whidby island dragon is here! (ROCKY)

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Extreme Poster
I'm pretty sure that that's among the most disturbing pictures I've ever seen in my life... :banghead:


Hatchling Member
Oh my dear goodness gracious! That is the worst looking bearded dragon I've ever seen!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?!?!


Gray-bearded Member
He told me on the phone when I texted him that he has been to the vet recently and they told him he had an eye infection and there was nothing they could do. They sent him home with otherwise a clean bill of health. I told him to google pictures of beardies and compare. Their legs aren't pencil sized and they are bright in color when happy. He told me he has never seen him with a solid white belly.


Hatchling Member
Is it normal to see a human's ribs and spine stick out like that? NO! So what makes it OK to see it on an animal?! Why are people so dumb these days. It's sad that the vet didn't say anything. Even a non-reptile vet could clearly see that something was wrong with this poor thing.


Extreme Poster
midmichicer":2a3ipefu said:
He told me on the phone when I texted him that he has been to the vet recently and they told him he had an eye infection and there was nothing they could do.

Well he needs to go to a different "vet"... my first beardie's eye infection and abscess was taken care of easily enough with some antibiotics (Baytril). That's disgusting. If they want the eye infection to have any chance of healing, they NEED to take him off the sand.
You should text him some pictures of your beardies and tell him to visit this site, so he will know what a healthy one actually looks like.


Gray-bearded Member
I have to stop looking at that picture.. he looks like a skeleton. I'm snuggling with my beardies like I do every night looking how nice and fat they are.. how does he say very healthy???


Extreme Poster
I know, I re-read the add cause I didn't see that the first time.

How much does he want for the poor thing?


Hatchling Member
Oh my god, that's completely heart wrenching.. If I lived near that man I'd smack him so hard, his eyes would pop out of his sockets!

You don't need to be a beardie expert to see this poor creature is starving to death!
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