

BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
That is true depending on what size the terrarium is.
That’s a really good point - I’ll still replace the bulb but maybe with a smaller one then as I don’t know how long that one has been in there
What size is your tank - the 24" Arcadia will go right into a 40 gallon and can be used in a 120 gallon you dont want the UVB the same length of the tank --


Original Poster
I would get a Arcadia Pro T 5 w/ the 12% bulb 24 watt - its going to be 24" Pet Smart sells them --
Thanks very much - and re the 6% I just looked for where I found that and it actually said 6% UVI rather than UVB so that was a misreading on my part rather than incorrect info


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thanks very much - and re the 6% I just looked for where I found that and it actually said 6% UVI rather than UVB so that was a misreading on my part rather than incorrect info
When you get the UVB please post back on here and we will get you set up for the tank - the screen will determine where the UVB needs to go and distanced


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

I'm so glad you have given him a great home. He will do well with you. As already suggested the UVB
lighting & heating is crucial so any questions you have definitely let us know!
He should gain weight & fill out nicely with a good healthy diet.



Original Poster
Just by way of update - I took Puff to the vet who was surprised by his size and weight for his age and said he was very underweight and he was concerned about metabolic bone disease. He did an X-ray and found that the bone density in his feet was extremely low, but thankfully he has no fractures or anything anywhere. Puff was given a vitamin injection and will be getting another one in a couple of weeks. Hopefully he will be feeling much better soon. I’ve ordered a larger vivarium for him - 5ft by 2ft by 2ft, as his current one is 3ft by about 1.5ft x 1.5ft which seems a bit small. I know 5ft isn’t the biggest but it’ll be a smidge roomier for him. Thank you for everyone who gave me helpful advice!


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Just by way of update - I took Puff to the vet who was surprised by his size and weight for his age and said he was very underweight and he was concerned about metabolic bone disease. He did an X-ray and found that the bone density in his feet was extremely low, but thankfully he has no fractures or anything anywhere. Puff was given a vitamin injection and will be getting another one in a couple of weeks. Hopefully he will be feeling much better soon. I’ve ordered a larger vivarium for him - 5ft by 2ft by 2ft, as his current one is 3ft by about 1.5ft x 1.5ft which seems a bit small. I know 5ft isn’t the biggest but it’ll be a smidge roomier for him. Thank you for everyone who gave me helpful advice!
What is the UVB length your using now? Going to a 5 ft tank you should have a 36" long tube fixture- and that is plenty big - most use the 4x2x2 tanks -


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Are you also using a good calcium supplement for him?
Which UVB light did you change to now? Luckily you are catching it early so it doesn't advance
more. He should be able to recover from this, without any issue.
How is he doing today?
Keep us posted on his progress.



Original Poster

Are you also using a good calcium supplement for him?
Which UVB light did you change to now? Luckily you are catching it early so it doesn't advance
more. He should be able to recover from this, without any issue.
How is he doing today?
Keep us posted on his progress.

Hi Tracie, I am using Prorep calci dust but I don’t know how “good” that is? He has temporarily got the Arcadia D3 basking bulb and an Arcadia 10% desert bulb - but I’ve order the Arcadia pro 12% set up for his new viv. Yeah the vet is of the opinion that he can recover thankfully - I took him to the only reptile vet near me (who is about an hour away) and he seems to know his stuff. Puff is actually doing much better since his vitamin injection. He is much livelier and wanting to be involved in things. He seems to be a curious little chap with a penchant for crime television. I’ll let you know how he gets on after his next vet visit.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Does the calcium powder have any D3 in it, or is it calcium powder without D3? It should be fine to use
on a regular basis if it isn't loaded with D3.
Those lights are perfectly fine, the Arcadia lights are stunningly bright & have a great UVB output, too.
I'm glad to hear Puff seems to be doing better now. At least he is active too. Is he eating pretty well also?

Definitely let us know how things are going & how your next vet visit turns out.



Original Poster

Does the calcium powder have any D3 in it, or is it calcium powder without D3? It should be fine to use
on a regular basis if it isn't loaded with D3.
Those lights are perfectly fine, the Arcadia lights are stunningly bright & have a great UVB output, too.
I'm glad to hear Puff seems to be doing better now. At least he is active too. Is he eating pretty well also?

Definitely let us know how things are going & how your next vet visit turns out.



Original Poster

Does the calcium powder have any D3 in it, or is it calcium powder without D3? It should be fine to use
on a regular basis if it isn't loaded with D3.
Those lights are perfectly fine, the Arcadia lights are stunningly bright & have a great UVB output, too.
I'm glad to hear Puff seems to be doing better now. At least he is active too. Is he eating pretty well also?

Definitely let us know how things are going & how your next vet visit turns out.

It’s 100% calcium, no vitamin D. He is eating very well - still being a bit choosey about his salad but he is branching out a little bit and has tried a few diff things.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Ok, that sounds great! They certainly can become particular about their greens/salads, but keep
working with him & hope he continues to be interested in trying out new things to eat! You could
try mincing up some pieces of apple, bell peppers, or squash for some color to entice him some.



I had a beardie that was really stubborn and wouldn’t eat greens. What I ended up doing was first putting BFSL at the bottom of his feeding bowl then I put a whole bunch of mustard greens and collard greens on top which were shredded. The movement of the larvae below the leaves was enough to have him chomp the greens down. He had to get through the leaves before getting to the BFSL.


Original Poster

Does the calcium powder have any D3 in it, or is it calcium powder without D3? It should be fine to use
on a regular basis if it isn't loaded with D3.
Those lights are perfectly fine, the Arcadia lights are stunningly bright & have a great UVB output, too.
I'm glad to hear Puff seems to be doing better now. At least he is active too. Is he eating pretty well also?

Definitely let us know how things are going & how your next vet visit turns out.

We went to the vet today for Puff’s second vitamin injection- the vet thought he was looking very well and said that he has gained weight which is brill. He has to go back for another injection in a month’s time.

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