bearded dragon

  1. Gabby parker

    Beardie euthanize question/concern

    Hi I had a bearded dragon named Kai and had to take him to the vet yesterday to get euthanized because he had Gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma cancer. I just have some questions about the euthanize process. I’ve heard that some bearded dragons can stay alive 48 hours after being euthanized and...
  2. K

    Dark blood in Beardies urate/poop

    Hey so this just happened today! i just put her in the bath to soak since she is shedding and immediately started to poop. It came out completely normal but i started to see what looks like dark blood attached to the urate. I'm going to attach a picture, i unfortunately not have ANY funds at the...
  3. Elio

    Guggy, childhood buddy.

    I was here before, maybe you remember me: Hello, dear members. Back in 2018 I made a post about my first pet, a bearded dragon named Guggy. I was still closeted about who I was back then, to the public at least, so I used to go by my old name Ella. You should be able to find my post if you...
  4. M

    Please help

    Hi, I have just noticed this lump on my bearded dragon. Does anyone know what this could possibly be?
  5. T

    tail rot?

    Hi everyone! I'm sure this question gets asked a lot but i have a concern about my almost 8 month old beardie, Clover. I just got her a few weeks ago as a rescue. Her previous owner was looking after her since she was 2 months, and rescued her from a not so great home. She was housed with 2...
  6. S

    bearded dragon eating very little and pooping only small amounts

    Mochi was abandoned at a pet store with a worm problem (or so we where told) which he was treated for, and put up for sale. We decided to give him a new home in Feb of this year. Always eating with ferocity as a baby/young adult, and until about 3 weeks ago he began slowing down his eating. Now...
  7. B

    my older beardeds color is fading away

    so i have a bearded dragon who is around 6 and i noticed his scales mostly around his beard were fading in color and seemed very dulled out with the tips of some of his scales turning white however it isn't shed it's his actual scale is this normal or is it a bad sign of something i'm worried
  8. K

    Help please…

    I’m wanting to move my bearded dragons tank into the same room as my hermit crabs tank.Would the humidity from the hermit crabs affect my bearded dragon??
  9. M

    What’s your Adult Beardie’s daily routine?

    Hi everyone, we’ve had our 3/4 year old male rescue for 6 months now and I’m just curious to know what everyone else’s does daily/routine wise? And if ours is considered “normal/fine”? I’d hate to be not noticing something/or doing something wrong. We have a camera so can watch him, and the...
  10. B

    Bearded Dragon urinate

    I’m wondering if I should take my bearded dragon into the vet it looks like he might have parasites. Untitled document
  11. B

    Bearded dragon ate 150mg of ibuprofen

    Unfortunately my bearded dragon got ahold of an ibuprofen that somehow fell out of my purse (I know, I’m beating myself up hard right now you have no idea) but anyways I immediately took her to the vet and they weren’t able to give her activated charcoal until 3 hours AFTER she ate the pill...
  12. S

    Health Issue with Bearded Dragon (Yellow Stain - Fungus)

    Help Needed: Health Issue with Bearded Dragon Good afternoon, everyone. I’m reaching out in hopes of getting some guidance regarding a concerning situation with our bearded dragon, Roger. Unfortunately, we live in Cyprus, and there aren't any veterinarians specializing in exotic animals, so...
  13. I

    Looking to rehome beard - Bay Area

    Hello! I'm looking to rehome my six-year-old bearded dragon, Dexter. I'm moving out of the country and unfortunately cannot take her with me. I'm searching for a home where she can have a healthy and loving life. I'm happy to provide her enclosure and other items with her.
  14. J

    Please help!!!

    I have a 5 month old female bearded dragon. I got her from petco a month ago. She has been doing well with eating and pooping. Today, she did not eat as much during breakfast time maybe 5-8 insects (mix of crickets and dubia roaches). I tried to put the insects in front of her during the day...
  15. H

    Help! Rot/Fester-like thing on the roof of his mouth

    hello folks, we were checking our boy HuaHua and the roof of his mouth (some organ I can't even name) looks strange It may not look severe... in fact it looks like my own canker sore tbh... but is it usual that all these "canker sores" are in the same place? (the rest of his mouth is fine...
  16. Rue ✩

    The hero of Hyrule, Link!

    The hero of Hyrule, Link! (Don’t worry, the hat isn’t tight. He’s nice and comfy :D )
  17. Maxwell

    My beardie has strange bump on his hand

    I have had Crowley for 2 months now. I have noticed that he has a small bump on his hand and it’s slightly concerning me. He walks on his hand normally and has had no issues with that hand. Should i take him to the vet for it?
  18. neelaluoma

    Bearded dragon active and pooping but not interested in eating…

    I have had Nova since 2017 and she was an adult when I got her…so idk how old she is! She used to be interested in food but it feels like forever now that she’s not interested in it! She will eat some super worms once in a while but she ignores the salads (arugula, with vitamins and...
  19. T

    Semi-skinny bearded dragon

    Hi everybody, I am new on the site but I would like to ask a question. I adopted a bearded dragon about a year ago, she has always been healthy and has been getting leafy greens as well as dusted insect feeders. I am only 16 but the money part is no problem for me. But I've been noticing that...
  20. K

    Is this a beardie boob?

    I was just giving my beardie a bath until I noticed this huge lump under her right arm, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t there when I started to bath her. What could this be, and should I worry?
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