Viv pics only thread


Juvie Member
that looks awesome. one more question..does she ever nibble or chew on the probe for the therm? i love the background. i'm enjoying that myself....
how old is she? shes beautiful

puppytoes72 Sicko
jojo never messes with her probe thermometer.if yours does then you can just check the temps weekly and then take it back out.just make sure you keep the probe on the basking surface for at least 45 minutes to get an accurate reading :D


Juvie Member
Finally got some pics. The first one I took right before I cleaned his cage. It's a 3x2x2 vision cage. The second is my new rescue beardies, I know its way too small but trust me its twice the size of the one she was in. Temp. until I can build her a new one after Xmas.


I know it doesn't look like theres a UVB light on the second one but there is ;) And it looks like theres no basking spot on the first one but its in there lol :blob8:


Hatchling Member
these are some awesome VIV's, im working on my second one as we speak and i will post it here when i am done...but for now here are a few of my past VIV's i have used...

This my NEW baby as of christmas 08...have not named her yet, but the adult is APHRODITE...


This is the cage i built out of two book shelves put them together in about three days, the bottom has a storage section for the crix and other misc dragon stuff...It is her current home and although THIS particular picture doesnt show all the lights on, temps are perfect when they are and YES I DO HAVE A UVB bulb...


Here is the goddess watching the TV...




This was a very temporary set up, i had to do it while i moved...but she actually liked her neighbor, feeling wasn't mutual thou, when APHRODITE was awake, Onyx wasn't any where to be found, but when she would go to sleep (not move) - Onyx would would come out and slither around...



Hatchling Member
demon_dragon":dcb4e said:
ok i feel like a bad father my viv look nothing like those beautiful self made ones i gotta get my things together and do something for my babie

I'm with you!! I feel bad for my kiddos after seeing all these awesome vivs! :)


Hatchling Member
My newly finished viv for Dante....posted it in enclosures for comments...thought i would post here just cuz :D

Cool Side


Basking side


Full Frontal view



Juvie Member
Tundra viv split in half while i finish Runner's viv. still alot more work to be done since i had to find another Tv Unit the same color to match this one. my lights are on a temp switch for now. till i can cut more holes to house the lighting.


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