
Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

A temp gun that you use for humans should technically work on her, yes. That's great you were
able to get some food into her. Did she like it I hope?
At least she has finally opened her eyes, maybe she is starting to feel better now. Keep us posted
on her, we are all pulling for her!


Zeus Crawford

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

A temp gun that you use for humans should technically work on her, yes. That's great you were
able to get some food into her. Did she like it I hope?
At least she has finally opened her eyes, maybe she is starting to feel better now. Keep us posted
on her, we are all pulling for her!

I don’t know if she liked it, she wasn’t really happy to be syringe fed! She had gotten a little of her fiesta back, and thrashes around when we open her mouth, also positive steps. She was so lethargic that she barely fought us.
So if I take her temp using my thermometer, where on her body should I aim it, and what temp range should she be?

Zeus Crawford

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I don’t know if she liked it, she wasn’t really happy to be syringe fed! She had gotten a little of her fiesta back, and thrashes around when we open her mouth, also positive steps. She was so lethargic that she barely fought us.
So if I take her temp using my thermometer, where on her body should I aim it, and what temp range should she be?
That should say she has gotten some of her feisty back, it autocorrected to fiesta. Haha.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The autocorrect can really be a pain sometimes! When they start fighting being fed, they are usually
feeling better. Her body temperature should be optimally 96-98F & should be kept at that for a good
portion of the day. It's ok for her to cool down for portions of the day, but for optimum digestion, health,
etc they do better when kept at a better temperatures.
You can just temp gun her on the back or the area that is under the warmest area in the basking spot.


Zeus Crawford

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

The autocorrect can really be a pain sometimes! When they start fighting being fed, they are usually
feeling better. Her body temperature should be optimally 96-98F & should be kept at that for a good
portion of the day. It's ok for her to cool down for portions of the day, but for optimum digestion, health,
etc they do better when kept at a better temperatures.
You can just temp gun her on the back or the area that is under the warmest area in the basking spot.

The vet called me yesterday, waiting on another call today. He said he was waiting to hear from the pathologist directly. They believe her infection may be from a ruptured egg. If that’s the case, we aren’t sure what will happen next. He said the only true fix for that is surgery to remove it, but she isn’t in a condition for surgery right now, he fears she isn’t strong enough. If the pathologist confirms that it’s an infection from a ruptured egg, then they will likely suggest euthanasia.
However, she has been improving since being on the antibiotic and syringe feedings. She is opening her eyes periodically throughout the day, she is getting a little of her feisty attitude back, and she is trying to move more within her enclosure. I’m very hopeful that these are all good signs and that we CAN get her back to a healthy point again.
He is still concerned with kidney disease because of the lesions in her mouth. He said her values weren’t terrible though, and that he wants to monitor them.
We are still flushing her eyes and administering the antibiotic eye drops twice a day. We have been syringe feeding her the Repashy beardie buffet too. We started with barely getting 0.5mL into her, and are now able to get 2mL twice a day. I think that’s progress!!
She has a lot of things working against her right now, so if you all would please, hope and pray or whatever you do, that she will continue to improve and can still turn this corner! Here are a couple of pictures of her being a little more perky and her eyes open!


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
The vet called me yesterday, waiting on another call today. He said he was waiting to hear from the pathologist directly. They believe her infection may be from a ruptured egg. If that’s the case, we aren’t sure what will happen next. He said the only true fix for that is surgery to remove it, but she isn’t in a condition for surgery right now, he fears she isn’t strong enough. If the pathologist confirms that it’s an infection from a ruptured egg, then they will likely suggest euthanasia.
However, she has been improving since being on the antibiotic and syringe feedings. She is opening her eyes periodically throughout the day, she is getting a little of her feisty attitude back, and she is trying to move more within her enclosure. I’m very hopeful that these are all good signs and that we CAN get her back to a healthy point again.
He is still concerned with kidney disease because of the lesions in her mouth. He said her values weren’t terrible though, and that he wants to monitor them.
We are still flushing her eyes and administering the antibiotic eye drops twice a day. We have been syringe feeding her the Repashy beardie buffet too. We started with barely getting 0.5mL into her, and are now able to get 2mL twice a day. I think that’s progress!!
She has a lot of things working against her right now, so if you all would please, hope and pray or whatever you do, that she will continue to improve and can still turn this corner! Here are a couple of pictures of her being a little more perky and her eyes open!
I would not recommend putting her down - she is showing signs of improvement

Zeus Crawford

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Just wanted to give a quick update! Our Zeusy-girl is really making improvements! She is active and alert, keeping her eyes open when awake, moving herself between basking and cool side, hiding in her hide spots, and climbing up her rocks! It’s so good to see her getting back her sassy-pants!! And today, SHE POOPED! It was a totally normal looking, big poop with urate. She’s doing very well with her syringe feeds as well, 2.5mL twice a day of the beardie buffet.
I haven’t heard back from the vet again about her blood work, but I emailed him an update, and hoping for a call on Monday.
Keep rooting for her!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is great to hear she is improving! Absolutely don't put her down. A lot of them go through
same or similar circumstances. They could always try putting her on an antibiotic if in fact she
did have an egg rupture. You can give raw honey daily to help with internal bacteria also. She
would love the taste, too!

Keep us posted on her, I hope she is feeling a lot better.

Zeus Crawford

Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

That is great to hear she is improving! Absolutely don't put her down. A lot of them go through
same or similar circumstances. They could always try putting her on an antibiotic if in fact she
did have an egg rupture. You can give raw honey daily to help with internal bacteria also. She
would love the taste, too!

Keep us posted on her, I hope she is feeling a lot better.
We don’t plan to put her down! She is on antibiotics already, we give her an injection of it every 72 hours.

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