Oh boy, wait til the autistic kiddo hears that lol
What telescope? I know what he's going to be researching today lol That is one of his special interests. He has all sorts of high school level astronomy books that he reads all the time
My job is dad
Instead of being able to turn my special interests into a career, I worked automotive for years. Always in fixed operations (parts and service were a reliable income source for dealerships. Now they rely on used car sales for profit, dying industry) I got out when I saw the writing on the wall, then did another 10 years with a different dealer group lol It's a tough industry, but reliable money.
I was good at it too. But, the industry changes and isn't adapting to change well.
Being late diagnosed, I had to break, be misdiagnosed etc... so my brain switched to neurodevelopmental researcher pretty easily. Living outside of cultural norms you kind of need to study people as a survival mechanism to hide among the cultures you inhabit. So studying the why of people was pretty easy lol
I would love to be in one of those fields getting paid, but the jobs are few and need degrees etc...
But with everything I have experienced I have also gained massive legal knowledge of our rights. I know what I am, I also have maternal family oral history that tells me who I might be. Recently I may have found another name that may tie all my family oral history together.
If my full spectrum genomic testing can verify my oral history I have no choice but to get my law degree and pick up my great great a couple more grandfather's feathered stick, get a couple face tattoos if I am honored with them and fight for all my people as he did.
I'm still not sure, but my oral history, family names that are given etc... is starting to add up.
I was told my grandmother through time was a Blackfoot / crow princess. BS? Can't be true.
Yet Stewart surname, James Francis for men, with Nell or Nellie as female middle names and Kathryn and Mary first names. The one lineage he officially left behind, carries those names too.
They kept Appaloosa horses, has large family gatherings regularly for the extended family. They hunted, gathered, used plant medicines for some things.
Massive culture differences from my father's side. Until genetics tell me the truth, my family history is very much in line with Chief Pretty Eagle. Statistics say he had one wife and three kids with one surviving child. Oral history says he had 19 wife's as part of trading deals. Which is perfectly in line with my historical understanding and assumptions from that history that she was a trade wife to the Spanish sea captain she married. It just makes sense.
But, genetics can shed light on that.