Constant orange urate. Not white once.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ok he should be getting D 3 - was the urate like that before the meds? Make sure he's hydrated this could be causing the orange urate -- we need Tracie and ahbd to look at this
I've been told continuously that they only need D3 as adults and/or if uvb is improper. Yes they were orange before the meds as well.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Babies need D3 till they are around a year old - we need Tracie and or AHBD to advise on this - the UVB helps him absorb / synthesize the calcium hes getting - please start rinsing the greens before serving - are the urates dried out looking chalky?
Ok yes because I've been given mixed info on D3 from experts. I always have rinsed his greens. At times they look dried out and other they do not. It does seem the drier it is the more orange it looks.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Babies need D3 till they are around a year old - we need Tracie and or AHBD to advise on this - the UVB helps him absorb / synthesize the calcium hes getting - please start rinsing the greens before serving - are the urates dried out looking chalky?
Ok thank you. Yea ive been given mixed info on D3 so I'd really like to know for sure. Yes I rinse all greensbefore feeding. Sometimes dry sometimes not but it's much darker orange when dryer. Thanks

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How are things going, have his urates changed at all?
The Arcadia D3 T5 tube bulbs are good so you definitely wont need any D3 for him. They
manufacture D3 easily with a strong UVB light. As Karrie has suggested, if you do use any
at all, once weekly is definitely plenty for him.

Let us know how he is doing.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

How are things going, have his urates changed at all?
The Arcadia D3 T5 tube bulbs are good so you definitely wont need any D3 for him. They
manufacture D3 easily with a strong UVB light. As Karrie has suggested, if you do use any
at all, once weekly is definitely plenty for him.

Let us know how he is doing.
Hello, that's what I thought about the D3. Thank you. His urates have been seeming lighter just not totally gone. I've been adding a small amount of bee pollen each day to his greens and dripping extra distilled water on them too. He has been eating much more this way and getting better hydrated I believe. He's gaining like 20g a week!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am glad he is staying hydrated right now. That's great he is gaining weight too.
Hopefully his urates continue to improve, it does take time. I'm happy to hear he is eating a lot for you.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

I am glad he is staying hydrated right now. That's great he is gaining weight too.
Hopefully his urates continue to improve, it does take time. I'm happy to hear he is eating a lot for you.

Thank you. Here are the last two that I've taken pics of. Sometimes the orange part seems grainy looking too as seen in the newer pic. The pic dated the 23rd was the lightest I've seen so far from him but then the next day it was darker as seen. Thank you I know I'm overly worried but it's hard not to be after what happened with Shenron I just want to catch any issues early.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)



Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It appears normal, even the urate portion isn't bad really. That is relatively white, but with the yellowish
grainy portion. It is obviously hydration issues.
Have you tried cutting all calcium out for a week or two, just to see if it improves at all?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

It appears normal, even the urate portion isn't bad really. That is relatively white, but with the yellowish
grainy portion. It is obviously hydration issues.
Have you tried cutting all calcium out for a week or two, just to see if it improves at all?

So even though it's not completely white it is ok? He is more hydrated now than ever but he seems to have the grainy part when he eats meal worms. Also could it be bee pollen? I give him that daily but only a very small sprinkle on his greens. I believe I cut out all calcium for about a week and didn't notice much difference. If you think it looks ok then I feel more relieved. Thank you. Do you think I need to do anything else as long as the grainyness isn't daily? Part of me worried that would be considered crystallized like with gout. Thank you

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Most of the time, urates aren't always perfectly white. They shouldn't be grainy though. The bee
pollen technically could cause some of that I suppose.
Let's do the process of elimination here just to see if it can be remedied. Try cutting out the meal
worms & try another insect. What exactly are you feeding/gutloading the mealworms with?

Keep working on his hydration, daily. I don't think it's gout, but, there is nothing wrong with trying
to get him healthier!



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Most of the time, urates aren't always perfectly white. They shouldn't be grainy though. The bee
pollen technically could cause some of that I suppose.
Let's do the process of elimination here just to see if it can be remedied. Try cutting out the meal
worms & try another insect. What exactly are you feeding/gutloading the mealworms with?

Keep working on his hydration, daily. I don't think it's gout, but, there is nothing wrong with trying
to get him healthier!

That is very good to know urates aren't usually perfectly white. Very good to know. As far as being grainy that part is rare for him and I think only happens when he isn't hydrated enough or eats mealworms. Could mild dehydration cause the grainyness? As far as mealworms he gets them very rarely and only when we are out of everything else. His main bugs are black soldier fly larva and dubia roaches. I gutload them with various greens and yellow squash. Hoptgis helps and thanks again! Oh also lately he's been a little overhydrated and the urates themselves seem watery but still pinkish orange but light. I have been adding extra water to his greens and adding yellow squash but I think it is overhydydrating him

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