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Hi all, my mom bought a baby beardy in April. When they bought her, they did not tell us her age. They said that they were unsure of her age.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how old she may be? I was guestimating 9 months

AHBD Sicko
That would be a pretty good guess, if sold at 1-2 months old the dragon would be around 9- 10 months old. Looks alert + visually healthy from the pic, and a cutie as well. :)


Gray-bearded Member
My dark (humor) side wants to say, "Cut off her tail and count the rings" but I thought better of it. :twisted:

9 months does look/sound like a good guesstimate. A month or so either way... does it matter?
If she were a library book, she'd be "Young Adult".

Aside from curiosity, I (personally) don't think I'd much care (be more interested in if s/he was sexed correctly)--she appears healthy and very similar to what I hope mine turns out like. Nice looking dragon.

Best to you both.


Original Poster
MrSpectrum":282o84ma said:
My dark (humor) side wants to say, "Cut off her tail and count the rings" but I thought better of it. :twisted:

9 months does look/sound like a good guesstimate. A month or so either way... does it matter?
If she were a library book, she'd be "Young Adult".

Aside from curiosity, I (personally) don't think I'd much care (be more interested in if s/he was sexed correctly)--she appears healthy and very similar to what I hope mine turns out like. Nice looking dragon.

Best to you both.

Haha, thanks so much! I sexed her and I'm like 90% sure she's a girl because she has one singular bulge in the center of her tail.
Unlike my male who definitely has two bulges on each side, lol :)


Original Poster
AHBD":fgetg3jx said:
That would be a pretty good guess, if sold at 1-2 months old the dragon would be around 9- 10 months old. Looks alert + visually healthy from the pic, and a cutie as well. :)

Thank you!!
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