Re: PeeWees Great Adventures, Pee's New Friend!!!

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Juvie Member
Hooray, Sunny is awake!! I'm so glad she approves of PeeWee, that's so cute that your dragons can all snuggle together :love5:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
tazznzeppelin":r3e4omi3 said:
I'm so happy to hear that Sunny is awake and that she approves of your new little addition to the family.
That is great news! Too bad you have another cold Kaleen, that has to be getting very annoying for you. I absolutely hate being sick! I will be sending good thoughts your way, I hope you feel better soon!
Amy :D
Thank you Amy! It is annoying but I have my babies to keep me busy so I don't dwell on the health crap during the holidays! Every year I have the same new years resolution, to get healthy, but it's kinda out of my hands... Oh well, it could be a lot worse.

ziggydoodles":r3e4omi3 said:
Hooray, Sunny is awake!! I'm so glad she approves of PeeWee, that's so cute that your dragons can all snuggle together :love5:
I wish I could have taken a decent picture of the three of them last night all snuggled up together. I was so happy to see my babies snuggling.. Now if only Mr Frank would wake up and be so loving...yea not going to happen..

Okay I thought you would all be happy to know my next post is of NEW PICTURES!!!!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
So this camera is not as good as the one on my last phone, but it works for now... The pictures are of PeeWee, Sunny, and Chloe. You won't believe how big PeeWee is and Chloe as well. I'm telling ya PeeWee is so happy to have all these playmates, the look on his cute little beardie face when he sees Sunny is priceless! Okay here goes, enjoy..........
This is Miss Sunny in all her chubby glory!

Mr. PeeWee, large and in charge...of that stick!

He's still got such a sweet baby face.

Look at his belly :shock:




Oh this is Mr. Frank briefly awake after his weekly bath!

My beautiful Sunny Bunny

Sunny and her big body :lol:

Mr. Frank again, grumpy boy

I love how thick Sunny's tail is. I hope PeeWee's gets as thick!


Okay it's Miss Chloe's turn

Poor girl is in shed.

So pretty!


I love this one of Sunny, she loves that elephant so much.


That's how she was eating her salad, propped up on her elephant. Lazy much?!

And more of my sweet boy PeeWee!!


He's kinda dull because I think his body is about to go in to a massive shed.

Well I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as I enjoy taking them. Also because, and this is no exaggeration, it took me 2 hours to upload on to photobucket. I'm a bit stressed :angry5: :mrgreen: It used to never give me trouble, and now it's like pulling teeth. Drives me crazy, and then I feel bad because the babies think I am mad at them. I am just so happy to have Sunny awake, and it's a plus that she is fine with PeeWee just like Chloe. I think Sunny is a mother hen type. She always wants to baby Chloe, and the day she saw PeeWee for the first time I know she was excited to have another baby around. Last night in the blankie in bed if PeeWee stirred or even Chloe, she would pop her head up to check. And then for her to move and let PeeWee get close to me and her was too cute. I love them soooo much! Okay gotta run, well actually I'm going to peruse the forums for a bit! :lol: :lol: Bye bye!


Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
How sweet that Sunny already accepted PeeWee into her house, and that she already wanted to mother him :D

How much does that "little" boy weigh these days? He looks huge in those pics!

beardie parents Sicko
When you mentioned about your Sunny being like a mother hen it reminded me of our Rosie. We have pics on my thread of the two of them and Rosie looking at Squirt like she wants to be her mother.


Juvie Member
Oh my goodness, PeeWee has gotten HUUGE. He looks like he will outgrow everyone! All of your pictures are super adorable, Sunny clearly loves that elephant, it's too funny that she's using it to prop her up while she eats!! :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Goonie":1bultrno said:
How sweet that Sunny already accepted PeeWee into her house, and that she already wanted to mother him :D

How much does that "little" boy weigh these days? He looks huge in those pics!
I do love my Sunny, she's so loving.. I need to weigh PeeWee for you and me hahahaha! I'm a little behind on things these days, like my friend/mentor Gary would say, I need to get my butt in gear!

beardie parents":1bultrno said:
When you mentioned about your Sunny being like a mother hen it reminded me of our Rosie. We have pics on my thread of the two of them and Rosie looking at Squirt like she wants to be her mother.
That's so funny you say that Lori because when I looked at your pictures of your beautiful girls that's what I thought to myself. Rosie absolutely looks like she wants to mother Lil Squirt. She looks at her so lovingly in some of the pictures I thought, it's really sweet. Sunny is also definitely a mother hen. She's even mothered me, not kidding! I told this story a while ago on a thread somewhere, on a particularly bad day after treatment I came home and all I wanted to do was snuggle with Sunny and lay in bed. Well I was feeling awful as we were laying there, and started to tear up when Sunny climbed up to my face and put her little hand on my face. It was so sweet, I have such a tight nit bond with her it's unreal. PeeWee and I are forming in a very close bond as well, he needs me all the time!

ziggydoodles":1bultrno said:
Oh my goodness, PeeWee has gotten HUUGE. He looks like he will outgrow everyone! All of your pictures are super adorable, Sunny clearly loves that elephant, it's too funny that she's using it to prop her up while she eats!! :lol:
Yeah my Sunny Bunny is one big girl, she's such a chubster she has to lean on things while she eats! That elephant is her favorite thing, I've caught her playing with it so many times. She likes to throw it across the cage and then go run and jump on to it and roll around, almost like combat rolls. I've caught her doing that like 4-5 times, but I haven't been able to get it on video. As soon as she hears or sees me she stops like she wasn't doing anything! Isn't PeeWee getting so big?!?! :shock: :lol: It's weird though he seems to be growing a lot but he hasn't actually shed his legs body or tail in a while now. He's finally dulling out so it looks like his whole body is going to shed at once, yikes... We have a feeling he's going to be the largest beardie we have! As long as he's healthy I'll be happy, and if he ends up with a nice thick tail like Sunny's that'd be nice too!



Sunny laying on her elephant to eat her salad is too cute. Peewee is really looking good such a big handsome little guy. Really all of your dragons are in such great shape, it is very obvious that they are in a loving home with the best care. When you get a chance to weigh Peewee, you are going to be amazed at how much he weighs now. My Sinclair was 263 grams when I weighed him a couple of days ago, and I bet Peewee is somewhere in that range as well closing in on 300 grams soon.


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, Kaleen, your girls are wonderful and they sure have taken a shine to PeeWee. That's amazing that he's been welcomes into the fold and you can snuggle all three of them at once without any issues. It's' great! And PeeWee is HUGE now, wow, thunderthighs just like Rubio! So funny, he was so little when he got to you & look at him now.

It was nice to see Mr Frank, grumpy pants, did he go back to sleep once he's checked out what was going on in his kingdom? He's a good looking beardie! All your beardies are wonderful and I know PeeWee is overjoyed to have Mama home!

Thanks for keeping up updated on all of your crew. Now we need a pic of Doug and his lady & Walter, can't forget him. Did you finish his house? You'll have to take pics of them to show me. I'd love to see your uro's and Walter just intrigues me!

Bunny is doing well, and so are my boys. Only Rubio is still sleeping, even though Didi, Lonzo and Gabriel are still sleeping, I don't think it will be for long.

Take care


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
wmwelch":2xm8e6kv said:
Sunny laying on her elephant to eat her salad is too cute. Peewee is really looking good such a big handsome little guy. Really all of your dragons are in such great shape, it is very obvious that they are in a loving home with the best care. When you get a chance to weigh Peewee, you are going to be amazed at how much he weighs now. My Sinclair was 263 grams when I weighed him a couple of days ago, and I bet Peewee is somewhere in that range as well closing in on 300 grams soon.

Wendy wow I can't believe Sinclair is 263 grams already, it's amazing how fast they do grow. I bet you're right, I am sure PeeWee is closing in on 300 grams, he's catching up to Chloe and Sunny pretty quick.

sweetiepie9":2xm8e6kv said:
Wow, Kaleen, your girls are wonderful and they sure have taken a shine to PeeWee. That's amazing that he's been welcomes into the fold and you can snuggle all three of them at once without any issues. It's' great! And PeeWee is HUGE now, wow, thunderthighs just like Rubio! So funny, he was so little when he got to you & look at him now.

It was nice to see Mr Frank, grumpy pants, did he go back to sleep once he's checked out what was going on in his kingdom? He's a good looking beardie! All your beardies are wonderful and I know PeeWee is overjoyed to have Mama home!

Thanks for keeping up updated on all of your crew. Now we need a pic of Doug and his lady & Walter, can't forget him. Did you finish his house? You'll have to take pics of them to show me. I'd love to see your uro's and Walter just intrigues me!

Bunny is doing well, and so are my boys. Only Rubio is still sleeping, even though Didi, Lonzo and Gabriel are still sleeping, I don't think it will be for long.

Take care

Deb I am too excited that they all get along so far. It makes the night time snuggles so much easier on me. I am a little sad today as Miss Sunny's wake up was only a 3 day spell. She's soundly sleeping in her cave again today... Oh well, at least I know when she does wake up her, PeeWee, and Chloe will be just fine. You made me laugh so hard, PeeWee and his thunder thighs!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Jeffrey got a big kick out of that too! Oh I have also taken pictures of Doug and Daisy and Walter in his completed house! Unfortunately the pictures of Doug and Daisy didn't come out so well with this camera because the blend in to the substrate so well! I need to do another photo shoot with them when Jeffrey is home. They are too fast for me to do it by myself! Walters pictures just need to be uploaded to Photobucket, maybe I'll do that tonight, just for you Deb!!
I was over on your thread last night, I have to say I am so jealous of Bunny. She's the most beautiful crested I've seen. I love how chubby she looks to be, and her color reminds me of peanut butter, and I love peanut butter! I so wish I could hold her and play and snuggle. I wish that about Rubio, well pretty much all your boys with Rocco included!


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
My boys would love the snuggle but you'd have to catch them fast asleep unless you want to keep breaking up fights :lol: Rubio likes to take hours long naps on me & I miss that, so when he wakes up, that will be the first order of the day.

Bunny doesn't mind me holding her, but she's like a mouse on a wheel, from one hand to the next, she never stays still! But she is so so so soft, like velvet & I agree, her colouring is very unusual for a crestie. she also has a pretty diamond pattern that goes down her tail, which is really pretty. And she is even paler than peanut butter along her sides, more like devon cream, she's so pretty. Jake told me she's too fat, that's from eating crickets all her life (she's a great hunter, she can eat up 10 at a time!), so it's been difficult to get her on Repashy, which is the complete meal for cresties. She gets a few crickets once a week and that's it. I think she'd prefer to hunt her crickets so when I take her out at night I put Repashy on my finger and she licks it off, at least so far. She hasn't ever tried to bite me, either, which is a good thing :D

Now Rocco would be a different matter, trying to catch him, then keeping him on your hand, is like catching wind. He really doesn't like to be touched at all. I've been able to hold him a few times, but he is very strong & always wants to jump away, so I keep it to pets while he's in his tank and even that doesn't go over very well. He's so pretty, though, when he's relaxed, he's a golden brown. He's doing better in his new tank, higher temps and higher humidity now that suits him, I keep hoping he's eating, but have to get in there & clean out his tank, maybe this weekend.

I'll be looking forward to seeing handsome Walter and his new house. Bet he's grown some more, does he still like to snuggle, too? And Doug and his love Daisy, so glad they're getting along, it will be great to see them, too. I've hear that Uro's are very easy to keep & vegetarian, too. I saw a video once of a member feeding his uro sweet peas, one after the other after the other. It was a favourite food.

I hope you're feeling a bit better & that cold has gone away. It must be so annoying to keep picking up these darned colds. There have been alot of flus over here, Jake & his mom both got a terrible flu, she's still really sick, but he's come over every night I've been at work to take care of the dragons, which was really sweet of him. I ordered a calendar from here for him for Xmas & I got it just the other day. It's Calendar B where Gabriel has the whole page for August/13! I think Jake will like it.

So take care Kaleen, and thanks for all those wonderful pics. I can just imagine how Mr PeeWee ThunderThighs weighs now, he's HUGE! I'll let Barbara know when I next talk to her, she's still having computer issues. She'll be thrilled!
Take care


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I am so frustrated right now, I can not get Photobucket to work for the life of me. :angry5: :banghead: :angry5: :banghead: I can't take any more so I am going to stop trying for tonight and try again in the morning before I leave for the weekend. My Mom and I are going to have a girls weekend together at her house while my Dad is away until Saturday evening! Hopefully PeeWee won't be too sad Mama is gone again..


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
PeeWee will attach himself to you once you're home, as he did last time, but hopefully he'll be good for Jeffrey while you're gone. And you can work on PB once you get back, there's no rush for pics. So have a great weekend, it's time you were pampered!
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