How to tell your dragons age?


Hey everyone, does anyone know a good way to tell the age of a dragon? I have no idea how old my rescue girl Lilly is. The lady I took her in from had gotten her from a shelter, where she'd been dropped off at after roaming the streets of LA. Her head spikes aren't all that long but they are pretty darn stiff unlike my other 2, plus she has like 3 rows of long spikes on her sides. When I look her in the face I just get this impression that she is like an old lady or something lol. She still the same chunky bodied girl with these little chicken legs lol


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Hatchling Member
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Hey everyone, does anyone know a good way to tell the age of a dragon? I have no idea how old my rescue girl Lilly is. The lady I took her in from had gotten her from a shelter, where she'd been dropped off at after roaming the streets of LA. Her head spikes aren't all that long but they are pretty darn stiff unlike my other 2, plus she has like 3 rows of long spikes on her sides. When I look her in the face I just get this impression that she is like an old lady or something lol. She still the same chunky bodied girl with these little chicken legs lol
Hatchlings3 inches4-6 grams
Babies (1-3 months)3-9 inches4-20 grams
Juveniles (3 to 11 months)8-24 inches20-400 grams
Adults (12-18 months)Female: 16-19 inches
Male: 19-24 inches
400-550 grams
This is a chart however the results you will get are an estimate. Or you could contact your reptile vet. Is she a German giant? She looks overweight.

xp29 Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She is definitely a chunky girl, after they reach adult it's hard to put an age to them.
She look quite content 🙂

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