My beardie probably not getting enough UVB because he keeps climbing?


Beardie name(s)
Ted (1 year 2 mo) Western Bearded Dragon - Pogona minor minor)

OK so I have a Arcadia desert t5 reptile lamp 12% 24W 550mm (21 inches) that's 4 months old.

Placed diagonally on top of mesh, distance from basking spots are 13cm - 20cm (5 inches to 8 inches) as pictured:



So here lies my problem (pictures taken on 19/8/22 & today, 9/9/22):




LIKE WHY??? He scares me cos I know beardies can't breathe properly when they're upside down/on their backs.

He hangs there for like 5 seconds and just leaps down like nothing happened.

I have put the UVB tube inside enclosure before but here goes another problem:





So I'd like to ask if anyone has some tips or ideas?

Here's a feet pic as tax:


Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Here's a feet pic as tax:
Bu.... Buddy... I can't.... LOL

Your setup is fine how it is. Hopefully it's just something he grows out of. Being that close to the UV bulb is very dangerous though, definitely don't let him hang out like that. If you see it, bring him down. Otherwise, not much more you can do to stop it.



Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I have never seen that before WOW- are you sure he doesn't think he's 1/2 monkey? These beardies are amazing creatures! I say this after reading @Claudiusx message as it doesn't appear he's in any immediate danger unless he keeps doing it! Tell him to GET DOWN-
He's adorable!:love:
(Please be careful with that screw as your climber could hurt himself on that)-


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ted (1 year 2 mo) Western Bearded Dragon - Pogona minor minor)
Bu.... Buddy... I can't.... LOL

Your setup is fine how it is. Hopefully it's just something he grows out of. Being that close to the UV bulb is very dangerous though, definitely don't let him hang out like that. If you see it, bring him down. Otherwise, not much more you can do to stop it.

...Yeah that's what I assumed 😮‍💨

Yeah fortunately his enclosure is in my room and I know immediately when he wants to do it/does it so I always get him off. But when I'm not home and he does it he stays there for like 5 seconds and just leaps off. When I'm back home I always check to see if he broke a bone or something and he's all good. ☺️


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ted (1 year 2 mo) Western Bearded Dragon - Pogona minor minor)
I have never seen that before WOW- are you sure he doesn't think he's 1/2 monkey? These beardies are amazing creatures! I say this after reading @Claudiusx message as it doesn't appear he's in any immediate danger unless he keeps doing it! Tell him to GET DOWN-
He's adorable!:love:
(Please be careful with that screw as your climber could hurt himself on that)-
I always take him down when I'm at home since he's in my room and give him a stern talking-to...but he completely ignores me 😮‍💨

Also yes, I have a second reflector without the screw that I use now lol (I had to screw the 1st on since the enclosure was a fish tank).


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
...Yeah that's what I assumed 😮‍💨

Yeah fortunately his enclosure is in my room and I know immediately when he wants to do it/does it so I always get him off. But when I'm not home and he does it he stays there for like 5 seconds and just leaps off. When I'm back home I always check to see if he broke a bone or something and he's all good. ☺️
Oh boy, you have your hands full! But what an exciting life you have to look forward to. As a new beardie parent, omg, I don't know where to start but feel free to read some of my posts regarding Rocky's adventures! Your beardie is smart and adventurous, hopefully this will pass.
I will tag @KarrieRee to triple check your lighting.
And I will stop staring at your picture....I find this fascinating as I have never seen this before!!!!


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I always take him down when I'm at home since he's in my room and give him a stern talking-to...but he completely ignores me 😮‍💨

Also yes, I have a second reflector without the screw that I use now lol (I had to screw the 1st on since the enclosure was a fish tank).
LOL @stern talking....ignores you. I know that feeling. Rocky will totally walk away or give me hit tail (literally). I think he's too good for the stink eye at this point. Beardies are so wonderful! My last thought is, he might just want to get out to be with you;)


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
Lighting is ok like I already mentioned. That's the proper distance for a 12% arcadia on a screen.

Ahhh- I was trying to be of some help. It's rare to see a post with lighting without @KarrieRee - not doubting you but was trying to bring myself back to focus LOL.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Beardies are semi aboreal so climbing is normal. My male did that also when he was a baby, he also spent more time hanging on the foam background than the floor. My solution was to take a flat slightly dished piece of driftwood and screw it to his climbing branches, it stuck out like the rock in the lionking. It took him all of 30 seconds to spot it, that became his new favorite place to be and he stopped climbing on the screen.
Long story short maybe give him something to catch his attention. Hope this helps :)


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ted (1 year 2 mo) Western Bearded Dragon - Pogona minor minor)
Beardies are semi aboreal so climbing is normal. My male did that also when he was a baby, he also spent more time hanging on the foam background than the floor. My solution was to take a flat slightly dished piece of driftwood and screw it to his climbing branches, it stuck out like the rock in the lionking. It took him all of 30 seconds to spot it, that became his new favorite place to be and he stopped climbing on the screen.
Long story short maybe give him something to catch his attention. Hope this helps :)
Aaah I see I see. I have a bonsai driftwood so there's already a lot for him to jump and climb with. But I'll try adding something like you mentioned and see how that goes. Thank you! ☺️


Juvie Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
He's so cute tho! Hope he grows out of that habit. Mine would stare at the uvb tube before deciding to leap and try to get it :ROFLMAO: I think some of them just naturally curious like that


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ted (1 year 2 mo) Western Bearded Dragon - Pogona minor minor)
How are things going?
Hi! He doesn't do it everyday, probably around 3/4 times a week. Just in case it was an issue with the UVB I brought the fixture and UVB tube to the vet to get it tested and it's working properly. Like you and some others have said it might just be a personality/young beardie thing so hopefully he'll grow out of it haha

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