Zilla RIP 3/2/14 : Started a new thread for Sid!

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Hi all. Never in a million years did I think I'd get so excited about a lizard pooping in his bath before. Lol

I want to potty train him, so I'm super excited. He's only ever pooped i the tub once. I was hoping today was the day since its Saturday, since he hasn't pooped in about a week and since he ate about 14 supers for breakfast. Yay!!!!!

What a nice birthday present. For him. Lol. He's a year old roughly right around now.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi guys. Ok, so I can't stay away - from you guys, or dragons in general.

I spoke to Lynn from Carolina Designer Dragons this morning to see if she had any adult males they would rehome. She said she had actually been considering rehoming a 7 year old because he was no longer in her breeding program, but she had never posted it, or talked about it to anyone and just figured the 'right' person would come along.

Could it be? I have no idea. He is her absolute sweetheart and she has been in no hurry to let him go. I'm going to go see her place (which I've been dying to do for two years but never dared because I knew I'd come home with another dragon which was NOT the plan) and to meet 'Jack'. He's a Chris Allen Red, one of the last of the originals and sounds just like what I was hoping to find. Mainly, a VERY laid back dragon that doesn't get stressed by being moved around. You all know how we took Zilla with us many places..... She said that he was her show dragon for four years and never stressed out about that, and LOVED the attention from everyone.

So we will see. She is busy with shows the next two weekends, but I will try to get down there asap after that to meet him.

I guess my first hesitation is his age, but since he's one of hers, and hasn't been bread since he was 4 - I'm guessing (and she even thought) he could very well live to the 10 - 15 year range.

Of course I want to run right down there today, but luckily we've been hit with another small ice storm, and she's an hour and a half from here. I think three weeks is good timing. It'll give me time get Zilla back and make him a place of honor on one of the fireplace mantels next to Andy (cat). I'll probably reuse a lot of the same decorations for a new dragon, but will spend some time making sure every last little inch of everything is disinfected. Going to put down 4x4 or 6x6 tiles too. Maybe a mix of both. But that will be the only thing different. Probably going to put up new paper on three sides of the glass to minimize reflection, and MAYBE move the tank to a different wall, but other than that I think everything will be the same.

Has anybody else adopted a dragon roughly 7 years old? Deb, I think one of yours was 5 when you got him?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Brenda, yes Lonzo was 5 when I adopted him and he'll be 11 yrs old in April. He's still going strong, even though he's developed some Parkinson-like ticks. He doesn't like to be out of his tank so much anymore, he likes the comforts of his tank as it's covered in blankets. The best thing is to make sure you have a good vet, as he'll need annual checkups at least. But they can live longer than expected. My friend Joanne rescued a beardie who was 13 and he lived until he was 15. The oldest beardie on record lived to 18 or 20.

Sounds like he's in very good shape, too. I have 3 beardies that are in the 6-7 yr range, Puff, Leo and Didi and they're all doing really well. Rubio is 5 1/2 yrs old and Gabriel is 3.

I don't think you'd go wrong with this beardie, he sounds well loved and taken care of and very healthy. So at least meet him!

And I'm glad you can't stay away from here, I'd miss you too much!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I've been having rough nights the last few nights. Not sleeping. I feel SO bad that Zilla died and I keep flashing his final hours through my mind. Then his lifeless limp little body with no life left. It's just horrible. And what makes it worse is he is still in my freezer. So I have THAT vision stuck in my head too. We are getting weather again right now through morning, but I am really hoping I can get away from the office to run him over to the crematorium. It'll probably have to wait until Monday. :|

I keep peeking in at him in his tank, and then realizing.........

This is hard.

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Yes, Brenda, it is hard. We had Goldie in our freezer for about a month before we could bury her. We wanted to put her next to her other sisters that we'd lost before her. :( :cry: gosh, I still miss them, all of them. It helps (for us, anyway) to have other beardies to love and take care of. It's harder when you are home with out them to cuddle.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
I agree with Lori that it is harder on you without another one there to cuddle. None will replace Zilla of course or any of the other beardies that we lost. But, this 7 yr old male is calling out to you. Things happen for a reason. :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I know how hard it is, Brenda, Titan is still in my freezer, as it will still be awhile before I can bury him with my girls...Having Puff move in after Titan helped me a lot, too. So if you feel right about the 7 yr old you were talking about, bring him home, it will help with your grief over Zilla.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks guys. Nights have just been tough, now today was odd as well. I've never lost power for more than a few minutes in the old house. We moved here and one of the first things I said to Richard was we might want to seriously consider getting a small generator in case the power goes off for an extended period of time so Zilla could stay warm. Of course we never got around to it. He died Sunday and we've been without power since 6am. It's 4pm now. Odd. I normally wouldn't be so concerned because the chances are pretty good that either my office or friends would have power and as long as the roads weren't bad, I could have always brought him somewhere. But this storm has the whole town practically without power, but the roads are fine.

He would have been fine here probably tho. It's around 75 in the living room on the couch across from the fireplace. Probably 95 or higher on the rug In front of it. It's 55 down the hall, 45 in the garage and 35 outside.

This weekend will be almost 60 and by Tuesday will be 70.

Richard just went out to get bags of ice so we can cool down the fridge and freezers. I hate to say this, but in might have to put Zilla in a cooler under ice so he doesn't thaw.

Yep, no way I'm sleeping tonight either. This totally sucks. Lynn with the 7 yr old dragon is at a show this weekend in Alabama I think and another show next weekend. We may go down to her place on the 22nd or 29th. I may not be able to wait til the 29th....... Heck I may not be able to wait til the 22nd!

I have a huge tree in the front yard that is completely breaking apart under the load of all this ice and it sounds and looks like a war zone out there.

Well, I'm done rambling. No internet so I'm using cell data which I probably shouldn't. I've been trying to crochet the day away while NOT looking at the empty tank. I finished a baby blanket and started a baby sweater that is the same colors for a friend. Will do booties too. Her shower is 3/31 so I knew had to hurry. Have two more people to hurry and make things for, but this one was pressing. I'll post pix of the blanket soon. I really like the colors, but it's not considered baby colors by any means. I showed it to her sister in law to see what she thought and she said she would LOVE it because it's different. Whew! That's a relief.


BD.org Addict
Have you tried covering up Zilla's viv with a blanket to block the emptiness?
I'm glad you might have found the opportunity to take another baby in.
Sorry about the weather, that really blows.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I agree with Liz, your weather just blows. I was going to suggest the same thing, that's what I did when Sweetie died, put a blanket over her tank, it was in the bedroom so saw it as I woke up & that helped.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
No, I haven't put a blanket over it. I just yesterday mustered up the gumption to do a load of Zilla wash. I hadn't been able to think about that.

So here's a doozy for you all. This ice storm we had kind of threw the whole county on its backside. Here it is Monday morning and not everyone has power yet. I was home all day Friday tending the fire so it didn't go out and Richard went off to work for most of the day. He told me at some point he was on his way home and next thing I know he said his truck completely broke down about a mile from home. He was blocking the right lane of a four lane road right under branches loaded with ice waiting to fall. It was an interesting ride over there to go get him - the road had a couple inches of slush, trees were all down blocking the road in many areas and the traffic lights weren't working. We get back home and he could see all the damage to our neighborhood and yard. HUGE trees just kept splitting and braking and falling all day long. Very eerie to say the least. The house is dead quiet then you hear a loud SNAP and then creaking while everything tumbles down and you brace yourself for the whole fall thinking it's going to hit the house. I was actually very productive with my crochet projects, so not a bad day after all.

Well, we didn't sleep that great Friday night, but we were snuggled up in front of the living room fireplace with the cats. The house really only ever got down to 50-55, but we closed off the living room and dining room and managed to keep it between like 65-75 and right in front of the fire was toasty. Well the fire went out at 4:30, oops. We stoked it and fell back to sleep. Got up around 630 I think to head out to a side job in Fayetteville. We actually still had warm water in the tank for quick showers, but I tied my hair up to conserve it. Anyway, by the time we got some coffee in us and finished one service call in Fayetteville I started to realize that we didn't leave the food iced down enough to stay away overnight. I was afraid of losing everything in the freezers and refrigerators. I started to whine about it (yes, I admit it) and that I should have stayed home to keep a fire going and run out for more ice and keep an eye on all our food. And then it hit me. Zilla. I had taken him out of the freezer and put him In a cooler and filled it with ice the day before. In my not-yet-caffeinated morning stupor, I forgot to check on him before we left. After my whining rant about the food, I managed to choke out while crying, "and Zilla....... he's gonna melt....... and he'll be sitting in a puddle of water....." I'm sobbing by this point and keep in mind we are almost to the side job. We are at a red light, Richard looks over at me, puts his hand on my knee and says we'll cancel the side job and go home. I bawled even more. He said we'd go home and if we still didn't have power we'd go get a generator. I suggested we should get a generator before we left Fayetteville since there probably will be none to find anywhere near us at home. We got one (the floor model because they were almost all out too) and got home as quick as possible. About two more hours.

He's a good guy, that's for sure

To make a long story short, we got home and everything was actually still fine and frozen/cold. Including Zilla. When we plugged the fridge and freezer into the generator, I wrapped Zilla in another bag and put him back in the freezer.

We didn't start a fire right away because it was 60 degrees out! We saw how much damage was In our neighborhood alone so we prepped for a couple days of no power. We then realized an older neighbor who is a widow had recently had back surgery and was keeping keeping warm by burning green wood, since that was all she could get to in her wood pile. Richard loaded up the wheel barrow with seasoned wood from our pile and brought it to her house and stacked in her living room right next to the fireplace. Yep, he's a good guy.

So at about 4:00, a caravan of power trucks from a couple hours away showed up and started assessing things. A pole split three houses away from us and they were trying to figure out how to get TO it with the trucks. Unfortunately they couldn't and had to replace the pole, or fix it, by hand. For some reason, we have poles BEHIND our houses here. They told us not to expect power until maybe hopefully lunchtime on Sunday. Lo and behold, by around 8pm Saturday, we had power!!

So, long crazy post about a long crazy weekend that I hope didn't bore you to tears. But all is well now and I'm going in to work today. As far as I know there is power there. I still miss Zilla horribly, but it's getting a little easier. I watch goofy videos we have of him and I smile. I'm going to bring him to the crematorium today or tomorrow if they have power, and will print off some favorite pictures to frame. He has a prime spot in my heart, and will always be close.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
You should do a pictorial memorial on here, that's what I did with the beardies I've lost and it was very cathargic, helped me a lot to accept that they were gone. Titan's was the last one I did & I'm hoping my last for awhile. Something to think about & somewhere you can go to when you want to.

Sorry about the messy weekend, glad it's all getting back to normal.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi everyone!

Without further ado, I'd like to introduce Sid! I found him on Craigslist a couple days ago and spoke with his owner at length. He seemed to really fit the bill of what I was hoping to adopt so we took a two hour car ride after work yesterday to go meet him. His owner had a toddler and a 3 week old baby and felt bad that she wasn't giving him the time he wanted anymore. She said he was a little snuggle bug and didn't stress easy. He's a citrus red and didn't come from a pet shop.

He's gorgeous and I couldn't leave without him. He hung out on my shoulder on the car ride home and promptly fell asleep when it got dark out. This morning when I uncovered him, he looked a little surprised and kept doing that lizard head tilt. Haha. He climbed up on his log (she gave us everything in the tank, but not the tank) and basked. After about an hour he ate 3 superworms and a bite of carrot. Yay! I went home at lunch and he ate another one, but no salad or apple.

After work he stayed on my shoulder and started a neck snuggle. Woohoo! I tried to put him in his tank when the lights went out, but he was having nothing of THAT! He sure showed his true Velcro self! What a sweetie! So Richard wanted him at that point, and after a few minutes he snuggled into his beard and went to sleep. He's back in his tank now on a mattress and pillow under a blankie and under the CHE. He's used to it being warmer in his old tank, so I will slowly lower night temps over the course of a week or so.

He certainly needs a bath but I don't want to add to stress, so will wait til I think he's comfy. He pooped for me at lunch time so I quick put some under the microscope. Pinworms. Bleh. So I ordered Panacur and lizard soap to clean him, and some other supplies and will start that as soon as I get it.

I'm really pleased with him, but am amazed at how different he is from Zilla. From his color, to his shape, to his size. And he is so much more alert! Makes me realize how sick Zilla probably was.

Here's some pix for your viewing pleasure:

Sid, this morning:

Neck snuggles this evening:

Trying to show his color:

Snuggling with Richard:

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