Tengu's great adventures

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Hello all!

So, now my BD is 16 months old and she is at 42cm long and 355g. We believe she is fully grown and would like some advice on feeding.

Currently she gets fresh salad every day and 20 L size crickets once a day. Should we now start decreasing the amount of crickets? She LOVES them of course and salad is like a "Do I have to eat it?"

So any advice at the age she is at etc?

Thank you in advance


Juvie Member
Original Poster
hahahahahahhha what a jump! That is funny! I find it quite hilarious the way they look at something for ages before they decide to act on it.

Glad to know about your ankle and yes what a healing process!!!

I have felt rough for a few weeks and it got better and after this weekend I feel BAD!! LOL it is hay fever which is exactly like MAN FLU :D

Princes has had a great day today! She also got crickets twice due to me forgetting to spray the first lot with calcium :shock: now she is standing tall under her basking light looking very pleased with herself! She also decided to hug the TV remote and then run off onto the sofa and tried to jump into the kitchen at which point I grabbed her :) She is definitely becoming more confident when left to roam. I still have to be careful in this place but its nice to see her roaming!

I would share a lot of pics with you but the image uploading process is quite a pain. I know they recently made it better but even better would just be a button to upload instantly. I guess being a photographer I am used to a certain way.

Speak soon


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
The way you load pics now is much better than going through Photobucket. Did you try it? Once you load on the system https://www.beardeddragon.org/useruploads/#new you just press the XIMG button at the top of the post and voila, pictures are posted. It's a wonderful system so much better than it used to be.

I have Leo and Gabriel sleeping on my shoulders right now because I'm propped up in bed. I'm so tired, I didn't sleep well last night. Went to the doctor for my flu shot that I get every year, helps to get me through the winter. Then went to the pharmacy, I have the two toes beside the big toes that get infected very easily, so now I have a week's worth of antibiotics and cream to get rid of the infections. Has nothing to do with the surgery, or wearing the boot. Pain, though.

I'm glad she's feeling good about running around your living room, mine love it and love to find different places to hide so I have to get on my hands and knees and look for them :lol: They do keep me hopping so to speak.

I'm sorry about your hay fever, it's awful. I have it too, plus allergies to dust mites and house mites (in the bed), so I take an antihistamine every day. It helps as I have outside allergies, too.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi there

Yes that system is okay. I guess I am lazy when it comes to iPhone pictures lol

Flu shot....... never had one in my life and had flu once when I was teaching kids. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the shot because of the amount of different strains every year so the shot can only defend against one type not all so I don't see the point (plus I HATE injections). I am quite a believer in getting germs so you are naturally protected next time but that's just me.

Tengu had a HUGE sulk on Saturday!!! I was at an art festival all weekend but back home each day at 17:30 but when I came back she had ripped up her padded paper tossed salad all over the show, done a huge number tow all over her rocks and I found her sulking in the corner giving me the biggest stink eye to date!!!! So I had to clean out and after a couple of hours she came to the front of the tank chest puffed out and standing tall (hint for food) LOL LOL isn't it amazing how they so quickly learn actions for food!

My friend recently asked me "can you leave them alone for two-three days" without even thinking I said NO! LOL no way!!!They demand constant attention and don't give you any love back!!! Well Tengu doesn't! not yet at least.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
She loves you in her own dragon way, for sure. She wouldn't get mad at you if she didn't depend on you, which in dragon language means she loves you :D

I had to leave my dragons alone for 2 days when I was in hospital for my ankle surgery & was staying at my sister's for a couple of days recovery. They didn't appreciate it and I got 5 stink eyes and Cierra sulked for 2 days as a result, but it couldn't be helped, there was no-one to look in on them. They survived as I fed them all and bathed them all before I left. I don't normally go away anywhere, so they normally have my full attention daily, so they ended up forgiving me :lol:

I just spend 9 hours with my grandkids, hadn't seen them for 6 weeks, so it was great! Shared them with their other grandmother; we fed them, bathed them, had them down for naps, played with them. My grandson Leo is 27 months old and my granddaughter Safara was a year old on Oct 10, they're so close in age. It was alot of fun, switching them around all day. So now they're getting to know their Nana (what they'll call me as Heather, their other grandmother, is Grandma).

At least I took care of all the dragons before I left, they all got fed and snuggled a bit, but weren't very pleased to be back in their tanks at 10a (I forgot about the time change last night, so got up at 7a when I thought it was 8a so had 3 hours with them). My son & d-i-l moved this weekend and had a hard time with it. But it's over now and they can now recouperate and unpack. I hate moving, so glad that part is over for them.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
5 stink eyes! That made me laugh!! You have hour change in America? I know the UK does of course but I wasn't aware the states do as well. In Japan we don't which is great!

Did you see the calendars are ready for preview? I was happy to see Tengu getting a full page. The black and white one I showed you. I hope I can buy one and get sent here.

Tengu is a funny girl for sure. I think I am learning that she doesn't like being picked up but no way I am letting her get away with that. She did her tail circle thing you mentioned which makes me sad as I try to make sure she is supported properly but sometimes her claws dig into her hammock and it is difficult to get her off it so not to damage her claws. I trimmed them as I said but they are still sharp enough. She had a bath today as well for her number two business. I know her signs of pre number two! hahahahahahhahaha

Now she is basking and loving it! So sweet :D


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
So glad to hear that Tengu got her own page! Leo and Gabriel got full pages, too, I haven't looked through all the calendars because I got home so late last night, but will check today. This is the first time that Alex (who owns and runs this site) did 5 calendars. It's wonderful, so many people got full pages! He is a wonderful man to do this & he does the calendars all on his own. I'm sure you can get the calendar shipped to Japan, he'll have a link through which you order so he gets a percentage of the sales, check if they ship internationally. I'm sure they do.

She is so cute, your Tengu, she likes things HER way, no matter what, right? Don't be concerned with her nails stuck in the hammock, mine do that to, I just move their paws up & they come out really easily. And the tail thing, they all do it, I support them, too, but they do it anyway. More reasons to feel sorry for the poor dragons :lol:

Yes, here in Canada and US, we change time, but there is one time zone that doesn't, in Canada and the States, Arizona and in Canada Saskatchewan. The rest of us do. Means it gets darker sooner in the morning, because our days are getting shorter the closer we get to December. Then in the spring we change the time again to get more light at the end of the day. So in the fall, we move our closed backwards an hour and in the spring, we move our clocks ahead an hour. Weird, but it's always been this way.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
WOW that's really weird!!

Yes, 5 calendars is great for everyone to get their BD in a calendar. I know how long and how difficult this must be for Alex so big thumbs up for him.

Tengu most DEFINITELY likes things HER way!!! She is such a............... too many adjectives to describe her!!! Right now as I look over at her she is standing tall basking with her eyes closed :) and this morning I laughed out loud at her because I have an onyx egg in the tank and she was resting her stomach/tail on it :lol: :lol: and she looked so comfy but so funny!! :D her facial expression was "what the `*+`*#*#* are you laughing at stupid human" I also love it when I am talking to her and she shuts her eye on me!!!!

This morning though she did kiss my finger which was lovely :) now I am getting the stink eye!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
She sounds like quite the diva, silly girl :lol: Glad you got a kiss from her, though :D

I just got home, was at my sister's overnight as she drove me to the surgeon this am for my appt. I'm now allowed to weight bear on my left foot with my boot on. In 4 weeks I can take the boot off and try weight bearing with a show on, so we'll see how that goes. I see my physio beg Dec, see the surgeon again on Dec 15, same day I see my diabetic specialist and they're in the same hospital, so that will be great. If all goes well, I'll start very part time to work in January, as I have to be able to walk without pain to go to work. I have to travel 45 min by bus, sky train and bus to get there, lots of walking in between and stairs at the sky train (even though I can take an elevator). I just want to be 100% well before I go back to work. I'm just glad I can weight bear finally, it's been 6 weeks without.

So that was all good news. I had to leave my babies alone last night & this am, but they're fine. Only Nathaniel and Castiel were awake when I got home. I put Nathaniel out and now I have to go put him back in his tank, the lights will be off momentarily.

Yes, the calendar worked out great. My boys and girl are in Calendar D, Gabriel and Leo got full pages 7 & 8, which is amazing. Gabriel is on the same rug when he got a full page on the 2013 calendar. I'll have to pull out that picture one day to show you.

I just saw Tengu's picture in Calendar E, what a great picture, contemplating that cricket :mrgreen: They'll be on sale in the next 2 weeks. Alex will post the link to order through where he gets a % of each sale to put towards the maintenance of this site. He is an amazing administrator. He's been running this site for the last 12 years, even after his beardies passed away, he's continued it. Working full time-just married last year and still finds time to administer to this site. I'm so glad to be a moderator on this site, it was an honour to be asked.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Good morning/evening :D

Wow all that with your ankle sounds like a lot of work!!! I have major issues with shoulders and neck but nothing compared to that.

Glad the beardies weren't too angry with you. It sounds like they are all chilling out for the winter months! Tengu has absolutely no interest in brumation by the looks of it! Very typical of her!

This morning I took a quick picture of her and had some fun with it. you have heard of the grumpy cat I guess? Well as Beardies don't have many expressions (if any) I thought why not do a beardie book based around the same thing!

here is a quick one I did just now :lol: :lol: :lol:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh too funny :lol: Even though they don't have alot of expressions, they do get their point across. Castiel thinks he's King of the World. He likes to stand tall on his basking log and look down at me, being a sub-dragon and all :lol:

Thanks for the laugh. Yes, it's going to take time to get walking again, but worth it. I'll probably be walking without aid by early January, at least I hope so!

I have neck, shoulder and back issues, too, but have a great chiropractor that I see often. I also have a great physio therapist that I see a few times a year. I'll be seeing her beginning of December to see what needs to be done to strengthen my ankle. I'm going to get an appointment with her in a couple of weeks for an assessment.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
King of the world!!!!!!! LOL I have the Queen of the world!!!

This morning I gave her fresh veg and briefly cleaned her tank and as I gave her a stroke she looked at me and moved away!!! She is so naughty!!!!

I'm glad you have a good chiro because over here they suck!!! You don't even need a license to practice it here because it is not considered being a doctor. I hate not being able to find someone :( I have tried many things but I believe I have narrowed it down to two trigger points, one in the very top and behind shoulder and one sort of hiding behind the shoulder blade. Once they get angry it spreads up my neck. EVIL and of course modern life with computers and cell phones are the cause as well as my heavy camera!

Anyway, hope all your beardies are good. Mine has weight check today and she will be pissed!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Your Tengu is just so funny, Queen of the World, for sure.

I'm very lucky, I've been seeing my chiro for 26 years, ever since she & her husband bought the practice of the chiro that I was seeing before her. She's wonderful and always makes me feel better.

I walked on my boot today. Spent 4 hours with my grandson, he's 2 and very full of energy. They moved last weekend, so his other grandmother and I went over to help. I couldn't help much but do dishes and play with Leo, but Heather (my d-i-l's mom) did alot of work. So they're better off & we proved out point, that grandmothers can be a great help. My granddaughter slept most of the time we were there, so didn't see much of her.

The other adventure today was I gave baths to my 4 boys today (Cierra is still sleeping in her hide). Nathaniel, of course, jumped out of his bath (at least he pooped first :lol: ) and I couldn't find him. So I went out & when I got home late afternoon, I found him, upright, sound sleep underneath my desk in the dining room. So I warmed him up some and put him to bed. What a little brat he is!

So now I'm off to get some food and then to bed to rest my foot. I'm sure my ankle is swollen after all the walking I did today but it felt good to walk on both feet for awhile. This is what I'm supposed to be doing, so it's good that it didn't hurt.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
OOOhhhhh great news about ankle :) healing is the worst part for sure!!

Nathaniel sounds hilarious!!! Jumped out of bath and ran off!! :lol: :lol: it would be so funny to find them sleeping somewhere and have to nurse them back to warmth!!! They still wouldn't appreciate it!

Tengu weighed in at 530g today which was nice. She tried to leg it from her weighing basket but I stopped her. After her weigh in she seemed quite happy and nosy :) I do see a little difference in her now it is colder but no where near brumation.

I took this photo a little earlier and I think I will do more of these as they portray their personality and I believe beardie owners will understand them :D


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I love the meme's that you do with Tengu, wish I knew how to do those. Here's a picture of Leo, what would you suggest as a meme?

That's the funniest picture I've ever had of Leo, he usually doesn't move much :mrgreen:

All is well here, I'm still able to walk on the boot on my left leg, just can't walk on the heel part, that still hurts. I had to pick up a few provisions last night so went out and only used one crutch for balance, it was wonderful! I had a free hand to hold the bags, didn't buy much, but still had 3 bags and could get them to the car all on my own. I could also use the baskets in the stores to pick up what I wanted. Worked like a charm, so will be 1 crutch only in future! That is a huge, huge, difference and makes it so much easier to get around!

I'm so happy that my ankle is healing so well. I'm taking it easy until Saturday, that's my big shopping day because I get paid tomorrow. My friend Joanne comes over, she picks up collards on the way and then we go to a huge Super Store to get more produce. I can now manage most of the rest of my shopping, which is wonderful, more independence!

I so appreciate you updates on you and Tengu. Are you still moving at some point? And considering another dragon with another set up? I swear, you can't get just one!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Excellent news! Must be a huge relief!!

That is a funny picture of Leo! hahahahhahha

hmmmmmmmm a few pop to mind like;

"Whats with the flash?" hahahahahaha
"Think I'm standing like this for you?" Think again!
"I'm about to drop the mother load of number two's"

I am sure I will think of more!

Well the moving thing was going well and I found the perfect place which was literally across the train tracks but car loan is stopping us moving I have found out so another year here yet. A little disappointing but I would rather buy instead of renting so I guess its better this way.

Definitely getting at least another beardie!! I want a red boy! I really want one that likes to be held unlike Queen of the world over there who is currently watching me. I really want to get a shot of her yawning and as I typed that she was about to so I grabbed my camera and now shes sulking on her rock! She knows everything! I am going to watch her very carefully for the signs of yawning. I have stood and waited for a shot of a different animal for hours in the rain, snow, wind, and rocky territory so I am sure I can do it in the comfort of my own home!
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