Help! limp tail and foul smell

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh poor Finster! When are you gettting in to the emergency vet? I agree, it will be expensive for sure. Have you been able to get an appointment with your regular vet, for Tuesday of this next week?
I think that since there is some smell, that usually will indicate some type of infection. Do you think that he broke or injured his tail?
Can he feel anything in his tail, that you can determine? If the lower portion has lost circulation, it will most likely need to be amputated slightly above the break. I hate to see that, but perhaps they can tell exactly where the injury point is via x-ray & how far the infection has traveled to help pinpoint the amputation. Maybe not as much of the tail will have to be amputated.
How is he feeling? Be sure that there aren't any insects in his tank when you put on the raw honey on his tail. Keep him a little warmer in his tank to help boost his immune system.
Let us know how he is doing.



Original Poster

Oh poor Finster! When are you gettting in to the emergency vet? I agree, it will be expensive for sure. Have you been able to get an appointment with your regular vet, for Tuesday of this next week?
I think that since there is some smell, that usually will indicate some type of infection. Do you think that he broke or injured his tail?
Can he feel anything in his tail, that you can determine? If the lower portion has lost circulation, it will most likely need to be amputated slightly above the break. I hate to see that, but perhaps they can tell exactly where the injury point is via x-ray & how far the infection has traveled to help pinpoint the amputation. Maybe not as much of the tail will have to be amputated.
How is he feeling? Be sure that there aren't any insects in his tank when you put on the raw honey on his tail. Keep him a little warmer in his tank to help boost his immune system.
Let us know how he is doing.


Thanks so much for trying to help us.

The smell is not as intense this morning, but the tail looks worse. I can see that the tissue is starting to shrivel and die and the injury point is more swollen. See attached.

The emergency vets have not been willing to see him, unfortunately. I'm going to try again tomorrow. They say it will fall off, which seems very callous and uncaring. :-( My vet keeps slots open for emergencies, so I will be calling first thing Tuesday to bring him in. The issue is no exotic vets until then, including Fin's regular doctor.

I'd say it's very likely he broke his tail, yes, but I don't know how or when.

He does not seem to care if I touch his tail, which led me to believe (erroneously) that it wasn't badly injured. I first noticed the droop a few weeks back. :-( I feel terrible about this.

HIs main staple is BSF, with occasional dubias, so no issue with bugs in the tank. Will do on keeping him warm. I'm glad you mentioned that as I was trying to ventilate out the tank so he wouldn't have to breathe in that stench, but it makes sense to keep him warm so I'll up the temps.

As usual, Fin does not seem to care. I really hope he is not suffering. My poor little buddy.

Thank you.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4

Thanks so much for trying to help us.

The smell is not as intense this morning, but the tail looks worse. I can see that the tissue is starting to shrivel and die and the injury point is more swollen. See attached.

The emergency vets have not been willing to see him, unfortunately. I'm going to try again tomorrow. They say it will fall off, which seems very callous and uncaring. :-( My vet keeps slots open for emergencies, so I will be calling first thing Tuesday to bring him in. The issue is no exotic vets until then, including Fin's regular doctor.

I'd say it's very likely he broke his tail, yes, but I don't know how or when.

He does not seem to care if I touch his tail, which led me to believe (erroneously) that it wasn't badly injured. I first noticed the droop a few weeks back. :-( I feel terrible about this.

HIs main staple is BSF, with occasional dubias, so no issue with bugs in the tank. Will do on keeping him warm. I'm glad you mentioned that as I was trying to ventilate out the tank so he wouldn't have to breathe in that stench, but it makes sense to keep him warm so I'll up the temps.

As usual, Fin does not seem to care. I really hope he is not suffering. My poor little buddy.

Thank you.
Do you know how he got the injury? It will not just fall off --- it needs attention as soon as you can get him there -- in the mean time keep putting that honey on it -- we want to stop the infection from getting any further

AHBD Sicko
Yeah that's rotting under the scales and it is very serious, your vet should get you in for surgery right away. Can it fall off ? Yes, but the infection can still be living and creeping up under the scales, almost certainly. To be sure to get all if it they would cut up above the visible trauma to be sure to stop any hidden sepsis.

This short video shows how it's done [ not gory ] by an experienced vet. Beardies do well + recupe soon after surgery.



Original Poster
Thanks, AHBD. I'm trying so hard to find someone to see him sooner than Tuesday. I feel terrible about this, so awful not being able to find someone to help. He ate today and still seems in good spirits, but his tail is just looking worse and worse...
I'll keep you guys informed. I sent an email to my vets office today asking them for help. I hope it makes something happen tomorrow.

AHBD Sicko
If you get him to another vet the earliest would be tomorrow but if they are not going to amputate it then wait for your vet to do it. BTW, not all vets stitch the tail up so don't be surprised if they don't. Hopefully all goes well, and like the vet in the video said it doesn't usually cause any pain. Maybe a little bit after it's all done.


Original Poster
Thanks, ABHD. Very hard not being able to find medical care for your pets. I really don't even care what it costs, I just want him to be ok.

AHBD Sicko
Of course you would be concerned, this just came out of nowhere and progressed rapidly and now you're facing surgery for your boy. He'll be O.K

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor boy, I hope you are able to get him in soon so you can get that infection under control.
I'm sorry that happened to him. It is a pretty routine surgery so he should be fine afterwards,
just missing some of his tail.
Let us know how he is doing.


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