Bred my bettas


Juvie Member
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Bit of blue.

Anybody in the Seattle area. If you want one, just have a tank ready. Most are just going to be traded at the fish store for Alex treats :)

Munching on baby brine shrimp and other infusoria:)
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Juvie Member
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Very fat :)

Not really. Just gave them some frozen bloodworms (chopped up) for the first time. Until now it's been all brine shrimp, scud larvae, small copepods and infusoria. So much fun watching them hunt. But, I can't breed live food at that scale. I do have bloodworms in my food cultures outside, when they breed lol Can't wait to start giving them mosquito larvae and eventually baby fish to eat :)

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
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Very fat :)

Not really. Just gave them some frozen bloodworms (chopped up) for the first time. Until now it's been all brine shrimp, scud larvae, small copepods and infusoria. So much fun watching them hunt. But, I can't breed live food at that scale. I do have bloodworms in my food cultures outside, when they breed lol Can't wait to start giving them mosquito larvae and eventually baby fish to eat :)
Wow they are growing fast, that is SO friggen cool


Juvie Member
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It's been a fun project. Live-bearers like guppies are basically no input. They just breed and give birth constantly. Sure, they both have mating rituals and dances but the betta male builds a nest, guards the fry etc... Guppies and Endlers are born as mini clones. Bettas hatch then swim vertically for the first few days as basically pinheads with a tail. Then they start swimming normally. Then they develop into fry very similar to guppies. After that they start to look like mini Bettas or gouramis lol I have to feed them too lol Endlers and guppy babies just eat whatever leftovers are in the tank.

Bettas are the Jurassic park T-Rex. They don't want to be fed, they want to hunt :) The hunting is adorable. Just tiny little predators doing big predator things on a tiny scale :) I can spend an hour after feeding just watching the tiny mouths make tiny shrimp disappear:)

Fortunately Alex saw the snow and decided a few more weeks of brumation would be nice. So she's not losing much love :)

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I've always loved aquariums but I was never good at keeping them. Luckily I'm better with beardies lol


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie

It's been a fun project. Live-bearers like guppies are basically no input. They just breed and give birth constantly. Sure, they both have mating rituals and dances but the betta male builds a nest, guards the fry etc... Guppies and Endlers are born as mini clones. Bettas hatch then swim vertically for the first few days as basically pinheads with a tail. Then they start swimming normally. Then they develop into fry very similar to guppies. After that they start to look like mini Bettas or gouramis lol I have to feed them too lol Endlers and guppy babies just eat whatever leftovers are in the tank.

Bettas are the Jurassic park T-Rex. They don't want to be fed, they want to hunt :) The hunting is adorable. Just tiny little predators doing big predator things on a tiny scale :) I can spend an hour after feeding just watching the tiny mouths make tiny shrimp disappear:)

Fortunately Alex saw the snow and decided a few more weeks of brumation would be nice. So she's not losing much love :)
I've had guppies they're really annoying I like betas better than guppies.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
Those are gorgeous! I've had the tigers, round tail, Tuxedo, and mixes of them since theu bred like crazy. We had some cool leopard patterned ones too. they're cool but annoying 😂


Juvie Member
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13 are showing off and fighting, so that's most of the big boys lol

Last stop before a jar and a line to the office lol


Basically separating fish by aggression and top fin size. Fish that appear male will stay in jars, fish that appear female will go back into the 20 once all the smaller fish are in detention lol

Should be taking fish to the store in about 2 weeks is my guess.


Juvie Member
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This has been a super cool thread to follow!!!!
Fortunately Alex saw her shadow and was back in brumation for much of this.


But she's back to pooping inappropriately lol That was the newer of the two. Gotta make another lol


Juvie Member
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She looks quite relaxed lol.

The picture barely conveys it lol.

She was reeeeeelaaaaaaaaxeeeeeeed

Just rescued this Cichlid. Now I need to move the baby bettas out of the tank I just put them back in lol The tank it came in is far too small.


Alex has some cute competition lol Can't wait to introduce her tomorrow. It was lights out when this popped up as having to go ASAP. Guy paid somebody to do work at his boat shop while he was in Florida for a few months. Guy moved into the shop for a few months of free rent and bolted when the owner got back having not done any work. Left behind this Cichlid in a pretty cool tank. I thought it was going to be maybe 2in.... It's pushing 6 lol His wife was angry and wanted to flush the fish (revenge?) Anyway, I wanted the tank and got a cool surprise inside again :)

No idea if it's male or female as I never even thought about them. We named it Woodstock :)

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