The Adventures of Falkor the Great!

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Since I've already posted once, I thought I'd come over here and introduce myself and my beardie.

Three weeks ago I had no plans on adopting a bearded dragon. However, a family member told me that she had one that she couldn't keep and asked me if I would take it. I love reptiles, so I did some research and ultimately decided I would.

Upon bringing him to me, however, I discovered that she was underfeeding him and feeding him the wrong thing (she was only giving him a couple of mealworms a day and she'd give him large superworms twice a week, when I cleaned out his tank I found five living superworms in there). I learned that his setup was also wrong (coil UVB and this substrate that had glued on rocks that could easily come loose/be ingested). She was also using a red light for him at night. So I quickly worked to get nearly everything replaced. Now he gets to eat crickets (though I'm transitioning away from those), dubias, and very soon calicworms too. I give him the very occasional small piece of waxworm as a treat, too (I cut them up). I dust once a day. He has a reptisun uvb tube, the correct temps in his basking spot, tile substrate, and fresh veggies every day.

He had a little stress after his two moves (to my house, and then to his new viv), but he's now officially eating around 60 bugs a day! I had to order more dubia. I also bought a colony but they aren't breeding fast enough, haha.

He was only 6" when she gave him to me, not sure if it's because he was very young when she bought him, or because he was underfed, or both. I know he's grown over the past two weeks, though, but I haven't had a chance to measure him again yet. He takes food from my hand, but he won't climb on my hand on his own just yet, and occasionally he'll still puff up at me when I approach, but I can tell he's getting more accustomed to my handling.

My favorite activity is giving him water with a took him two tries to learn what that was, and now he opens his mouth every time I offer it to him. It's cute.

Here are a couple of pictures...

Sleeping in his original tank:

On our way to his first bath:

Caught eating veggies for the first time:

Fat tummy after his first big meal:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I like it a lot! Thank you :D

One thing...could you change the 'c' to a 'k' in his name? Then it will be perfect.

Thanks for your help!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sorry about that, just keep those pictures coming! He's such a cutie!

I have 5 beardies, and an enormously long thread, started it back in 2010! So if you want to be introduced to my beardies, my loves, let me know and I'll post my link here.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank you!

I just found your thread — that is long! But it looks like you have some great beardies :) I am going to take a closer read of their adventures when I get out of work later today!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'd just look through the last 5 pages, the rest of the story goes back so long ago. I rescue dragons and have lost so many...just part of what I do. I've lost 5 since Dec/13, so sad, but now I have Leo (8 yrs), Gabriel 4 1/2 yrs, Cierra and Nathaniel, brother and sister, 1 1/2 yrs and Castiel, who's 11 mo old and the biggest beardie I've seen since my Rubio. He's already 19 1/2" long and 522g at last weigh in Aug 2. I think he's even bigger now! I brought Nathaniel home Dec 7/14 and Cierra came home Feb 16/15., both from a local rescue society. Then Castiel was shipped by my friend Sabrina from Louisiana to Vancouver, BC on June 9/15 as a gift. I picked him up on June 11, took him 2 days & 4 cities to get to me :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
SukiLove":x236oxtq said:
Omg those legs! I love it. He is such a cutie!!! :love5:

Thank you!

sweetiepie9":x236oxtq said:
I'd just look through the last 5 pages, the rest of the story goes back so long ago. I rescue dragons and have lost so many...just part of what I do. I've lost 5 since Dec/13, so sad, but now I have Leo (8 yrs), Gabriel 4 1/2 yrs, Cierra and Nathaniel, brother and sister, 1 1/2 yrs and Castiel, who's 11 mo old and the biggest beardie I've seen since my Rubio. He's already 19 1/2" long and 522g at last weigh in Aug 2. I think he's even bigger now! I brought Nathaniel home Dec 7/14 and Cierra came home Feb 16/15., both from a local rescue society. Then Castiel was shipped by my friend Sabrina from Louisiana to Vancouver, BC on June 9/15 as a gift. I picked him up on June 11, took him 2 days & 4 cities to get to me :D

I think it's great that you rescue dragons. I'd like to do that at some point down the line, now that I have a good idea of how rough it is for some of them out there, and how many are in need. It really breaks my heart to see so many neglected. But that would have to come later, because Falkor keeps me (and my income!) very busy right now!

I love the name Castiel by the way! It's impressive that he is so big! Your dragons are lucky to have you taking such good care of them :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I do my best and they are all spoiled rotten :D My first rescue was my son & d-i-l's & that was Sweetiepie. She was a sweet dragon. Had her for 5 1/2 yrs. And that's what started it all.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Falkor had his first vet visit and long car trip.

He was not a fan:


He had a clean fecal, but there's something going on with his leg so he had to get a scraping. Per the vet's advice, he now has paper towel substrate and I cleaned all his furniture (his basking spot is now propped up with pancake boxes, lol):


He was doing really well with being handled on a daily basis, but after the vet appointment and the tank cleaning (during which he had to be in a separate bin), he seems a little more on edge :( He's been doing that thing where he closes one eye at me while I'm handling him, like he wants me to go away. So I'm trying to leave him alone to let him re-acclimate.

But I still steal some snuggles before bed at night:


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Awww, so sorry about the vet visit but still glad you took him in. Hope there's nothing seriously wrong with his leg, Keep me posted, k?

Loved the picture of him hiding in his box, he's just so little. And don't stop handling him, he will think something's really wrong. Just hold him gently and talk to him softly, just to let him know that all is going to be well. Plus evening snuggles, of course :love5:

I really love his bed, too :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank you! I will let you know when I get the results.

I'll keep handling him :) I just worry because it was such a stressful weekend for him. After the vet visit and cleaning his tank (during which he had to be housed in a separate container), he had persistant stress marks, which hasn't happened before (he'll occasionally darken when basking but only temporarily). I'm just worried about overdoing it for him. But last night I taped paper on the back and sides of his viv so he can hopefully feel a little more secure — and it might be helping, he didn't have any stress marks this morning.

And I love his bed too! I got it from someone who makes beardie blankets. It's nice and big, too, so he can use it even as he grows.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
There is no such thing as too much snuggling with a dragon, ever. Stress marks are just that, something has stressed him out, first time vet visits will do it every time. I'm hoping for good news from the vet!

I'm glad you're doing all you can to make him feel better, sounds like it's working :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I'm so glad I took your advice and kept up with handling him! I had Falkor out for a while today, and he ran around and explored the room (bathroom, because he's still too little to explore elsewhere) and then he sat on me for a while. I was getting ready to put him back, but he burrowed into my neck and started cuddling me! He kept wiggling into me, it was really sweet. This is the first time he's done it, and I'm so glad because I feel like it means he's starting to recognize me as safe. I'm looking forward to lights out so I can get more snuggles before bed.

Also, he ate squash today for the first time! I was proud. :)


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Awww, I'm so glad to hear this, beardie snuggles are just the best! I loved the picture, give him a snuggle for me for eating squash it's very good for him :D
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