Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

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I figured I would post some pics of Sarth...even though he hasn't been eating very well the past month he still finds every opportunity to be cute! I think I might just keep adding pics to this thread along with my blog, we will see!

The most recent ones are at the top.

I thought this was adorable...he was kind of lounging against the glass, looking at me like "what?!"

Just trying out a close-up of his's hard to get good pics during the weekdays when the sun is going down by the time I get home

Scoping out his rearranged tank

Morning stretches, as usual :)

Him looking *really* grumpy sitting in the sun on the back of our recliner. And I put his tail like that, lol

My husband took this :roll:

A rare shot of him actually eating his salad

Watching Glee with me!

He loves to explore the coffee table, not sure why

I did not put him like this, lol. I should have entered it in this months photo competition!

Him still being really mad from the vet's visit the night before. He looked so hilarious, all puffed up with the black beard. I started petting him and he deflated while managing to look confused.

Just looking cute. This was right around when he stopped eating about a month ago.


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Daedles actually did OK in bed. I kind of burritoed her in one of the hammocks, so her head and legs where out but her torso area covered. She moved around a bit, and when I woke up this morning she was down by my knees. I think she is just not used to having such a warm spot to sleep.

I'm hoping Scully's ashes will be ready by Friday, I got the OK from my boss to leave early and go pick her up.

My support group. Nate has been great too, this would have been even harder without him. I'm just glad it happened at home, we were only about 30 minutes out from leaving for a nice day out when it happened. He picked up a steak and we had a nice dinner in her honor on Saturday night.


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Aww, love those pictures, Mulder must be so warm for Daedes. I'm glad Nate is there for you and that you have a good meal in honor of Scully. It takes time to grieve, but having your other babies to care for helps, too.


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Well, it has been a long 6 days. Both Nate and I have mistakenly called Daedles Scully when we've been out with her. I had a big breakdown on Tuesday night to the point where I made Nate cry too. But it's slowly getting better.

We did take Daedles out to an event on Tuesday evening. It was a beer tasting at a local brewery that we were invited to. They have a nice roof top patio and it was a gorgeous day so I figured it would be a good day to get her out and used to lots of people again.
She did pretty well, was a big hit with everyone and the brewers too. It'll always be funny how you could never get away with that with a dog/cat, but with a smallish reptile no one cares. Couldn't see it happening with say, a big tegu, but a beardie? Definitely!

I just wanted to share these pics. They had a photographer at the brewery as well who got a lot of pics of her :)



I decided I'm going to get another baby before the summer is finished, maybe in September when it's still warm enough to ship but when we're more or less done with long camping weekends. I think I am going to go with Dachiu, I've always liked their dragons and set up over there - in fact I almost went with a Dachiu baby before I found Scully (who had Dachiu bloodlines anyway).

Hoping to hear from the vet tomorrow, that they've got Scully's ashes and that I'm good to come pick her up.

This Saturday we're re-trying the outing that Scully never made it to from last Saturday, with Daedalus. It's basically a long walk through the woods while the boys play disc golf, so I'll put a harness on her just in case.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I know how you feel, took me so long to even look at Rubio's pictures...but you'll heal in time. I'm glad you're going to get another baby in the late summer, will do you good & new blood in the house! I'll be looking forward to meeting your little girl/boy.

Daedles sure had fun in that outing. You're so lucky that you can take your dragons about. It's not really looked on in a good light where I live. I take them around in the car when I'm going to the pet shop or the vet and sometimes I'll pop one in my coat as long as it's cold enough to keep it on, but otherwise...I have taken them out with leashes on years ago to the courtyard, but they were all freaked out by people, so I took them for a walk (in my arms) along the road but the cars freaked them out, so I gave up. Now they go outside on the balcony when the weathers good. There are lots of things for them climb on, flowers to check out, etc, and they have the living room to run around in, too. Kind of an insular life, but with 5, seeing each other seems to be enough of an outside life.


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Well I picked up Scully's ashes on Friday. When they brought them out to me they had unexpectedly made a little plaster imprint of her arm and paw for me. I couldn't keep it together so I cried a bit when they gave it to me :(. Such great people, so glad I found them for our beardy's vet. I held it in my hand the whole drive home. But I'm glad she's home now.



So we took Daedles out today. It was pretty nice, bit chilly in the trees but it warmed up. She wasn't the biggest fan!


We had some grand plans to go out after and do some bar hopping, but I fell asleep on the way home, lol. Then we both fell asleep for like 3 hours. So not the most productive day :roll:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
No, not the most productive day, but needed rest. You've been through alot because of Scully, getting her ashes back (love the arm print, so sweet of them to do that for you) is still stressful, so glad you got some rest.

So Daedles didn't really like being out on a hike? She was sure soaking up the rays, though. Do you get Sarth out, too? All of mine got some sun this am, was warm enough to open the balcony door. Now to get the balcony dragon ready so they can actually be outside (one at a time, though). I have alot of stuff out there they can climb on & lot of space for soaking up the sun. Can't wait until it's warm, though, we seem to have had a bit of an arctic wind blow through here for the last few weeks. It's colder than it was in February (we don't have the same type of weather you do, more like Seattle, which is south of here).

I loved the pictures of Scully's memorial :love5:


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sweetiepie9":1k52shcu said:
No, not the most productive day, but needed rest. You've been through alot because of Scully, getting her ashes back (love the arm print, so sweet of them to do that for you) is still stressful, so glad you got some rest.

So Daedles didn't really like being out on a hike? She was sure soaking up the rays, though. Do you get Sarth out, too? All of mine got some sun this am, was warm enough to open the balcony door. Now to get the balcony dragon ready so they can actually be outside (one at a time, though). I have alot of stuff out there they can climb on & lot of space for soaking up the sun. Can't wait until it's warm, though, we seem to have had a bit of an arctic wind blow through here for the last few weeks. It's colder than it was in February (we don't have the same type of weather you do, more like Seattle, which is south of here).

I loved the pictures of Scully's memorial :love5:
You are right, it had been a very long stressful week, that is probably why I crashed!

We've only had just a few nice days this spring so I haven't gotten Sarth out yet (supposed to be 50s and windy and chilly the rest of the week :(). He's been insistent on coming out lately so I take him out and let him sit on the couch and look outside while Daeds is in her tank, fortunately he can't easily see her.

Daedles wasn't the hugest fan of the hike but she'll get used to it, would have helped if it was just a bit warmer. I started her on the harness but took it off after a bit when it became obvious she wasn't going to dart anywhere. Unfortunately I don't think it will start warming up until next week, bleh!

So I took Mulder into emergency yesterday morning...he had been doing this gagging thing since basically the day Scully passed away, then on Friday it had turned into more of a coughing gag - and along with that he had been sleeping more and eating less. I was worried something was caught in his throat that was irritating it and I didn't want to wait until today...a few hours later the vet thinks it's likely an upper respiratory issue and gave me some antibiotics. He already seems to be better, last night he was zooming around playing with Ponzu, ate all his food, same with this morning. So an expensive diagnosis, but that's why I got wise and got pet insurance for him on day 1!

He has another vet appt tonight with our regular vet, supposed to be for his last round of kitten vaccines but they said if he isn't well enough yet they will wait. It doesn't cost me anything so I will bring him in anyway, maybe get a 2nd opinion on the URI, and schedule his neuter appointment too (hopefully on May 1st!).

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Poor baby, a URI, what a drag but glad the antibiotics are working.

Sorry the weather is so yuck still. We had cold weather (colder even than Feb) for the last 3 weeks but the weekend was really warm & it's stayed sunny and warm so far. I with it would rain some, I get so dried out when it stays sunny for days (yes, I'm strange but I live in a rainforest and love the mist!). But can't get too upset, the dragons like being out in the sunshine, especially Puff.

Hopefully spring weather hits you soon.


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The warm weather is slooowly returning. It was actually snowing on Tuesday, while it was sunny out, was the weirdest thing :roll: but according to the forecast it's going to be in the 70's by Wednesday! 8)

I got a card in the mail yesterday from the vet's office. I started tearing up before I even opened it, since I knew what would be inside. All the techs and staff had written condolences for Scully and there was lovely note from her vet as well. I'll put it up on the mantle with her memorial. I'm slowly getting over her, I can look at pics again and smile instead of cry. We went out to dinner on Monday and Nate said it was the first time I actually seemed to be genuinely happy since she died.

So speaking of pics, I was looking through Scully's baby pics for something to post for throwback Thursday. I decided I didn't want to wait for another baby. So I'm going to start watching Dachiu's page for new babies. Their next listing will be on Sunday, so I'm going to see what they have available. I still want a red girl, like Scully was...hopefully a leather back too. I'm going to name her Starling, another red-headed FBI agent, heh. I will just have to keep the tank lid on and tape all 3 sides of the tank so the cats don't scare her.

Mulder is doing much better also. The meds seem to be working well and he's got all his energy back, and his voice too, so the cute mewlings he does can be heard again. We are taking both cats over to Nate's sister's place tomorrow for a little sleep over with the other 2 cats. Should be interesting, lol!

I have a couple videos you will enjoy. We have this toy for the cats called "da bird", basically a feather toy the dangles from a 3 foot wand. The cats really love it. So I was playing with them yesterday while Daedles was sitting on my chest. I noticed her head following it so I grabbed my phone...


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
OMG those were so funny, Daedles with her tongue hanging out trying to eat the feather. She was right in the middle of it all, so funny. Then Ponzu popped her in the tongue trying to get her to stop. So funny, thanks so much for sharing.

I'm looking forward to seeing your new family member. Are you going to get another girl? Red is such a beautiful colour on a dragon. Good luck in your choosing, can't wait to see pictures!


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Haha, yea the poor cats, Daedles really confuses them! Do we run away from her? Play with her? BTW Ponzu tried the same thing with Sartharion and she nearly got bit. He is definitely not a fan of the cats, unlike Daedles.

Yes, I am going for another girl for sure. The egg laying is a pain but I'd rather deal with that than having 3 dragons who can never be out together. Plus since the 2 tanks are in the same room, 2 girls out there are just easier. If I'm lucky, along with red, plus leather back, I'd also really like a hypo colored (black eyes I believe). We'll see. Dachiu does have this really cool patternless beardie named Zero, that would make some really cool looking babies. But late 2015 :(

We will see what Sunday brings, I'll be sure to keep you informed!


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Aaah so, no red leathers from Dachiu this weekend. I called them this morning and she said they have one clutch of those now who will be ready in about 3 weeks, so to call her a couple Sunday's from now and she will be able to tell me what they have before she posts them online.

In the meantime, I've come across some sub-adults who are just gorgeous. There is a micro-scale leather from Rainbow, where I got Scully. The 3rd girl down is who I'm looking at.

There's also a spotted reddish dunner leatherback from Dragon's Den, not quite as old as the ones from Rainbow.

So I'm stuck. I'm almost leaning towards getting a sub adult. A sub adult means I could take her outside right away, not have to hide her from Daedles for fear of being eaten. Same with the cats too, no tiny baby for them to mistake as a snack. But would I be able to bond to a 7 month old dragon the way I did baby Scully?

And of course Nate is telling me I'm too impatient, that I should wait for Dachiu babies :roll: I almost regret telling him about them, now he thinks I should only get my dragon from them! I have reminded him that Scully was an "impulse" buy (I bought her like 2 days after he agreed that I could have a 3rd dragon), and also that it's my dragon and not his so why does he care so much anyway :p

Ugh, I just don't know what to do! And I know if I buy one without consulting him he's going to have a hissy fit. You'd think it was him I was buying a dragon for :roll:

Esther19 Addict
Can you talk to the breeders in regards to personality? You might favor a high snuggle factor, or inquisitiveness. If that's even a word.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I agree with Esther. The one I prefer is the 1st choice, beautiful markings! And don't ever think that you don't get to be as close with an older dragon, it's not true. Rubio and Issy were the only babies I ever had (even Sweetie was 4 mo old when I got her) and my older ones, especially Puff, have been snuggle bugs and very close to me. Cierra is still a little skittish, but not once I've picked her up, she snuggles with the best of them. Puff is especially close, she listens to what I say, knows her name, looks at me when I talk, etc. And she's 8 years old. So babies don't necessarily mean immediate closeness. And yes, it's your choice, even though I guess Nate feels their his dragons, too. :D

Keep me updated, this is so exciting. I liked the other dragon, too, but the first one seemed to have more personality and I loved the markings better. Can't wait until you choose!


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Thanks gals :) Well I went with the 7mo old from Rainbow. She's just so pretty, her face reminds me a bit of Scully...I talked with Tamara the breeder, she said she's pretty sweet, and she gave me a bit of a discount on her. Nate's gone back to being supportive and is happy I'm getting her.

I'm excited but also a little sad. I wasn't expecting to want another dragon so soon but I think she'll help heal the hole that Scully left. She's 14.5 inches long, but I expect she'll grow pretty quick once I get her on tasty horn worms and reptiworms that should get here hopefully the same day she does. I was looking at my growth chart, by the time Scully was 8 months old she was already 18.5 inches long, lol, but her parents were huge so that was expected. Sarth, comparatively, was 16.5 inches, so she's got a bit of catching up to do. She looks well fed so hopefully she will adjust quickly :)

She is shipping out tomorrow and will get here on Thursday. She's coming to my work, and I'll run her home after like I did with Scully. Daedles gets her old tank and spot back, and Starling (after Agent Clarice Starling of course) will get Scully's old tank, so I'll have to clean it one last time tomorrow, then tape the 3 sides up so the kittens don't bother her. They have both been really good with not jumping in this tank, but I'll put the topper on until this weekend at least when I can be home and watch them.

Oh yes, and look what has been happening the last 2 days:

Her fat pads are more or less gone on her head, hips are starting to go too, so she must be getting ready to lay, hopefully in the next few days, especially since yesterday she has started snubbing food. I may need to go out and get her some more feeders, I don't think the hornworms will be big enough to start feeding when they get here and I don't want her inhaling all the reptiworms.

So a fun couple days coming, I will keep you guys updated.
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