The Adventures of Falkor the Great!

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Since I've already posted once, I thought I'd come over here and introduce myself and my beardie.

Three weeks ago I had no plans on adopting a bearded dragon. However, a family member told me that she had one that she couldn't keep and asked me if I would take it. I love reptiles, so I did some research and ultimately decided I would.

Upon bringing him to me, however, I discovered that she was underfeeding him and feeding him the wrong thing (she was only giving him a couple of mealworms a day and she'd give him large superworms twice a week, when I cleaned out his tank I found five living superworms in there). I learned that his setup was also wrong (coil UVB and this substrate that had glued on rocks that could easily come loose/be ingested). She was also using a red light for him at night. So I quickly worked to get nearly everything replaced. Now he gets to eat crickets (though I'm transitioning away from those), dubias, and very soon calicworms too. I give him the very occasional small piece of waxworm as a treat, too (I cut them up). I dust once a day. He has a reptisun uvb tube, the correct temps in his basking spot, tile substrate, and fresh veggies every day.

He had a little stress after his two moves (to my house, and then to his new viv), but he's now officially eating around 60 bugs a day! I had to order more dubia. I also bought a colony but they aren't breeding fast enough, haha.

He was only 6" when she gave him to me, not sure if it's because he was very young when she bought him, or because he was underfed, or both. I know he's grown over the past two weeks, though, but I haven't had a chance to measure him again yet. He takes food from my hand, but he won't climb on my hand on his own just yet, and occasionally he'll still puff up at me when I approach, but I can tell he's getting more accustomed to my handling.

My favorite activity is giving him water with a took him two tries to learn what that was, and now he opens his mouth every time I offer it to him. It's cute.

Here are a couple of pictures...

Sleeping in his original tank:

On our way to his first bath:

Caught eating veggies for the first time:

Fat tummy after his first big meal:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
He's beautiful and you're doing so well by him. So by dusting bugs every day do you mean just calcium (without phosphorus). He also needs vit/min powder twice a week. So calcium 5x a week and vit/min powder twice a week until he's a year old.

He looks so healthy and if he was a bit small to begin with, he'll catch up now that he has a great beardie slave and is getting all he needs. And he eats salads! Great for you!

Continue with everything you're doing and welcome to our forum. I'm going to move your post to Beardie Tales so you can continue to post pics and let me know how he's doing. You're going to find they are so funny. I have 5 dragons, my youngest Castiel is 10 mo old (he's 19 1/2" long and 500g), then I have brother and sister Nathaniel and Cierra, who are 1 1/2 yrs old, I rescued them this year. Gabriel is 4 1/2 yrs old, I rescued him in 2012 and Leo is 8 yrs old, I rescued him in 2010. It's alot of fun to have young ones in the house and I love them all. They are all snugglers, so your little one will be a snuggler soon. Mine love to snuggle into my neck and we even take naps together (not all of them at once, though).



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank you for the welcome and thank you for moving the thread!

I do dust his bugs with vitamin, too! He gets calcium M/T/TH/F/S and then vitamins on W/Sun. I use the Rep-Cal brand for both, and the calcium is phosphorus free. I was wondering when the dusting should slow down, so it's good to know that I need to keep on going until he's a year old - thank you!

I feel pretty lucky that he eats his salads! I've read a lot about younger beardies not being interested in them.

You have a full house of beardies! It's great that you've been able to rescue them and give them a good home. I love that they take naps with you — I'm being patient, but I definitely can't wait until I get some snuggles. :)

Thanks again!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
When I got my first beardie, Sweetie Pie, I wrapped her in a facecloth, laid down on the bed and snuggled her that way. It worked really well and I've done that ever since when I have a new beardie come into my home. You might want to try that, it really works, they get to smell you, while wrapped up, and get your warmth, too. You can also put a piece of old t-shirt that you've worn in, so again your little one gets your scent.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank you so much for the tips! I've been thinking about trying to snuggle him right before his lights go out while he's getting sleepy, thinking maybe he'd be more accepting to it, but I've been holding off. I'll give it a shot!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
That's what I did, waited until they were sleepy, then wrapped them up or just covered them and lay down with them. I still do that to this day, with all five (not altogether, though, two at a time).


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I tried it tonight after lights out and he fell asleep all wrapped up and snuggly. :) It was so cute. Thanks for the tip!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
He's getting big very quickly.

And he lounges in postions that look uncomfortable.



(yogurt mouth - I tried to wipe away the yogurt but he wasn't too keen on that, so he has a little staining still)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
We call that phone double sexy leg. So the yoghurt you're giving him is soy yoghurt, right? as they can't digest dairy well. He's such a cutie and he is growing so fast!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Double sexy leg, haha. He definitely is growing fast! I'm so glad, though, I hope he keeps it up!

And yup, soy yogurt, no dairy!
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