whidby island dragon is here! (ROCKY)

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Extreme Poster
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how many of us are in washington? i can drive but i dont have the money meaby we could pool funds?


Juvie Member
What would you flag it for? The craigslist people won't be able to do anything so I would leave it up there as long as it is. Are you nearby? Can you call the cities animal services department and see what they say? I really think this guy has a chance. Animal services could give him subQ fluids on the spot.


Juvie Member
Can you call them? Like I said before I am willing to donate but we should make sure this guy can be found.
Seattle Animal Services
Call (206) 386-7387 (PETS) to request service, file a complaint or get information.

I also have a sister who is a RN in Portland how far is that?


Juvie Member
Yeah say he has obviously been neglected dehydrated, fat pads sunken in and the man is trying to sell him. Tell him that you have consulted with other bearded dragon owners and we believe he can be saved with some fluids and intervention but the man isn't answering your text. See what they advise. At least it will give us a starting point.


Extreme Poster
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im waiting for the whidby island animal control to call me back im so worried for this poor dragon


Extreme Poster
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:blob5: they put a call out they are going to check it out heres hopping that they can help


Extreme Poster
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im hoping to take him if they cant do anything i have a huge dubia colony and lights i would just need to get a tub for him


I'm in Everett Wa,
I have a spare 40gal breeder tank available but I don't have the funds to pay 100 for this poor guy and take him to the vet.
I called this guy but am waiting on a reply.

If tank or transportation is all that's keeping anyone from helping him let me know... I'll do what ever is needed to help!


Juvie Member
So sick of seeing reptiles mistreated like this because they are not a dog or a cat. Their needs to be legislation put into place protecting these guys like there is cats and dogs. It's a fine line though considering some people have to feed mice and others have them as pets aswell. It's just so heart wrenching when you know how these animals are. I hope they get to the beardie soon. Some Vets are very misinformed I mean look at my vets website about beardies ( http://www.swanimalhospital.net/html/infosheets/beardeddragoninfo.html ).I go to him for just problem matters and dont take his advice on how to raise them!!


Juvie Member
Don't pay any money for the dragon tell him your taking him straight to the vet and that he can go ahea and sell the extra supplies n tank. A rubbermaid tub with lights will be fine! But he will def need some fluids i'v from a vet. And the best route to get that free would be to contact a rescue group mentioned earlier. Don't give that guy a dime and if he doesn't turn him over than you give the address to the animal services. Try and get his address first!


Sub-Adult Member
Maybe go to the guy's house and ask to see him then run? LOL JKJKJK! But seriously hope they do something. If I wasn't in Missouri, I'd help in any way possible.
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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