these are some awesome VIV's, im working on my second one as we speak and i will post it here when i am done...but for now here are a few of my past VIV's i have used...
This my NEW baby as of christmas 08...have not named her yet, but the adult is APHRODITE...
This is the cage i built out of two book shelves put them together in about three days, the bottom has a storage section for the crix and other misc dragon stuff...It is her current home and although THIS particular picture doesnt show all the lights on, temps are perfect when they are and YES I DO HAVE A
UVB bulb...
Here is the goddess watching the TV...
This was a very temporary set up, i had to do it while i moved...but she actually liked her neighbor, feeling wasn't mutual thou, when APHRODITE was awake, Onyx wasn't any where to be found, but when she would go to sleep (not move) - Onyx would would come out and slither around...