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  1. xXDragon_AddictXx

    What should I get!?

    Ahh I love these ideas, hehe. I would have never thought of chickens! I did know a family that used to have them though. I'd have to research about that... As for the rats, when I was doing research I did indeed find that they do better with others. I was planning on getting two if that's...
  2. xXDragon_AddictXx


    That's a good question - and I have no idea. I'd like to say that bearded dragons prefers anyone (regardless of gender) that loves it, feeds it, cares for it, etc. :P But if you're looking for a more scientific approach I'm curious to what the answer is too. At the moment, I'm not sure if...
  3. xXDragon_AddictXx

    help with temperature control??

    Hrm, how about switching the heat bulb with a lower wattage one?
  4. xXDragon_AddictXx

    What is the best way to feed your bearded dragon veggies.

    My beardie didn't take well to veggies for a while, either. Trust me though, when they're hungry they'll learn to go for them :P Also, when I first stuck the bowl in there he didn't look too interested. I picked up a leaf and sort of wiggled it in front of his nose and he loved that. After...
  5. xXDragon_AddictXx

    Veggie/fruit list

    I've been feeding mine cut up mustard greens with grated yellow squash on top. I've also tried lots of other types of greens. I haven't fed him much squishy fruit yet like pears and bananas. Now I want to try! :P
  6. xXDragon_AddictXx

    Outdoor playpen ideas

    I'm glad you asked this, it's actually starting to get very warm out here too and a kiddie pool is a great idea for a fun play area. I was actually just looking at a rat website the other day and they had a fun, cute looking kiddie pool. I'm guess I'm not surprised that you haven't seen them...
  7. xXDragon_AddictXx

    tank and sand.

    Half of my tank is sand and the other is tile. Garno is right, my beardie seems to like to sleep in the playsand too. I had the repti-carpet when my beardie was a baby but it looked dirty most of the time. Good luck on finding a tank :)
  8. xXDragon_AddictXx

    What should I get!?

    Very interesting ideas! Sadly though, I'm not a huge fan of snakes. My boyfriend has had 2 so far (california kingsnake and a young ball python) and I was a little afraid of both. My dragon on the other hand I would never ever fear of biting me :P I apologize to all you snake lovers...
  9. xXDragon_AddictXx

    What should I get!?

    Hi All, I've been holding off on getting another pet for a while, but I think now is the time! After a trip to the pet store yesterday (and looking around like usual), my boyfriend commented that if I wanted anything, he'd get it for me for my birthday next month. Now I'm excited! I just...
  10. xXDragon_AddictXx

    Rocko, Rockies owner...HI!

    Hi Rocko :P I don't really know anything about breeding so I can't help you with that. As far as the thermometer goes, just get one with a temperature probe at the end and I think you'll be fine. And yes you're right about the sand - babies sure do like to taste/lick everything so it'd be a...
  11. xXDragon_AddictXx


    Lived in the same house in Pasadena all of my life. Woot represent!
  12. xXDragon_AddictXx


    Adorable!! Hello and Welcome :D
  13. xXDragon_AddictXx


    Heya :D Welcome!! There are some great articles on this site such as and others. As far as heat mats and such go though, yes they have the potential to be harmful and quite honestly they're not necessary. As long as they're getting a lot...
  14. xXDragon_AddictXx

    Hi All!

    Hi again and Welcome! I got my little one when he was 5 inches, too =P I knew his exact hatch date and he was almost a month and a half when I brought him home. The links JustAnotherTR posted are perfect for what you're asking though. I'm going to go look at them right now! Good luck with...
  15. xXDragon_AddictXx


    The only thing that worries me is the contact paper. Is it self-adhesive? When building my tank a while ago, I did some research in the enclosure section (but you'll most likely just have to use the search thing) and found that's probably not a good idea to have on the inside. The same with...
  16. xXDragon_AddictXx


    Ohh Congratulations on your new additions! I'm not really familiar with dwarf beardies, but I can't wait to see some pics! ;) Welcome and have fun researching!
  17. xXDragon_AddictXx


    Hello and Welcome :) I'm glad you researched around before you bought your beardie...that probably kept you from making some easy mistakes! Congratulations on your new little guy! :D 15 months old...he must be full grown then! I'm glad you took out the walnut bedding...paper towels would...
  18. xXDragon_AddictXx

    new baby =]

    You know what, my boyfriend is like that too hehe. He gets jealous! It's fine when I take out my beardie most of the time, but sometimes the bf will be like "bleh go put him back I wanted to cuddle" or something. Glad I'm not the only one! :lol:
  19. xXDragon_AddictXx

    Well Hello there

    Hi there :D The first time I found this site I jumped on and asked a question before introducing myself, too :P Welcome though! And is that your little guy in your icon picture? He's either very red or has a red light shining on him! :shock: In any case, very cute.
  20. xXDragon_AddictXx

    new baby =]

    Hello and Welcome :D As far as the name goes, I'm probably not a good person to ask! I like to name my pets after other animals hehe (Tiggy is short for Tiger). He/she is a cute little one though, good luck with everything and always feel free to ask questions!
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