Kazi - RIP my special Wee monkey.

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BD.org Addict
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Thanks Gina, Lori and Sherri!

Sherri, you never fail to make me laugh!!! LOL!!

I was so happy to see that nice pink tongue when he was eating his CC - he doesnt let me see in his mouth unless he is eating - I think trying to force his mouth open reminds him of the vet :( But, I think the new natural remedies are really helping him out already. Obviously they are having a positive affect on his anemia too and giving his red blood cells the kick that they needed - I wish there was an 'external' way to see how they are affecting his white blood cells but im really optimistic about that as well! If this keeps up I will be very excited to see the next round of blood tests!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Christina,

That is great news Kazi is really starting to do so much better! Basking on his own is a huge improvement in itself!
I hope that the herbal mix will help him. His tongue is actually pink now instead of white? Really?
I bet he is tiring himself out, he isn't used to having so much more energy I guess!



BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thanks Tracie!

It had been getting 'pinker' but yesterday was the first time it was 'proper beardie pink'! I really am so happy about that!
He was getting up and down off his log all day yesterday and even came to the door of his viv to 'ask' me to get him out! His afternoon naps have also got shorter - he is only spending about 30mins snoozing on the cool side before he gets up to go on another adventure. He has went to sleep a little earlier than usual for the last 2 nights but all that energy during the day is bound to tire him out.
Im also starting to add bits and pieces of his viv furniture back into his viv. So far he has his little tree, half log, rock/hide, basking rock and a couple of small 'decorative# items that he likes to rub his nose on when he gets CC or any other liquid on it! Im going to wait until after the weekend to add his big branch and his other half log back in there - I dont want to overwhelm him so its just the small items for now :D


Sub-Adult Member
I can just imagine that if Kazi could hang a sign it would say 'Home Sweet Home'...again, ahhh :D Getting his furniture back, even bit by bit will be exciting for him, and you!

How many more weeks until his next blood test? 4? 3? I am losing track :roll: Right now we will take pink tongue, shorter naps and super exciting...getting his groove back! It is a thrill that he came to the glass wanting o u t!

Now, how are Phoebe and Huff doing? You said Phoebe was digging?? :shock: Could she be getting ready to have eggs again? :shock: Or is she just enjoying digging?



BD.org Addict
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Kazi is being quiet today. He is just lying under his basking lamp... everytime I go over he looks at me as if to say 'is it food time now???' lol Will be giving him 2 small dubia in a couple hours time tho.

Phoebe has stopped digging - I think she was just bored! She has now went back to sleeping for most of the day - she only wakes up for food!
Huff is good - he has relocation stress right now and hasnt eaten anything but a few bits of salad this week. His uv light has also broken so he has been without that for 2 days now. Im going to have to take Phoebes out and give it to him - I cant really leave him without any longer and Phoebe will be OK without for a few days until Kazi's new one gets here (if it ever gets here!)! The not eating has led him to lose weight too - he definitely looks a LOT thinner. I need to recheck his weight as he was weighing in 20g lighter than usual a couple of days ago :( hopefully that will settle once he starts eating properly again!!


BD.org Addict
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Kazis eye is bothering him again. He has been frantically scratching it for the past half hour and keeps 'rolling' his eye. I tried to video it but he stopped as soon as I got the camera out. He keeps blinking the eye too! The vet insisted there was nothing wrong with it but there is definitely something going on with it :( at least he is active tho!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Christina,

That sounds great, Kazi is getting his home furniture items back! LOL He sure has been active now, so at least he has more energy & is sleeping during the day less.
You have your hands full with Huff & Phoebe also! Are you getting any sleep at all?
How did it go with feeding him a few dubias today?



BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Hi Tracie
Kazi didn't take any dubia- he watched them but he wouldn't eat them. I will try again tomoro tho.
His eye was really bothering him today too :( I had stopped with the saline but il get some more and start again tomoro- I just wish I knew what was wrong with it!!!!!
Overall tho, he was happy today and quite active again :) so that was good!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Here's a little smilie for Kazi man.
So happy to hear about his cute little pink tongue. Great that he is so active & enjoys basking & exploring his tank again. Bet you melted Christina when you saw him by his door just waiting to come out. :p

Sure hope his eye feels better soon. You suppose he might have a small piece of skin that is on the upper or lower lid causing irritation? Hopefully the saline will help again.

Thanks for the great update on your little guy. :D


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Christina :)
I am so sorry his eye is bothering him :(. And sometimes they love a new food and go gung ho and then sort of lose interest for just a bit. Maybe that is what happened. I know how much he needs to eat, but maybe if you denied him dubias for one or two days his interest will be peaked again?

Or, maybe there *is* the shedding.

Well, I am thinking only good thoughts through the night that he feels better tomorrow. (Well, today I believe for you now! lol)


beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Hi Christina,
Just got caught up with all the news, I'm so happy that Kazi is doing so well, now to figure out the eye problem????? You have been such an attentive mommy, no wonder he's doing so well............Keep up the good work Kazi man!!!!!!!!!!!!


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Hehe, thankyou for the smile, Diane.
I really have examined his eye but I cant see any shed around it. A few weeks ago, I thought I saw a scratch and what was possibly a dust particle in his eye but I asked the vet to take a look and he said there was nothing there. The eyeball itself is 'swollen' - perhaps swollen is the wrong word but his actual eyeball is more prominent on that side although the skin around it (the eye socket) is completely normal - its the eyeball itself that seems to be the problem. Yesterday morning it was 'stuck' at the corner so he couldnt open his eye - I dont know why it is sticking. Before I suspected the RI, it was watering but that seems to have stopped, although im wondering if it is watering when he is sleeping.... Im going to phone the vet tomoro morning - I hope he will send me out some ointment.

Sherri, im wondering if he associates the Dubias with feeling sick now as that is what he had to eat right before he got ill last weekend... if I can get him to take just 1 then hopefully he will realise that maybe they arent so bad!

Thank you for checking in Christine! Its frustrating not knowing what is up with that eye - I guess he just likes to keep me guessing :lol: Kazi does all the hard work - he is such a little fighter - thats something I have to remember - for havnig so many issues, he is a strong little dragon and he always does his best to get well!!

Im going to add butternut squash to everyones salad today. Perhaps Kazi might like that too... I have run out of rocket for now so he needs something to attract him to the salad! Phoebe is without UV this morning - im having to give Huff and Phoebe half a day each with the UV - I would prefer to just give it to Huff with his MBD but I dont want Phoebe to go completely without.... if Kazi wasnt sick, I would be able to switch it 3 times per day but I think he needs all of the UV he can get. Hopefully Kazi's new UV will be here on Tuesday and I can give his to Huff - it should still be good for another month until I can get a new one for him! I want to try out the new Arcadia so I can decide whether to change them all to that or just keep them with the standard arcadia.... we shall see.

Just a question tho - is there something that I do wrong? Kazi has had so many problems over the past 2 years and I cant help but think there must be something in my set up/care routing that isnt right, there has to be a reason why he gets so ill!!! :(


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Christina,

Um...forgive my ignorance, but what is *rocket* for the salad? I should look it up lol. Don't know why I don't remember hearing it.

I know you must be so frustrated with the lighting situation, but remember a few days or a week without will not hurt, and getting a brand new bulb will make up for those days as well :)

As far as Kazi....I know you know how to have a wonderful set up so I can't possibly think how any of it could be your fault, really.
For one thing, he keeps getting *different* symptoms. If it was always the exact same thing then it would be easy for you to find a culprit.

Maybe.....b/c his immune system was in trouble the first time, he did not recover fully and made it easy for other things to creep in, it is more likely *just Kazi* if you understand what I mean. Like so many people, it is not the environment, but their systems that cause multiple illnesses.

Something else to consider is that *getting well* is stressful in and of itself. I know we are so thrilled when our dragons start improving (as we should be!) but we need to remember how much effort it takes for our dragons systems to recover. Also, since they do take so long to heal, while they are getting better from some things, they are still weak enough to have other problems arrive. I hope that made a little sense? :?

And, if he is allergic to certain fruits and had a reaction, his immune system will be compromised until it has time to recover. There is that sometimes awful word...*time*. uhg.

There is no way you would have missed something in their set up, but it may ease your mind to give a run down of everything, including schedule....just for your peace of mind b/c I know you have already gone over everything in your mind a zillion times :) But subconciously you may be wondering if you actually missed something so getting 2nd opinions might get that off your mind :D

These recent problems (not the oranges, before that) began with a raspberry...but was his anemia before *that*? I am so sorry I don't recall the timing :oops: I should go back to the beginning and read again.

There really isn't more you could have done :shock: The vet visits alone have been more than anyone could keep track of. You do everything you possibly can, and I think that any of these problems *by themselves* would not seem so much...but when they keep coming at you one after the other, there is a cumulative effect that certainly is going to wear you both down.

I sooo wish there was something I could do for you! Gads, if we lived closer, even giving you a day to go off and take a break...I wish. :)

This one is for Kazi..



BD.org Addict
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Sherri":2b29ixd7 said:
Um...forgive my ignorance, but what is *rocket* for the salad? I should look it up lol. Don't know why I don't remember hearing it.
I think you guys call rocket 'arugula' (sp?) hehe - that big old pond has us confusing each other! Its like 'endive' - its generally sold over here as 'frisée' - it took me over a year of looking for endive to actually figure that out lol!

Sherri":2b29ixd7 said:
I know you must be so frustrated with the lighting situation, but remember a few days or a week without will not hurt, and getting a brand new bulb will make up for those days as well
Its just because of Huff's MBD - i just dont want to risk him going backwards. I ended up allowing him to keep the UV for today - Phoebe is tough enough and shes practically brumating (on and off) so I guess it wont do her too much harm.

Sherri":2b29ixd7 said:
There is no way you would have missed something in their set up, but it may ease your mind to give a run down of everything, including schedule....just for your peace of mind b/c I know you have already gone over everything in your mind a zillion times But subconciously you may be wondering if you actually missed something so getting 2nd opinions might get that off your mind

Sherri, everything you said made perfect sense. I cant think of any issues with his set up but I will run through it anyway
1) Lighting - 75w basking bulb and Arcadia d3 12% UV (positioned 6 inches away from him)
2) Temps - range on basking side - he can choose from 98 - 104 at the moment although he usually sits at 104
3) Substrate - tiles and linoleum
4) Furniture - long branch - 'cooked' and frozen to ensure no 'bugs' were present - variety of store bought pet furnishings - all boiled or steam cleaned before being placed into the viv.
5) Cleaning - reptile safe disinfectant for spot cleaning/dirty surfaces - whole viv steam cleaned weekly - before I had the steamer, the whole thing was 'sanitised' using boiling water.
6) Routine - right now, lights on 9am and off 9pm
7) Bathing - every other day (everyday at the moment)
8) Calcium - Komodo Cricket dust (commonly known as Calypso calcium) Vitamins - herptivite (blue label)
9) Food - dark leafy greens topped with butternut squash or rocket - sometimes peas or peppers

I think thats everything!

Sherri":2b29ixd7 said:
These recent problems (not the oranges, before that) began with a raspberry...but was his anemia before *that*? I am so sorry I don't recall the timing I should go back to the beginning and read again.

He had anemia the first time he got sick in December 2009 - at that time we thought it was due to the fact that I was using nutrabol as a vitamin supplement which really doesnt give adequate vitamins but is the only accessible vitamin supplement over here.

I think you're right tho - his weakened immune system allows all of these illnesses to 'creep' in :(

Thank you so much Sherri - I really appreciate your input.

Kazi does not want to eat dubia today again - he will watch them, eagerly but just wont take them. His eye has not been AS itchy but is still bothering him... thankfully, he was able to open it on his own this morning!
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