Cute lil baby beardie I saw today


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Was Swordtail
The lil guy is hungry. The box stores don't feed them enough so that they stay small, it's easier to sell them when they are tiny. I get mad every time I think about it.
Buy there were crickets in the enclosure? I would assume that if they were hungry they would eat


Sub-Adult Member
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I of course don't know the size of the cricket, how many per day he gets and many other parameters, but just there being some crickets isn't necessarily there is enough food: Maybe those few crickets are all he gets in a day. Also frightened dragons going through relocation stress, various people handling them... eat less.

I can agree on xp29: Small sells better, plus on purpose mentioning a smaller adult size than it's reality.
Just remember, years ago when I bought a tank at PetSmart for the land hermit crabs I was going to rescue:
They wanted to talk me out of the 80 gallon tank. They said get a 10 or 40, that's plenty enough...
Still wondering why, as they would make more money if I buy the large one, but apparently: They want to show off pets as being easier than they are. Like: stays small, can live on pellets/ dried insects and so on.

Btw.: Where I got my Taco from was a small pet store specialized in reptiles. The total opposite: They were honest regarding how to keep a bearded dragon, showed me a sub-adult bearded dragon the owner keeps, and they also showed me the insects I have to feed just to make sure I know what's going on and me not being afraid of "worms".

AHBD Sicko
Cute little guy, he was just doing what most beardies do and he was watching the movement in front of him. He appears healthy + alert , maybe about 6" long which is O.K size to sell them IF the person knows proper care but sadly many don't . Anyway,thanks for sharing. :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Was Swordtail
There was also a leopard gecko there that was drinking from its water dish, lifted its head up slightly, then kept trying to drink the water despite its tongue now not even touching it

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