Viv pics only thread


I found a great deal on fake foliage from Hobby lobby. The single fake plant from a local pet shop wanted $17. I got theses from Hobby Lobby plus 4x more than what is pictured here, all different species of plant for $10.

(And don't worry I've got a Temp gun) :wink:



And the plants look way more realistic than any of the ones in the pet store! I should be getting my first BD, Ruth by Thursday! Hope all my studing pays off :study:


Juvie Member
Nice viv, like the rock work, might be a pain cleaning it once your BD has her first poo though
Whats that black bulb you have there?


Hatchling Member
tenchi80":06a2e said:
I found a great deal on fake foliage from Hobby lobby. The single fake plant from a local pet shop wanted $17. I got theses from Hobby Lobby plus 4x more than what is pictured here, all different species of plant for $10.

I agree!! I bought about 7-8 thick vines with huge leaves on them for $7 at Michael's. I boiled them to make sure there wasn't any glue or ickies on them and they work GREAT!! All the petstores wanted like $30 for similar vines.. That is a great tip!!

Sekhautet Sicko
RedHandFilms":f43c1 said:
Be careful when boiling fake leaves. Only do it if they are plastic. I tried it with silk leaves and they curled and shriveled up.

I wash mine by hand in the sink. Of course, I've never had to deal with coccidia, but if I did, I would just throw them out and get new ones after they got better. They're so cheap on sale at Michael's or somewhere else to make yourself. :D


Juvie Member
These pix are from like February ish. He's way bigger now. I just took a few things out to give him more room. We hopefully are making a new enclosure in a month or so :)



He never used the ladder so we just raised it up and connected it to the hammock on the other side lol. Of course, he's used the ladder once there too. Sheesh. So unappreciative ;) haha.



Juvie Member
hi all
i'm new and getting my baby soon. i've been trying to get temp right on basking side. will my baby bother/eat the digital therm probe if i put it onto basking spot? i see in the viv pics it is...this may be my answer to why i can't get the temps just right on that side.
nice meeting you all, the more i read the more confused i get...i really want to do this right...i was afraid he'd chew or nibble and hurt himself as i heard they do...
thank you all


Hatchling Member
Soon as I figure out how to post a pic I will. But, I do have a question. When I build Spike his new home this spring, I was thinking of putting tile on one side and sand on the other. (I know, I know) Spike loves to dig so I was going to build a small "sand box". Should the heat be on the tile side and cool on the sand side?

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