn of events. :cry: Things occur so quickly. Try to focus on the
good things with him, as he would have wanted you to do.
So sorry for your loss.



Beardie name(s)
I'm so sorry for your loss it's even worse when we feel we are to blame. I'm even more sorry people have been rude to you while you are mourning your loss. That is inexcusable. In a breif moment you were blinded by your love of Mustard. I hope you find it in you to forgive yourself. And I thank you for sharing your story for others so that they can hopefully remember to be mindful. We all need that tough reminder from time to time that they have undeniable instincts. I'm so so sorry....I hope you can let Mustard console you....he just wanted all your love to himself.
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