Adventures with Doodles....New Pics of the Crew!

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Doodles went for a romp around the living room today, I snapped a few pictures while Lydia wasn't trying to get in my way. Such spoiled & silly babies....

hangin' out on the couch


she's such a chunky little thing


making a break for it!

"haha, you can't catch me!"

lydia came by to say hi to doodles

"hmmm....i wonder if i can reach that doorknob..."


Sub-Adult Member
ohsmileb":3c3zpfp1 said:
chastityx":3c3zpfp1 said:
ohsmileb":3c3zpfp1 said:
Haha but those cute little faces! How's ms. sleepyhead doing?!

And oh my, I went on and started reading up about leopard geckos and such, the people there are just as mean about gecko cohabitation as people here are about beardies. I was shocked. Now I'm going to be impatiently waiting to figure out their sex and hover over them if they're bullying each other! haha

lol! i went there when i first got mine and they gave me a speech about how females can get mean and shouldn't be housed together. i have 6 in a mansion and instead of sleeping apart from eachother they all try to sleep in the same house and have had no problems at all. i was like uhhhm, maybe you got mean ones cause mine are pretty nonchalant about being near eachother. XD

:lol: ! Well I'm coming to you anyways for my gecko issues. Haha you seem more trustworthy than the 11-16 yr old kids I saw responding to those

lmao. to be honest i think a lot of people just hyped it up with "you shouldn't do it" to the point that no one even tries. i know a lot of major breeders will keep females together for life unless they're breeding them. and my girls are about 40grams each and have yet to have a problem. i even keep our two new rescues together and they cuddle up in a hermit crab house. :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
That's good haha you help ease my mind. Harlow, though, is bigger than Eve and Eve won't eat :( They got me paranoid about bullying. I'm waiting for my bf to bring my babyfood

Lol sorry Ziggydoodles! your thread kinda got hacked about gecko talk


Sub-Adult Member
ohsmileb":2a7rfe6k said:
That's good haha you help ease my mind. Harlow, though, is bigger than Eve and Eve won't eat :( They got me paranoid about bullying. I'm waiting for my bf to bring my babyfood

Lol sorry Ziggydoodles! your thread kinda got hacked about gecko talk

feed them some chicken babyfood :) mine actually ate for the first time today, both of them, after i've been feeding with babyfood to keep them going. and you cant post a gecko and expect it not to get gecko hacked!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I totally don't mind all the gecko talk! I'm still learning about them so it helps me out a bit, lol. I've been keeping a pretty close eye on them (actually I'm obsessed with them and just stare @ their tank all the time) and I haven't noticed any bullying. Butters is slightly larger than Toast but they were housed together before I bought them, and they both appear to be eating, because neither of them are really skinny or even losing any weight, but I will probably try that chicken baby food so I can be sure that they are. I do have a spare 10g tank in my car though, so I can separate them quickly if needed. OHMYGOSH I heard one of them like, bark or screech or something last night! It scared the crap outta me! I'm not sure which one did it, but I checked on them and they were both just chillin' on top of their warm hide, hiding in their fake leaves.

Anyway, it's funny that you ask about Doodles, because she's been awake for the past couple days. She's just been hangin' out on the bottom of her warm side, looking grumpy. She ate a few worms a couple of days ago, so I'm waiting for those to make their way out, lol. :lol: Tonight she went to sleep in the funniest spot! I came home from work to find her head-first under her little corner staircase that's pressed up against her cave. She barely fits in it, only her head & front arms are actually hidden. :lol: I need to take a picture of her before she wakes up. Tomorrow's her bath day, so hopefully she'll poo and she can go back to sleep.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I woke Doodles up for a bath today, she definitely didn't appreciate being disturbed, but she had a fun time running around on my bed after her bath :lol: Right now she's hanging out on her warm side, on this fleece-covered little log ramp she has. No stinkeyes! I'm really hoping she won't be brumating on & off like this ALL WINTER, because winter lasts just about forever in Michigan!
**EDIT** Doodles decided she was hungry! She ate 6 supers, and now she's hangin' out on her basking branch. This is the first that she's been really awake since I attached her UVB to the inside of her tank with some velcro, so she'll be getting the new effects of that as well :)

For a small update on Butters & Toast, I finally got their moist hide all set up and situated in their tank, and covered it in some more vines, and Toast has taken that up as her new daytime nap spot :) Butters is still chillin' in the vines on top of their warm hide. Yesterday Toast climbed all the way to the top of the vines, and was sleeping next to the suction cup holding them up, it was so adorable :love5: Butters is definitely warming up to me faster than Toast is, but that could be because Toast is smaller, and my hands still look like big evil monsters :lol:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Okay, I have to get out something that's been bothering me today. I've been checking things out on so I can get some info on my new babies, and I've noticed that a lot of the people on this site are straight up MEAN to new gecko owners! Like, someone got a new gecko that was already gravid, and was asking questions about the coloring of the parents and potential baby colors, and a moderator just reamed them out for "unethical and dangerous" breeding practices, and having no idea what she was doing, when the user clearly stated the gecko was already preggo when they got her. Someone else posted several pics of their leos, and mentioned they'd just gotten a couple more, and an admin told them "stocking up on sub-par animals does NOT make a breeding colony." WHAT?!? Dude never even mentioned breeding his leos, he was just asking questions about their colors!! I've actually noticed that the majority of posts that I thought were just plain mean and rude were posts made by moderators and admins on the site.
I really don't think I'll be using that site much for information, even though a lot of their care articles are very well written, because I'm not trying to be attacked by some 'holier-than-thou' teenage gecko owner. Thank goodness this site has some leo lovers floating about (because let's face it, when you have one reptile you need ALL the reptiles, right?), because I would definitely trust the words of someone from this site WAYY before trusting anyone else on that forum.

-rant over- :roll:

Small Update on Doodles, so I don't totally lose track of myself here...
Doodles went back to bed today. I need to wake her up to give her a bath though, since she ate those supers yesterday and is a slow pooper. She's still crammed under her staircase :lol:, she's been ignoring her cave for like a week now.


Sub-Adult Member
ziggydoodles":zplud5l3 said:
Okay, I have to get out something that's been bothering me today. I've been checking things out on so I can get some info on my new babies, and I've noticed that a lot of the people on this site are straight up MEAN to new gecko owners! Like, someone got a new gecko that was already gravid, and was asking questions about the coloring of the parents and potential baby colors, and a moderator just reamed them out for "unethical and dangerous" breeding practices, and having no idea what she was doing, when the user clearly stated the gecko was already preggo when they got her. Someone else posted several pics of their leos, and mentioned they'd just gotten a couple more, and an admin told them "stocking up on sub-par animals does NOT make a breeding colony." WHAT?!? Dude never even mentioned breeding his leos, he was just asking questions about their colors!! I've actually noticed that the majority of posts that I thought were just plain mean and rude were posts made by moderators and admins on the site.
I really don't think I'll be using that site much for information, even though a lot of their care articles are very well written, because I'm not trying to be attacked by some 'holier-than-thou' teenage gecko owner. Thank goodness this site has some leo lovers floating about (because let's face it, when you have one reptile you need ALL the reptiles, right?), because I would definitely trust the words of someone from this site WAYY before trusting anyone else on that forum.

-rant over- :roll:

Small Update on Doodles, so I don't totally lose track of myself here...
Doodles went back to bed today. I need to wake her up to give her a bath though, since she ate those supers yesterday and is a slow pooper. She's still crammed under her staircase :lol:, she's been ignoring her cave for like a week now.

i learned the hard way that like 98% of the people on leo forums are legit rude as all heck. the one i'm on has breeders that go to it but even they are super mean to people asking questions trying to get into breeding as a hobby. i'm like.. uhhh if they are asking ahead of time why not help them instead of be rude? i learned enough, but i also have my own opinions on what works for me, so they get angry with me too. i got a speech on keeping mine on sand (they're around 40 gram juvies). i keep babies on paper towels and the juvies are on tile and sand (half the viv is tile the other half is a very very fine sand mixed with eco earth). they like digging and i feed them ON the tile so they never ingest any of it. they're just obnoxious and think their opinions are the right ones, even though half of the people on there are like 15. -.-

she looks so cute under the staircase. LOL.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well, if half of them are only 15 then that really explains WHY they think their answers are the only right ones (LMAO). I say this because I was one of those when I was 15, haha. Now I see that it's just annoying. :roll: I just can't believe it was the site moderators that were being so rude. Really, you'd think they would be trying to keep bullying OFF of their site instead of contributing to it. But really I think I can survive and find out what's right for MY geckos without their help. And your geckos sound like they're livin' the life over there, so if I had any issues I'd probably just ask you first. Butters just took a big ol' poo, there was some undigested worm in it but otherwise normal. They don't really like hanging out as much in their warm hide, but the temp is a steady 94 so I think they're just still getting used to their new crib? Ever since I put in the moist hide Toast has been hiding in there, except for when I caught her pigging out this morning :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
ziggydoodles":10n55s1r said:
Well, if half of them are only 15 then that really explains WHY they think their answers are the only right ones (LMAO). I say this because I was one of those when I was 15, haha. Now I see that it's just annoying. :roll: I just can't believe it was the site moderators that were being so rude. Really, you'd think they would be trying to keep bullying OFF of their site instead of contributing to it. But really I think I can survive and find out what's right for MY geckos without their help. And your geckos sound like they're livin' the life over there, so if I had any issues I'd probably just ask you first. Butters just took a big ol' poo, there was some undigested worm in it but otherwise normal. They don't really like hanging out as much in their warm hide, but the temp is a steady 94 so I think they're just still getting used to their new crib? Ever since I put in the moist hide Toast has been hiding in there, except for when I caught her pigging out this morning :lol:

phoenix worms usually come out half digested in most of my geckos AND my beardies. sometimes theres gross mealworm pieces depending on if they ate alot too. and they are spoiled so if i thought something was wrong i'd fix it :p


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Sorry chastityx, one last concern about the geckos. :? I gave the babies some waxworms last night since they're a little skinny, and this morning one of them poo'd out a whole, mostly undigested worm. The entire "skin" of the worm was still intact, but some guts were gone (clearly I inspected this way too closely, lol). It was all stretched out though, presumably from passing through their tiny intestines. I've been noticing for the past 2 days that their warm temp has been a little too low (usually 93-95, now 86-88), but I'm not sure why as my UTH is brand-new, and the temperature in my apartment is pretty consistent. They are situated fairly close to my sliding patio door, but it doesn't let in very much cold air. I'm thinking that the temps are why the worm came out like that, but I have no idea what to do to get them to stay consistent :(

I gave Doodles another bath today, since she still hasn't pooped out those supers she ate a couple of days ago. I let her roam around the living room a bit, and when I put her back into her tank she did the funniest thing! I had put her green staircase on top of her hide this morning, so she could wake up for her bath, and when I put her back in her tank after her bath, she climbed on TOP of the hide but wedged herself UNDER the staircase, and started trying to nose-bump her way through the glass wall! :lol: I put the staircase back onto the floor of her tank and she stopped, I didn't want her to hurt her little face! It was too funny though, now she's just laying all sprawled out on top of her cave :) I took a couple of pictures of her silliness, but I just don't have the energy to upload them and post them right now, so I will do that later :)


Sub-Adult Member
ziggydoodles":22ti2jiy said:
Sorry chastityx, one last concern about the geckos. :? I gave the babies some waxworms last night since they're a little skinny, and this morning one of them poo'd out a whole, mostly undigested worm. The entire "skin" of the worm was still intact, but some guts were gone (clearly I inspected this way too closely, lol). It was all stretched out though, presumably from passing through their tiny intestines. I've been noticing for the past 2 days that their warm temp has been a little too low (usually 93-95, now 86-88), but I'm not sure why as my UTH is brand-new, and the temperature in my apartment is pretty consistent. They are situated fairly close to my sliding patio door, but it doesn't let in very much cold air. I'm thinking that the temps are why the worm came out like that, but I have no idea what to do to get them to stay consistent :(

I gave Doodles another bath today, since she still hasn't pooped out those supers she ate a couple of days ago. I let her roam around the living room a bit, and when I put her back into her tank she did the funniest thing! I had put her green staircase on top of her hide this morning, so she could wake up for her bath, and when I put her back in her tank after her bath, she climbed on TOP of the hide but wedged herself UNDER the staircase, and started trying to nose-bump her way through the glass wall! :lol: I put the staircase back onto the floor of her tank and she stopped, I didn't want her to hurt her little face! It was too funny though, now she's just laying all sprawled out on top of her cave :) I took a couple of pictures of her silliness, but I just don't have the energy to upload them and post them right now, so I will do that later :)

well they could just not be chewing it up enough when they eat! but the temps might be affecting it. i wouldn't be too worried unless you see it consistently. like full worms every day.
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