Yeah dropped off the fecal sample this morning. I noticed when he's breathing... I can see his scales moving on the right but on his left side I don't see any movement.
Ok can you get a video of him record on you tube then post the link we can have some others take a look at him to see what they think-- is he eating?Yeah dropped off the fecal sample this morning. I noticed when he's breathing... I can see his scales moving on the right but on his left side I don't see any movement.
That is good I am flagging your post to two people -- see if they can give some insight on this - one is our vet tech mod on here who is on late at nightGood news... I did try offering him one hornworm, he did eat them without hesitation![]()
That is good news so w/ the black bearding something else is going on -- he has an appt on Monday ? Please get blood work done for sure --- that is going to detect infection if there is one--- please get a copy of the bw and post on here so Tracie can go over it -- also in the mean time w/ the breathing issue I am wondering if he has a RI going -- any mucous or discharge coming out of the nose or mouth? What is the humidity in the tank and how are you getting that reading -- analogs are inaccurate -- digital probe hygrometers are the best - placed on the back center wall of the tank -- what are your surface basking temps and are you getting those w/ a digital probe thermometer? And the UVB - where is it placed in the tank and is it a T5?Also good news from the vet... fecal sample is clean, he has no parasites!![]()
Please have the UVB directly over the basking decor 8-10 inches - its possible he aspirated if he drank too fast - how long ago was this?Yes, he has the appointment on Monday. Would of been nice if it was sooner but that was the soonest available at a reputable certified reptile vet. Most of the other vets can see him but they are not from the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians | ARAV Membership site. Yes will definitely get copies of everything and still going to get the BW and X-Rays. He may have a couple of things going on.. possible RI and maybe early signs of MBD. I have not been dusting a lot of calcium on his foods since he is adult and he has had a couple of falls. I believe this time it has caught up to him. Need to find out if he does have MBD by doing the x-rays and can see what is going on there. I was looking up the symptoms and signs of MBD (muscle twitching/tremors) was one of them along with other things. I have a digital thermometer that shows temp and humidity is placed near the cool side. Should I have another one at the warm side too? Yes its a T5HO Arcadia 14% in a zoomed T5HO fixture placed on top of the screen. I remember giving him a bath and he did drink a lot of water but maybe he drank too much? Just trying to do everything possible until he sees the vet on Monday.
If they drink too fast its good to pull them out and place them so the head is in a downward position so the water will drain out of the mouth ---Ok will try that and this happened maybe about a week ago :/
Yes that is a symptom - flagging againOk. I tried to open his mouth to see what is going on... he has lots of strands of saliva. Just looks like extra liquid from his mouth. Is it because he might have RI?