Boodah,Crush,Gizmo,Princess n Mika! Updated 4/23 :)

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Even though we are still mourning our little Spike, he led us to our new luvbug, Boodah! I don't know if I am supposed to say, but we visited with Tom of TND Dragons today. He was wonderful and has the most beautiful dragons who are very well loved and cared for. Tom and his wife are so friendly and welcoming.

Here are the first pics of Boodah who is still settling in having just arrived home this afternoon. He weighed in at 14g today! More than double Spike! Boodah is wicked FAST and luvs jumping around his viv. He is extremely inquisitive and we can't wait until he's completely settled in and his full personality comes thru. Boodah is already very feisty and we are hopelessly head over heels in luv!





The kindness and generosity of everyone on this forum astounds me. It really is like a family here and I am so grateful for all of you. It's amazing how many wonderful friends I've made already. Thank you for your never-ending support during our trying times with Spike and for helping us welcome Boodah into our family.

beardie parents Sicko
About 1.5 years ago when our girls were under one year, they were being fed crickets. We had some superworms left over from Redrock that she never got to eat. So, in order not to let them die, we fed some to Goldie Speedy, she liked them and wouldn't go back to crickets. The first beardies we ever had that refused crickets (she and Rosie Zoom). Well, Rosie saw us feeding supers (large ones) to Goldie and she decided she didn't want those crickets anymore and she wanted what we were feeding Goldie. We got the smaller supers (medium size as the small ones were almost the size of phoenix worms which neither one eat anymore. We didn't have any problems with the girls and the smaller supers.


Extreme Poster
I bought the small small supers for mine. Before that it was crickets. If you do get them just watch the poop for un digested worms. Only give them a few at a time per day and then increase it a worm more a day. We had one tho had a harder time with supers they are really rich and her tummy couldnt handle them very well she threw them up.

fresnowitte Sicko
Hi Jane!

Boodah is adorable! :love5:

Okay as for the micro-supers...I used them this year for the first time in addition to the diet of some hatchlings without any issues. I found for one that they are way to small even for a hatchling beardie though. :roll: I also would not use them as a staple but more of a treat. Your other baby Crush was eating about 4 or 5 of the smaller medium supers perday without any issues. Never vomited or had problems with pooping or undigested worms. It's important that when you feed worms that they are eating a variety of veggies and get plenty of water. Also supers should be dusted with calcium due to the Ca:p ratio. Personally I think your beardies would do better with the small supers than the micros. The reason for not advising people to feed their beardies supers until they are 15 to 16 inches in length IMO is for several year and still at many stores you could only get the large ones. You'd be amazed at how many people if told that supers were okay for young beardies would give the wrong size. Which we all know what would happen if you fed a large super to a 4 to 6 inch baby...but not everyone knows so it's best not to suggest them. Plus when beardies are smaller they have a kink in their intestines that could prevent the digestion of the chitins. This is why you only give your beardie one to 2 supers the first time trying them. Watch how the poops go and if everything continues to come out normal then up it another worm or 2. Never for the first time offering supers would you feed more than just a couple.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Guys, thank u so much for helping me sort all this superworm business out. I've been obsessing over it-like i do most things lol I will stick to the small supers n give them as a treat after the boys eat their crickets.

Deb: Boodah is 11 weeks old now. I think he's going to b a big boy. He's a great eater n i think he's about to shed his tail soon. Boodah is not at all impressed w/Crush! He did arm wave a little tho. Crush blew up his beard at him n ran rite into the plexi-glas doors! I haven't put them out together be/c I'm just not sure how to go about it n I don't want to risk either of them getting hurt.

SBL3: The rose cobblestone is a big rock compared to Boodah but it is nice n steady.

Sometimes Boodah tries to get into Crush's enclosure n that's when Crush starts to display. I don't think Boodah understands that its not his enclosure even tho they r set up different. They r side by side but once I move Boodah closer to his enclosure, he runs rite in. Boodah's such a snuggle bunny. He still snuggles every nite at 730 until 830 then goes into his enclosure for bed. He wiggles all over n scratches me then hes comfy n stays there! Crush doesn't like to snuggle for too long. After 10 minutes hes off to explore.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks u guys! Crush surely is a character! :) He is very curious but mostly easy going. Tonite Crush really displayed quite a bit. He was warming up in his enclosure after exploring in the basket full of dog toys (which he settled rite into n stayed for quite some time!)-pic below. Anyway, Boodah was on my shoulder n I looked down to see Crush with his beard all blown up w/a black strip at the bottom. He kept inflating n deflating it! (I guess he'll b able to black beard soon based on what u guys have said). So Boodah jumped out of my hands n ran up to the plexi-glas n kept trying to get in. Crush was keeping a very close eye on him but Boodah didn't seem to mind. (I'm not sure but i think Boodah thought Crush was in his home.) Finally Crush launched himself off his basking rock n rite into the plaxi-glas! Startled the heck out of me n Boodah was still for a minute n then tried to get in again! Once I moved Boodah closer to his enclosure n he saw it, he ran rite in n his under his stuffie!

Even tho their enclosures r set up different, is it possible Boodah doesn't notice this? I haven't let them loose together yet. I'm not sure how to go about it n i don't want either of them to get hurt.

Crush finally ate some crickets tonight! He's been eating his greens w/no problems n he also ate a few bites of grapes n some beardie bites. Both of my boys r pooing ok w/no probs or undigested superworms. Oh, n our yellow lab is infatuated w/the beardies. She lays in front of their enclosures n sometimes scratches at the doors. But today I had one of Crush's doors open n she started to put her head in n Crush moved toward her! She backed out quickly but he didn't seem scared at all. Just curious but also letting her know to keep out of his space! Too funny. Crush is alittle more leery of our bassett hound. The bassett isn't too graceful n obviously is led by his nose. He sniffes at Crush quite a bit but is pushy w/his nose n Crush doesn't appreciate it one bit! If he sees him coming, he'll run up n over my shoulder to get away from him!

Here's my cute little explorer checking out the dog toys:
I had to move a few toys off of him to get the pics!


Hiding this afternoon:

spurlee01 Addict
Awww Crush is adorable!! They crack me up with the places they find comfortable! For mine it's the newspaper bin :roll:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Crush is beautiful, so is Boodah; you have two very healthy, curious beardies! You're going to have so much fun with these two. We've always found the boys love displaying their beards, for wahtever reason. Lonzo's alone in his room (computer worm), so he beards everything in the room, a few times a day, but this happens in the spring. By the way, we've moved Leo into the computer room, too, as he's going nuts in the living room beside Issy's tank. So he'll share with Lonzo. Leo's up at 5a when Roger is up, so he can get the room until Lonzo wakes up, then when Lonzo goes to bed, today @ 3:30, Leo has the room again. So that's how that's going to work.

I'm glad Crush is fiiting in to your family, Tom and Barbara sure know how to raise babies. That's great that Crush likes his veggies. For Boodah do what we did. I got colllard greens or bok choy or watever greens you can find, chopped them in tiny pieces, added ground butternut squash and that's the morning salad the babies got. They really loved it. It was easy to add calcium or multi vit to the mix and they ate almost all of it every day. I used to make it for a local pet shop, too, when they had baby beardies. Try it, it might work on Boodah.

I'm looking forward to see what colours Crush has coming out after his body shed. Loved all the pics & the story of Boodah trying to get into Crush's viv is hilarious. :D :D

Deb and my crew


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Katrina - LOL too funny about ET. I didn't think of that but it's true!

Spurlee01: Who would imagine the newspaper bin would be comfy, rite? Tonite Crush went to sleep inside the travel bag for the Wii!. He climbed rite in the front pocket n went sound to sleep!

Deb: I will try the salad u suggested tomorrow. Boodah n Crush both ate alot of collards n kale today. Neither of them touched the mangos or blueberries. Oh well, I'll keep trying. Oh, n Crush had cilantro today n he loved it! Does Lonzo mind Leo moving in his room? And Lonzo really goes to bed so early? No wonder he's up at 5am!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Funny Crush, guess when they're tired, they'll sleep anywhere comfy & dark.

I'm glad they're eating their greens, ours have to be hand fed for salads.

Lonzo is up late & to bed early, we think he has arthritis in his fingers/toes. He doesn't like it when it's overcast. During the summer it'll be different & we'll just have to cope. Leo is up at 5a & asleep by about 4-5p, he'll probably stay up later tomorrow, not having the girls in his eye. We'll see how it goes.

You are going to have so much fun with two males wandering around. Just don't put them out together, Boodah's too small for that & when they both get bigger, they'll just fight. Leo somehow got into Rubio's area :evil: , we're not sure how as Rubio's area (the small dining room) has both sides blocked in by a large double piece of thick cardboard that's 2 feet high and another piece of covered cardboard, again 2 feet high. Roger caught them just in time, Rubio was trying to wring Leo's neck. So Leo's better off in the computer room. Talk about juggling beardies! We didn't think Leo was so fierce, but we know now!!

HUGS to you all from us all, it's great that Crush is doing so well.
Deb and my crew

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Jane, I'm glad Barbara was able to sort out the mirco super thing. You mentioned putting Crush & Boodah out together? Please don't. They will fight & Boodah's too small yet. Leo somehow got into Rubio's territory, we're still not sure how, & that's why he's now in the computer room. Rubio was just about to take a big chunk out of Leo's neck when Roger noticed and grabbed out Leo. We've tried to have our girls out together, they just fought. The boys fighting would be even worse. So make sure Crush & Boodah are out at different times, or set aside another area for Crush & then Boodah has his romper room all to himself. I'm glad Boodah & Crush like to cuddle, all ours are used to cuddling, too, especially before bed. I give them all a good cuddle in the am, I'm home after they're all asleep.

Once Crush reaches 16" in length he can eat the regular supers without any issues. We like to get some silkworms when we can afford them, they all gobble them right up. Otherwise, they all eat supers here, but they're all adults now :( I miss having a baby around. And no, we're not getting another beardie this year, maybe next year! But not sure.

Hugs to all,
Deb and the crew


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Deb: I won't put them out together. I'm way too overprotective! And since I don't know anything about it, I'll just avoid it all together. I would never forgive myself if something happened. Boodah ate his greens (hand fed of course!) but wouldn't try the squash. If a piece was stuck to the greens, he wouldn't take it!

I ordered some phoenix worms n silkworms for Crush. Boodah won't eat either. Hopefully he'll warm up to the phoenix worms. He's eaten a few but he really likes the small supers. However, the shipping costs from Mulberry Farms is outrageous so I'll have to find somewhere else to get them.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Boodah is doing so well n growing n eating like crazy. He is just so sweet I just want to kiss him! He luvs his kale n collard greens but won't touch the squash I put in his salad still. My kids have a bed for their build-a-bears which they never use so I put it in the play yard n Boodah n Crush really seem to like it. It's nice n soft. Boodah's colors r becoming nice n bright but my camera doesn't do them justice.



Look at that Boodah belly!







Juvie Member
Original Poster
Crush is totally addicted to watching the world from the big windows in the living room! U can see the main road so there's lots going on. He gets really interested when the squirrels n chipmunks run across the porch. It's really cute to watch. Crush gets MAD when I take him away from the window! He starts thrashing his tail n scratching my hand. He would sit there all day but it's still chilly here n he gets cold. I'll try to get some pics today of him in the window.

Crush likes to do the splits!



He's pouting after having to leave the window:

Crush is funny too. He doesn't like to have to chase down the crickets. When I feed him, I have to put LOTS of crickets in there so it's easy for him to catch. I was putting in around 50 n he would just sit there! Lazy boy!
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