Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Still swollen beard but nothing there. No cysts or any type of tumors. He has started to almost army crawl with one arm. He can support himself with all four just walks really funny. I admit I forgot the serrapeptase oops. So he definitely has arthritis from early years with MBD. Beard we’ll just leave alone because no test is finding anything out of the ordinary. He doesn’t sleep with a black beard anymore since starting serrapeptase. I thought Tom gave him the serrapeptase before work my fault for not texting him. He had no time to tell me he didn’t do it he had to rush off to work yesterday. Today I did serrapeptase he’s doing fine now. It’s not so warm anymore it’s getting cold even during the day. Dropped from 75 down to 68. 80-90 would be great but I don’t live inland, it stays relatively cool. We are planning to move further inland next year somewhere.

URI getting better mucus never showed up which is good. A few breathing treatments and he’s better he still heavy breathes once in a while but coughing motion stopped.

I tried bellpepper (orange because he loves butternut squash) he seems to have LOVED it. I remember bellpepper being occasional on the food chart. He gets a mix of kale and collards together topped with a few strawberries pieces tonight.


Gray-bearded Member
Glad to hear that Broly seems to be getting along ok. Puff was "army crawling" at the last -- pulling himself around with his hands. I don't think he had enough strength left in his legs to stand up and walk anymore. Hopefully it's temporary in Broly's case from missing the serrapeptase for just one day? Puff had a dark beard most of the time too in the last few months, but not completely black the way I had seen it earlier in his life when he was hormonal.

So what constitutes a "breathing treatment" for a bearded dragon? Sounds like it helped him.

68 degrees is comfortably WARM as far as I'm concerned! Can't handle 80-90 anymore. Been living in Alaska too long, I guess.

It looks like we may end up adopting my sister's turtle after all. She's been passed around in the family since my sister died -- my nephew had her for a while and now my niece, who is moving to Florida. At first she was going to take the turtle with her but now it's looking like it won't be doable. If all goes according to plan we'll have her here in a couple of months. Going to have to make room for her tank (she already has all the stuff she needs). After we gave away Puff's old tank, the table it was on got cluttered up with a bunch of other stuff, but a lot of it was moved away from the windows when we had them replaced, and at least some of it can go back where it used to be. The turtle tank is smaller than Puff's tank was, so we won't have to move everything, but it seems like whenever you clear off a horizontal surface, it becomes a "stuff magnet." At least we still have some time to rearrange stuff and make room.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
It’s never jet black just black. Something is bothering him and it sucks to see him this way. We can’t treat for anything that’s not there. UVB been changed so it’s not that. He’s still so active and will fight in a bath. It’s probably the beard being the way that it is. I thought strange he’s black after missing one day. Who knows maybe it really hurts however if it did maybe he’d be jet black. I was told maybe he’s grumpy...I don’t think that indicates black beard. I just can’t figure it out. He’s been checked multiple times for his beard. He doesn’t like going out to the car anymore because he’s now associated it with the vet school.

Breathing treatments is he’s in a box with steam that he needs the breathe in. Nebulizer (if that’s the word we use for RI treatments) so there’s that, he stopped heavy breathing often. He still opens his mouth but doesn’t seem to have trouble breathing and I can’t hear any popping noises. He ate about 23 crickets so clearly hungry. I may give him chicken meat (take off skin that’s where the spices and stuff are) he likes that. He also likes turkey and according to my scale his weight is good.

I love turtles! I don’t have a 30 gallon tank with a uvb. Well I do since I had to downgrade Broly. It’s a 120 gallon but I don’t think a turtle would be happy considering other animals I got and Broly needing attention.


Gray-bearded Member
I hope you can figure out the mystery with Broly's beard -- must be frustrating. "Grumpy" is as good an explanation as any, I guess. I hope it's not causing him pain, at least. Sounds like he's still perky though. That's a lot of crickets for one meal! (unless they were little ones)

I don't blame him for not wanting to get in the car if he's learned that it means vet.

Puff's beard only ever turned jet black when he was hormonal. At other times it was just kind of grey.

I'm not sure what size the turtle tank is but she's been in it most of her life so I guess she'll be comfortable. My husband asked me if I was sorry we got rid of Puff's old tank, but I'm not because the turtle already has one of her own. Her name is Michelle. She was named after one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (are you old enough to remember them?) Michelangelo, the feminine version. Haven't heard anything about her lately so I assume no change to the plans so far.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
I love Ninja Turtles.

Broly has more days where when his beard is gray instead of black. He’s in some discomfort his beard isn’t swollen anymore. We have serrapeptase for him as he has arthritis and maybe that’s hurting him. Maybe he has more ok days than bad ones.

Battling ants as they’re being a pest and entering our house as time is running out for them to bring food and water back. Ive chucked food out away from our house for the birds but apparently ants too.

We’ve cut down to about 30 insects. He doesn’t eat much it’s really chilly now. He’s more slow than trying to brumate. It’s normal for him he never slept during cold months. He’s fine about as fine as he can get.

Im always nervous about everything so Im on meds for that. They called it generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is what it is I guess. It’s to calm me down not necessarily to cure it. There won’t be any cure so that’s it.

It’s so dark...seasonal affective disorder (SAD) about this time of year...that’s too bad I guess. Im just dealing with it.


Gray-bearded Member

Haven't heard anything about the turtle coming to live with us lately. My niece is supposed to leave sometime next month, so we'll see.

Ants were a thing in California. Anytime you left food out they'd be all over it, so you had to be careful. Not too much of a problem in Alaska, except for carpenter ants. They can weaken a wooden structure so we do have to watch out for them. I don't see them around much so we're probably ok. We do get mice though, especially in the winter. I guess they come in looking for food and warmth. Not much of a problem in the summer. Too bad my husband is allergic to cats or we'd have one. That would take care of the mice, and I love cats. Not all cats are good mousers though. One of my cats was actually afraid of them. Go figure.

Fortunately I don't have to take meds for anxiety disorder, though I do have some anxiety -- nothing I can't live with. The bipolar thing is what my meds are for. It seems to help -- I haven't had a manic episode for a couple of years now. I'm mildly depressed most of the time, with little energy to do much, but I've come to terms with it. I figure this is as good as it gets. I'd rather be like this than go off the deep end. SAD doesn't seem to be a big thing for me, which is good because it gets really dark here in the winter. We make up for it in the summer. My father in law had really bad SAD, so he'd get out of Alaska in the middle of the winter, usually by volunteering for some wildlife project somewhere in the south, since he was a wildlife biologist. He especially liked birds. Sandhill cranes are a thing in Homer, and he loved them.

No major plans for Halloween, as usual, except to hole up and hope nobody in the neighborhood does anything crazy.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Nothing crazy except a rare severe storm causing tornadoes coming through. Nothing too bad just water spouts instead.

Hopefully you get the turtle but Idk if anything’s changed.

Broly still does some gagging nothing in the throat but when he hurt himself back in June all that happened was beard swelling no gagging. Tom found a hematoma (blood pooling) by his neck and most likely it’s the culprit and we just didn’t notice this small bulge. He eats fine, breathing normal nothing too serious. Broly goes about his day still gaining weight. We got him on water therapy as he has muscle atrophy in the back and he’s getting stronger. We also do physical therapy for him. We just get him to get out and walk we let him hunt food. Always a few roaches at a time and he hunts them down. Still black to dark beard but it’s hard not to ignore it when people express it means distress or pain. Doesn’t act like he’s in pain he goes about his day like nothing is wrong.

I like going out but nowhere to really go. It’s also raining a lot and cold.


Gray-bearded Member
Tornadoes?!? I'd be scared to death. You don't usually get them in your area, do you? I remember one in Inglewood, California when I was in the 4th grade. (loooong ago and far away in another time and another place and another life) We all did duck and cover under our desks for real -- just like we'd practiced. That was in the days of the Cold War, when the United states and Russia had enough nukes to wipe out everything on the planet many times over, and everyone was afraid of bombs. Nowadays I guess they have drills for the possibility of an "active shooter" in the schools instead. Strange times.

I recently googled it and found out that, yes indeed, there was a tornado at that time in that place. I wasn't sure I remembered it correctly or that it wasn't a bad dream.

The latest is that the turtle is going to Florida with my niece. We didn't have our heart set on having her come to live with us, but we've been willing to give her a home or not, either way. Ever since my sister died it's been kind of up in the air about where the turtle is going to end up. As long as she has a good home and gets well taken care of, that's the most important thing no matter who she's with.

Good that Broly's swollen beard finally got explained. Is there any treatment for a hematoma or is it best to just let it heal on its own? Sounds like he's doing well otherwise.

We had a huge snow dump this last week (over 2 feet) -- our first significant one this season. Wham! it's winter -- never mind what the calendar says -- it comes early around here. More than the snowblower can handle, so my husband ended up shoveling a lot of it. It was wet and heavy because the temperature was right around freezing. He had the day off last Thursday and again this last Monday because they closed the state offices due to the snow, but the one nice thing was we had a 5 day weekend (Friday was a Veteran's Day so he had that off anyway.) I think I'll do what my sister used to do -- hole up in the house until spring!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Geez, I haven’t been on in a month.

Ive been just so exhausted. I don’t sleep well I wake up all night. I discovered sleep apnea...
Now I sleep with a machine on all night and still tired it’s loud. Tom doesn’t mind it though. I then dealt with drama on a couple of discord servers when there’s like a whole team of mods...I must be the only one available at odd hours of the night.
Then dealt with our friend in Germany which got better but then he stressed out about something minor he got chest pain by the heart region. Tom urged the hospital but he’s like Im fine..he IS fine though so I guess he dodged a bullet. Apparently there’s this info going around about a solar storm causing the Internet to go out completely. Some articles say months but not did any of those articles say when or if it WILL happen. It’s all based on a prediction because I guess someone saw activity in the sun? I don’t know for sure but I heard about it. It’s going around everyone is getting wind of it. It’s getting annoying almost like those doomsday predictions people make every year. Yes it could happen because it’s the sun and could any minute but I haven’t heard anything from NASA or the news yet. I don’t think it’ll happen, chaos will ensue if it does, especially for Tom who has family in Tennesee and a friend in Germany who he likes to stay in contact with. As for me, my parents are like 4 hours away and my mom will absolutely go nuts.

As for that crazy crap going around. Beardies are fine. Broly has arthritis and he only black beards if he walks and he has to walk because he has muscle atrophy. He has serrapeptase and that’s all I can say about that.

We don’t get tornadoes, no. If we do it’s rare and usually EF1. Im not too afraid of them Im never in harm’s way. I have to play with my new hamster so she’ll shut up for most of the night she just wants her out time...too bad I gotta do this being exhausted. Dealing with sleep apnea isn’t easy and Im always gonna be tired until I fix this better.


Gray-bearded Member
Hi. Always good to hear from you whenever you get around to it.

Maybe you will eventually get used to the noise from the CPAP machine and be able to sleep with it. Are you going to need it for the rest of your life or do they think they can "cure" your sleep apnea somehow?

If I had to use one of those machines, I think the thing that would bother me the most would be having to wear all that stuff on my face at night. For me that would be worse than the noise. I used to live near a freeway in California and there was constant noise from the traffic and I slept through it. If it stopped it probably would have woke me up. Now I seem to be developing some tinnitus -- when I'm in a quiet place I hear a low hum that sounds kind of like there's a fan or something running in the next room. It doesn't really bother me now but I hope it doesn't get any louder. My new primary care physician (actually a nurse practitioner) doesn't seem too concerned about it, but she did overreact to my swollen and pinkish-purple feet and a black spot on my little toe, and sent me to the emergency room even though I've had this for probably several years now (except for the black spot, which I had recently noticed)...

So the emergency room doctor didn't seem terribly concerned. They did do an ultrasound and found no clots. Previous ultrasounds had revealed small clots around my knee, and my other doctor (the one I really liked but I lost him when I went on medicare) had said that wasn't really dangerous since I didn't have big ones in my femoral artery. Those are the kind that can break off and get in your lungs and that's bad news. He put me on eliquis which we get from Canada because it would cost more than half my husband's take home pay if we got it here. It recently went generic so it should get cheaper now. And it seems to be working -- no more clots. Anyway, to make a long story even longer, it turned out that the black spot on my toe is a blood blister. That's what I'd thought it was in the first place because I walk around the house barefoot all the time and stub my toes on the furniture. My husband says I should wear shoes (or at least slippers) in the house but I'm more likely to trip and fall that way because I can't feel the irregularities in the floor with shoes on. I can feel it with my bare toes so I figure that stubbed toes and splinters are the lesser of the evils. I'm getting pretty good at picking splinters out of my feet, even though I have to struggle to reach them. Obviously, our floor is in really bad shape. It ought to be the next project after the windows, which are finally done and quite nice too, but we'd have to move all the furniture and I just don't see how we could do it without moving out.

So I've got high blood pressure and high cholesterol so far, but no diabetes and no sleep apnea... yet. The risks of being really really fat, and "wise," as the emergency room doctor called it. He means old :) I liked him which was fortunate because when you go to the ER you never know what you're going to get. Most of them are nice though, at least in my experience, which is something because they're under a lot of stress and you'd think they wouldn't always be at their best. Maybe they get used to it.

I actually like my new primary care doctor even though she does overreact. She didn't say one word about losing weight. I refuse to get on the scale at the doctor's office because I don't want it to be an issue. I'll never go on another diet as long as I live because it only makes it worse in the long run, but I did tell them how much I weigh at the ER because they told me they need to know for dosing medication. None of the ones I'm currently taking seem to have much to do with weight though. I'm on 5 of them now -- 2 for bipolar (I call them "crazy pills"), one for high BP, one for cholesterol, and one for clots. Fortunately, I'm not getting any bad side effects or interractions.

If your German friend had chest pains and didn't go to the ER then it probably wasn't a heart attack or he'd be dead by now.

There's always a lot of "crazy crap" (misinformation) going around, especially on the internet. Haven't heard the one about the solar storm. Remember all that fuss about Y2K? You were probably pretty young. There was probably more danger from people panicking than from computers actually going down. My husband believed that and he reasoned that if anything happened with regard to panic, it would happen in the big cities like Anchorage so we went to Fairbanks for a few days. In the middle of the winter. 45 below. Vacation from Hell. Another long story and this post is long enough already. After we barely got back in one piece, I told him that the next time we want to get out of Anchorage in the middle of the winter, we are going to fly south like sensible Alaskans do, not drive north like *****s :)

We didn't try to do PT with Puff. He was getting so old and decrepit that it probably would have just caused him more pain and done more harm than good. But Broly is still young by comparison, so it might do him some good, but how do you get him to cooperate? Never tried serrapeptase with Puff, and we couldn't even find anyone who would ship silkworms up here, not even the eggs.

We've had some cold snaps here recently -- temperatures below 0. Now it has "warmed" back up to mid 20s. January is usually our coldest month, and then sometimes we get a "false spring" in February, but if we do, then we're likely to get a big snow dump in April or even May. You just never know about Alaskan weather.

Your hamster sounds like the cats we used to have. They used to wake us up in the middle of the night playing "hide and go tag," so when we got home from work and school we'd play with them and try to tire them out so they'd sleep through the night, but it usually didn't work. Cats are nocturnal after all.

Wow -- major TLDR. If you've read this far, congratulations. Until next time...

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Broly isn’t well. I am working with Tracie (the vet tech as people call her) so it’s all settled there. His fat pads sunk. As to why, it’s down to a few things, cancer or dehydration. I offer lots of variety but he doesn’t want to eat any of it but the favorites and I have tried to remedy the issue to no avail. He moves the stuff out of way to eat the favorites. I have also not add the favorites too. So now he’s not eating anything which is strange as he doesn’t have anything else wrong with him physically. URI - nope, any other bacterial/fungal- nope. Other than this weird lump on the beard (suspected cancer) and sunken fat pads (no they’re not severely sunken only a bit) he’s completely lively. He’ll fight you if you tried to force feed or get water into him. We’ve had sooo many vet visits trying to figure out what’s wrong. We looked at the lump and could be cancer but unsure. He doesn’t seem in pain as you can touch it and no reaction. He never liked his beard touched so nothing new. He is 9 years old though not that it has anything to do with what’s wrong. We’re doing baby food chicken (ingredients are chicken and water) and it seems that is helping him with protein. Until then, we’ll feed baby food and water with calcium. Im aware if it is cancer this may never be resolved and he’s like this until the end. However if is treatable and not cancer then great it’ll be resolved eventually. It’s time for collards man he hates this lmao.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Thank you. He took collards very well when I stuck them in the side of his mouth. We’re not giving up as long as he keeps eating this way we’ll continue. I would leave the food but it would go to waste he won’t touch it that way. Im at my wits end and Im just so tired. Im still giving it my best shot because he’s not close to giving up and neither will I. He came home with MBD and it’s caused lots of issues now. He was always gonna be special needs in the future. I knew this going into it and holy crap I did my best to help him the way I knew how. Who knows what happened that Saturday night after he ate two weeks ago. That was the last time he ate on his own. He has arthritis and he’s blind in one eye. Ive seen him try to eat and it’s like arthritis is hindering him to put his head into his bowl to eat. He’s missed food just inches from his face. Ive been working with him from when this started. I knew he was off I was thinking brumation at first but the minute fat pads started sinking I acted fast. I force fed food and water took him to vets who did a thorough check on him and found a lump and told me it may be cancer but they will look into it further. They did MRI and X-rays. He’s asleep comfortable right now. He had a good day he came out and chilled with me watching tv.


Gray-bearded Member
Sorry to hear that Broly's having so much trouble. At least he doesn't seem to be in pain -- that's one good thing. We were afraid that Puff was in some pain before the end because his beard was black/grey, but the vet said that wasn't necessarily an indication that he was in pain.

It's good that you're able to get Broly to eat at least something as well. We used to put roaches on a leaf hoping to trick Puff into eating some greens. Sometimes it worked, but usually not. He was very good at picking the bugs off the greens.

I hope Broly's lump doesn't turn out to be cancer -- maybe it's just a cyst or something. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Final vet visit, well maybe not so final. It’s not cancer. It’s a cyst. Happy it isn’t cancer, though a cyst isn’t better but hey better than cancer. They drained it, they said it looks like fluid no pus. I can’t remember when it started growing, at some point it did. They touched it and felt soft which is weird. It didn’t show like that on the MRI. It looked more serious than a cyst. My dog had a fluid cyst before and he was like 16 years old. He lived with it before he passed away of old age. Back to the point, Broly’s not too old so they could do surgery if they have to. It doesn’t cause pain so they didn’t think it’s necessary right now. I don’t know to trust that decision but it’s true he’s ok. All they did was drain to see what’s inside it. I do have a pic of him. You can see he’s not too skinny at all despite not eat much. Im expecting liquid stool because of all the baby food and water. It probably won’t be solid for however long this lasts. His legs all sprawl out like that he can’t really hold himself up very well. Yes Im aware the pad under his arm is gone like I said this was pretty sudden.


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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh

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