Tengu's great adventures

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Hello all!

So, now my BD is 16 months old and she is at 42cm long and 355g. We believe she is fully grown and would like some advice on feeding.

Currently she gets fresh salad every day and 20 L size crickets once a day. Should we now start decreasing the amount of crickets? She LOVES them of course and salad is like a "Do I have to eat it?"

So any advice at the age she is at etc?

Thank you in advance


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Such complex beasts!!!

I cannot even begin to think about the nightmare of lay box/false pregnancy :study:

Princess went to bed at 15:00. She is tiring herself out running around the tank trying to get out! I need to get her lamp with uva/uvb and a uva/uvb lamp for the tank. So expensive for them both but she always wants out so I have to get her one.

Back to work....... ergh. I have a couple of super busy days myself and princess wont like it!

Ah well. have a good day tomorrow.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Thanks, I'll be at work, so usual rush in the am. I've found that Cierra doesn't even want to be out of her tank lately, so she's probably going to be laying eggs soon. Brought her laybox in the house & will wet down the earth so she can tunnel (which is what they do,) they turn around and lay their eggs, then cover them up, it's quite a long process, so hopefully she'll wait until the weekend when I'm home.

Yes, it will be good to get a mercury vapour bulb to have outside the tank. Get a lampstand (I'm sure they have them at the pet shop you go to), to hang it up on.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
HI there
I hope the lay box process is a good one.....

How was work? :D

I actually have a clip for a lamp so I will use that. I will get a stand for new tank though.

Currently princess is out under her lamp with a silk worm 2 inches away from her and shes ignoring it!! She is the most stubborn, independent lizard ever!

Last night she slept standing up against her rock! It looked so uncomfortable so I put her on her carpet, worst stink eye ever :lol: but she soon kicked her back legs out and went to sleep looking comfy!

Went to the reptile shop the other day and a lot of cute baby beardies :D there was one that will be big, really long legs and soooooo cute! I put my hand in and he (maybe) just instantly walked onto my hand perfectly. It was amazing. Princess never does that, she is too lazy!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
So is there a baby beardie in your future? You'll have to keep me updated about that. Babies don't last long in a pet shop, they seem to be sold quickly. That baby sounds like it was well socialized.

I'm doing fine, it sure has been hard to go back to work after being home for a week. But you do what you have to.

The crew are all doing fine. Imp isn't eating as many super worms, not sure if he likes them all that much. I did realize that his basking spot wasn't hot enough when I saw undigested worms in his poop this am. So I put a higher wattage bulb in and that made a good difference. So hopefully, once he gets used to the higher temp, he'll digest better. I can't keep my eye on him when I'm off to work, but we'll see tomorrow how it goes. He's off to the vet on Monday, as I'm pretty sure he has parasites and needs medication, we'll see.

Gabriel is also a lazy dragon but for him I think it's age. He's 5 1/2 yrs old now and has gained alot of weight in the last year. So I'm trying to get him to run around but he seems tired. But he swims alot in his bath, so I think it's time to give him more baths.

Cierra still has not pooped and it's been a week, so more pumpkin tomorrow and another bath, I'll work on her more on the weekend, have Monday off.

Castiel is a goof, he's sleeping in his hide tonight and put a piece of newspaper along the front so I can't see in. I know he likes to poke the tip of his nose underneath the corner of the hide (it's made of cardboard, so is very light) as it's always crooked when he's in there. He just makes me laugh.

And that's all the news! Boring life I have :lol:

Sounds like Tengu likes to sleep in different areas and in different ways, sometimes I think they stand up then fall asleep :mrgreen: They can be so silly sometimes, but never boring :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
In the future there will be a baby beardie for sure :D

Let me know how the vet goes :D

I will take princess to the vet around the end of the month. The vet wont treat her for pin worm until it gets warmer.

oh yes, she loves to sleep all over the place. Usually she stays in one place but lately she is sleeping on the hammock (which I would) :lol: in fact right now she is sleeping on her hammock and has one eye on me from time to time :D

I went to have my shoulder looked at again today and finally I got answers. My posture is bad because of pc and camera work and the muscle in my shoulder is out of place and swollen he told me that before doing an ultrasound and yep there it was on the ultrasound. It was quite amazing and a HUGE relief there was no damage!

I got a roller as I need to move my spine, I am just using my shoulders which is bad. Sign up at the gym tomorrow and get moving.

Hope work isn't to hard. I was thinking how fun it would be to set up a camera to see what the beardies do when you are out at work :lol:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I would love to do that, but there would only be 1 beardie out and they take turns. I don't have the $ to set up anything like that, though.

Why won't the vet treat Tengu now? They just get worse and affect their health. Makes no sense, especially if she has worms, they have to be treated right away. Or is it just that she won't be tested for worms until the winter? But if she has them, get treat them!

I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes with Imp.

I'm glad you've found out what's wrong with your shoulders, sounds the same for me but mine is residue from wearing the boot, finally starting to feel better. I want to start yoga class, just have to find the pants, have the rest. Couple of weeks, I guess. Depends on whether my son answers my email. I told him 2 weeks ago to contact me by Wed morning or I'd cancel the session from yesterday and he didn't. Instead his wife sent an email at 9:15 Fri am, when I wasn't even looking at the computer but getting ready for work, so Fri night & emailed back that it was cancelled & unless I heard from him I wouldn't re-book. He's being a dink....

So have had a good weekend. Went to my parents after chiro yesterday and my sister and niece came over for the afternoon, it was wonderful! I hadn't seen Tehya, my niece, in a month so got caught up on what she was doing. She is partners with another woman in a company called Hermit and Anemone. Tehya's pictures are being silk screened on silk to make scarves and shawls. They've done 2 years already but now that Tehya's back from England for good, they're putting together a new line and Tehya had one of the prototype silk scarves on yesterday, beautiful. She's a wonderful photographer, already has a couple of photography contracts starting, plus working with her partner on the new line for the company. So I'm already starting to save $ towards getting one. They're totally unique, completely organic and just beautiful. If I'd had my camera I would have taken a picture of it, the picture was taken in Portugal on the beach and was just sea stuff, plus a rope in the middle and part of a net. Sounds ordinary but the print was extraordinary. I'll have to find some of her pictures that she had in a show and copy them here to show you her style.

So I'm off to clean out the worm bins, have put it off for a day and needs to be done. The dragons all need baths and it's supplement day. Plus I'm going out for lunch with a friend so better get going!

Good luck with your muscles, and your posture. Have fun at the gym!

Give Princess a hug from us all. Tell her my boys loved her pictures :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi there

Yes i know what you mean about camera. I may leave my video camera on one day just to see what she does in her tank. She is so clever though, she may just look at it :lol:

Yeh the vet wont treat until it is warmer. Called him up on the phone and asked. Also no other reptile vet in the area so I am a bit stuck on that. I will wait until the end of this month and take her and demand it.

CRAZY girl just flung herself at the glass to let me know she wants out, jumped out my skin!!! I do love the way she does it though :lol: she has her claws in the groove of where the glass slides and face against the glass :D

Now she is out!

That sounds awesome about the printing images onto scarfs, I have seen it done here. It is very beautiful.

Wow that's a full on beardie day!! Yesssss, the gyms here are stupid!!!! You have to apply for their credit card to join and pay with that. It is such a scam!!!! You cannot just pay at the time. I found a public gym so I will go there. Also ANY tattoos you cannot use gym or pool. It is CRAZY!!!! Even a tattoo of a flower, or beauty spot type thing. I got kicked out of a swimming pool for mine which is tiny and just writing like with a pen. It is to do with the yakuza but come on!! If I had gang tattoo or a koi fish down my back etc then yes I understand but fashion tattoo..... crazy :banghead:

Oh yes I am sure your boys would have fun with Tengu :shock: :shock: bad boys!!!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
That's stupid of your vet about treatments, what if it's something very serious, have to wait until spring? Stupid...

And that's also weird about the gym but at least you found a public gym that you don't have to be charged so much. Hope that helps you.

Well your Princess was determined to get her outside time today, wasn't she :lol: She sure got your attention! Glad it worked for her, though :mrgreen:

The scarf was beautiful, so I"m going to put some $ away so I can order one when the time comes. The new line isn't out yet, just some prototypes and that's what my niece was wearing yesterday.

Yes, especially Castiel and Nathaniel, they would show Tengu a GOOD time :lol: Naughty boys :lol:

So I got a very good surprise picture today. I had Cierra on my shoulder while I was feeding Imp his mix, once he was done he climbed to my shoulder and then he crossed my chest to get onto Cierra and I got this picture.
I would never have thought he'd want to put his arm around her, was so surprised. He's such a cutie and they seem to get along well together.

I also weighed him and he's up to 153g and 14 1/4" long, still small for a 6 mo old, but catching up. I only give him 2 ml of mix now, the rest of the growth is from bugs and greens.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
very stupid.... only a couple of weeks so not too bad I guess.

Gym thing is nuts!!! Found the public one today......HUGE and of course it was closed today :lol: so have to go on the 15th (my birthday) :D

Oh she knows what shes doing and how to get what she wants!!

Ohhhhh that picture is priceless!! So cute!!!! Imp is very friendly to Cierra, very cute!! I would be very interested to see what Tengu would do in a situation like that hmmmmm

Right now she is asleep half on half off her hammock. It is so funny!!! :lol: :lol: asleep standing up again! If I could get a picture of her I woud but everything is in the way and I don't want to disturb her.

She also had some sun time today, she likes her little trips outside :D


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you, it's been a long week and I was just very tired, so didn't get on the computer much.

So I weighed and measured Imp this am and he's now 187g and 15" long. He's come a long way!

Cierra is full of eggs and her lay box is in the living room, so she has the morning and afternoon to do her thing, if she's ready. She was in the box yesterday for over an hour, just digging, she'll do that for awhile yet before she settles down to lay her eggs.

So happy belated birthday, sorry it was Friday and I never got on that day or yesterday much. I hope you had a wonderful day and were spoiled rotten!

I got a nice pic of Imp that's showing off his colours. He likes his Ella so much I moved her beside his basking spot.

Caught Nathaniel stretching out his beard, black as usual :lol:

And Gabriel stretched out on the ramp:

Otherwise life is just work, dragons, family. I had a blow out fight with my son, haven't heard from him for a month now, not sure what's going to happen there, it's all very sad.

We're finally getting some warm weather, which is great. And guess what? Imp knows his name and he knows "no", too, he's such a good boy.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi there

No worries, I know you are back to work etc.

Imp really has come far WOW and the pictures are great. He looks so healthy now!! Cierra :D very cute and poor girl!

Birthday was good, went to have my shoulder treated and got my foam roller, I love it!!!

Sorry to hear about your son :( hope that works out.

Imp knows his name :D it is very cute when they look at you when you say their name.

Well news this end is princess is weighing in at 572g which is good, but......... I notice a few inches at the end of her tail is darker than the rest of it and close up it looks like it is shed but not come off. I plaster it in coconut cream but its not shifting. It is hard to tell, a picture wont show it I believe but I will try and show you. She is eating her dubia but wow she is lazy!!!!

We go outside everyday now for around 20 minutes. It is about 26 degrees some days so she sits on me enjoying it. Still sleeping early but maybe that will change as it gets warmer.

Oh and neighbors from HELL have left!!!! Top floor *****s, I am so happy about that. I cant even explain my joy!!!!

Taking princess to vet on the 28th I believe. Heres a quick question for you. If she does her number two, how long can I keep it for to show the vet? Fridge or freezer? how long etc. It is so hard to judge if she will do it or not in time for the vet.

Thank you


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
For fecals, it's always best to be fresh but the day before is fine and keep it in the fridge. I wrap mine in tin foil but you can put it in a baggie, too. If she poops in water, then find a strainer to take it out and get it in a baggie, into the fridge, more than 24 hours before isn't good. That's what my vet told me, luckily for Imp, he poops daily, so was able to take in a fresh sample, but for the others, it's always been the day before.

And yes, work is literally so frustrating, so exhausting, wish I didn't have to go back.

Glad you got your shoulder sorted and hopefully both will feel better soon.

Glad you had a good birthday & also glad the neighbours from hell are gone. Have my own, next door, had to call the cops on her for noise violation, it was 1a and she still had a party going on. Will do it again if I have to, that's 4 violations so far, they're trying to get her out but it's so difficult to do. She has 3 young kids, different fathers, I think she has the dads over at the same time because sometimes there is arguing & it can go on until 2a. Oh well, since I called the cops the last time, it's been quiet, hopefully it stays that way.

I have Tuesday off this week, so glad for that.

Glad you're getting Tengu out, have to clean my balcony now that it's getting warmer, so they can go out. And Cierra is still growing her eggs, but hopefully she'll lay them soon.

Tell Tengu my crew say hi!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I see, good to know. If she doesn't do it I will give her a bath.

Just now she was chillin on her pillow type thing under her light and I was cleaning out the old veg and empty jelly containers from the dubia box and gave her one and as it ran past her she got it so I did it again and she took 5 and 3 honey worms! Greedy girl today!

I want to get her to vet for this pin worm business for sure and check her tail.

Neighbours............. you have that as well. What a nightmare!!! At least the cops do something about it there!!

Princes has just closed her eyes! Do yours have a "nap" during the day? Right now she looks like she is going to sleep!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Only Gabriel sleeps early, the rest are up until lights out at 16:30 but it's time to leave the lights on until 6p, will have to change the timers again. Spring is definitely here.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I see

So if she goes to sleep at say 15:30 or 16:00 I should keep the lights on anyway until 18:00? Is it like telling them they need to stay up later?
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