Hi everybody, I am new on the site but I would like to ask a question.
I adopted a bearded dragon about a year ago, she has always been healthy and has been getting leafy greens as well as dusted insect feeders.
I am only 16 but the money part is no problem for me. But I've been noticing that my beardie has 2 "dents" along her head, she has been brumating for the last 3/4 weeks so she isn't eating anything.
She just stays in her colder side of the terrarium (uvb and basking are still on for 6 hours a day)
I don't know if I should be worried or not since this is the first time I've seen her brumate. She is around the age of 3 and a half at the moment
I adopted a bearded dragon about a year ago, she has always been healthy and has been getting leafy greens as well as dusted insect feeders.
I am only 16 but the money part is no problem for me. But I've been noticing that my beardie has 2 "dents" along her head, she has been brumating for the last 3/4 weeks so she isn't eating anything.
She just stays in her colder side of the terrarium (uvb and basking are still on for 6 hours a day)
I don't know if I should be worried or not since this is the first time I've seen her brumate. She is around the age of 3 and a half at the moment