Constant orange urate. Not white once.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Right. I watch humidity levels too. So yours still has orange urates?
Earlier when I posted in your first thread, Foxy had a little orange urate every time. I reduced the calcium on his roaches and tried to give more hornworms (I give them every other day). Now he has almost no orange urates, for example 5 times will be white and once a little orange. Now I see no reason why this happens. It seems to me that when Foxy eats more bugs, i.e. gorges on them :) , orange-colored urates reappear. But I'm not sure. And I'm waiting for a new heat lamp to replace the Arcadia DHP to eliminate its possible influence.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Earlier when I posted in your first thread, Foxy had a little orange urate every time. I reduced the calcium on his roaches and tried to give more hornworms (I give them every other day). Now he has almost no orange urates, for example 5 times will be white and once a little orange. Now I see no reason why this happens. It seems to me that when Foxy eats more bugs, i.e. gorges on them :) , orange-colored urates reappear. But I'm not sure. And I'm waiting for a new heat lamp to replace the Arcadia DHP to eliminate its possible influence.
Are you going w/ a ceramic heat emitter?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Are you going w/ a ceramic heat emitter?
Now, for heating during the day, I use this lamp (DHP)

I want to change it to halogen

And I will only use DHP on cold nights.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Earlier when I posted in your first thread, Foxy had a little orange urate every time. I reduced the calcium on his roaches and tried to give more hornworms (I give them every other day). Now he has almost no orange urates, for example 5 times will be white and once a little orange. Now I see no reason why this happens. It seems to me that when Foxy eats more bugs, i.e. gorges on them :) , orange-colored urates reappear. But I'm not sure. And I'm waiting for a new heat lamp to replace the Arcadia DHP to eliminate its possible influence.
Hmm yea it seems like when Errtu eats mealworms this happens. Is yours a red hypo trans as well?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hmm yea it seems like when Errtu eats mealworms this happens. Is yours a red hypo trans as well?
I'm not very good at morphs.
The breeder we got Foxy from said it was red hypo.
Foxy's eyes aren't black, I don't think he's trans


New member
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Babies need D3 till they are around a year old - we need Tracie and or AHBD to advise on this - the UVB helps him absorb / synthesize the calcium hes getting - please start rinsing the greens before serving - are the urates dried out looking chalky?
An interesting watch regarding a study that was done on D3 absorbtion in bearded dragons. Beardies lack the bile acids to break down D3 to allow it to pass the intestinal barrier to enter the blood stream.


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
An interesting watch regarding a study that was done on D3 absorbtion in bearded dragons. Beardies lack the bile acids to break down D3 to allow it to pass the intestinal barrier to enter the blood stream.

that is why the UVB is crucial so it can help them do that

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