bearded dragon food

  1. V

    Bearded Dragon Not Eating

    My 1 1/2 year old boy has slowed down eating and not pooping. I took him to the vets who administered an enema, which was fine, and the faeces was normal (this was after 2-weeks). I'm with him every day so I know he doesn't eat the substrate. I've checked the temps, etc and everything seems...
  2. sconley

    If I am using BSFL and silkworms to top salads - how do I cut her bugs down?

    My 1.6 year old female doesn't naturally know what salad is, she does eat it when her salads are topped with BSFL and silkworms, dubias etc, I gutload them with nutrients, top her salad with Arcadia earthpro, dragon fuel occasionally and herbimix flowers safe for beardies from a reptile shop...
  3. F

    Can packaged beardie pellets be fed daily?

    I have a juvenile bearded dragons who is about 4 months old, and I recently discovered that I can’t feed mealworms daily (the person at the pet stores told me to feed mealworms daily before). So I saw the bearded dragon food that came in the set and claims it has all the nutrients needed, I...
  4. Z

    how to get your bearded dragon to eat greens

    Hi all, i need some advice on how to get my bearded dragon to eat more greens; she currently barely eats any and she started looking skinny. I feed her worms most of the time but i know i cant just feed her worms all the time.
  5. smaugthebeardie3756

    Dragon Delite

    So I found this dry food at a reptile supply store in my area. You actually soak it and it gets a spongy kind of texture that is supposed to imitate live food texture. I've been feeding it to my guy about twice a week with salads and bugs all the other days. I don't see anything glaringly...
  6. K.E.W.T

    Beardie won’t eat crickets

    My beardie has lost interest in crickets… I was just told meal worms are too harsh, I am in Canada and dubia roaches are illegal live but come packaged… unfortunately she is not interested in dead insects! What is another good option for feeding her? She is eating hornworms, but I want to make...
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