Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I wasnt too worried about my cobra. I was almost confused by its appearance. I called my friend about it and he told me it's normal. His magenta one is doing it. He said it's unsightly well yeah it is. It's all wilted and orange tint.

Everyone has been telling me about Kane's weight and size. hes on the thin side, I know. He'll fatten up...the ppl on the other forum were mean about it. "Get him to a vet" theyd say. He was 550g. He'll get back up there. Idk what a vet can do considering he's healthy enough for brumation. He came from a breeder and Im honest about what the breeder said. He said Kane is the runt of the litter. Should be was the runt...hes huge. No one says anything about Broly so I guess no concern there. Tracie says they're perfect despite what they say.

We tagged the eagle. Idk what that means but Tom wanted it. Idk why. I didn't ask whats tagging for and especially a wild bird. Mild break did heal he's been rehabbed and can fly. He does fly but didnt go far he's pretty much planted himself on the balcony and won't leave to a tree. I personally believe hes safer off the ground but ok.


Gray-bearded Member
It sounds like both Broly and Kane are healthy. Just because a beardie (or a person, for that matter) is a little thinner or fatter than average doesn't mean they're not healthy -- I agree with Tracie. :)

Wildlife biologists often tag birds or other wild animals so they can keep track of them, often for research purposes. If they turn up somewhere else with the tag and someone finds them, they can get a better idea of how far they're traveling and where they're going, etc. I think it can also help if you rescue injured birds and nurse them back to health and then turn them loose, you may often wonder what ever became of them if you don't see them again, but if they have a tag, you've got a better chance of finding out if someone sees them somewhere and lets you know.

It sounds like your eagle has decided that your place is his home now.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I've been talking to my psychiatrist. She lets me vent about life and people.

I did see the new Pokemon movie: I Choose You. It was pretty awesome. Im a long time Pokemon fan from 98. I was 11 then. I saw movies 1-4 in theaters when I was young. I know..I was 14 yrs old seeing Pokemon movie 3 in theaters. I was 15 years old when Pokemon movie 4 came out. I stopped when I was 16.. I recently got back into it. I watched movies 5-9. I hadn't watched 10-19 yet. They have too many movies...LOL. I guess they keep up with generations of kids.

Dragons are as usual...fine. Nobody is ill so I don't need to ask for help. Everyone eats, even the eagle. I'm not gonna type more...I have a headache behind my eye...


Gray-bearded Member
Sounds like you've got yourself a pretty good psychiatrist. I've never had one that I felt totally comfortable and safe with. If I got into venting, most of them would interrupt me and then try to tell me what I was doing wrong, which did not help. Oddly enough, one of the best (and cheapest) ones I ever saw was a student intern at the local university, and I only got to see her for part of a semester before she graduated from the program she was in, and moved on to bigger and better things. She was one of the few that may have actually done me some good without doing any harm. I'm not seeing anyone currently -- can't afford them anymore due to inadequate health insurance, and most of them tend to do me more harm than good anyway, so I'm just muddling through on my own. I get to define myself as "normal" because it sounds better than "untreated mental illness." :wink: But I'm afraid that my husband and my closest friends know better...

I haven't seen any of the Pokemon movies yet, but I'd probably get hooked if I did. From what I've seen, the little characters are really cute, and cuteness usually gets me. :mrgreen:

Headaches can ruin your whole day -- I hope yours is better. Reptiles are fine here too -- business as usual. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Luckily, the headache responded to Advil.

I let Broly and Kane out of their tanks and onto their windows. They were watching rain and all of a sudden they went nuts! Idk what they saw...I couldn't see, people tell me beardies have excellent vision. They were scratching the glass of window (dusty in the sill LOL) so they had dust on their chin. I was getting to cleaning the sill..I have millions to do. One, Kirk (our male syrian hamster), loves human company. Ash doesn't care for human contact. It's feed, change water and clean her up every two weeks. As I said before...they have big cages. They can get away from stools and pee. There's always one hamster that doesn't care for your companionship...I still pet her but that's as far as she goes. I do play with her everyday but still antisocial and that's ok. She's 2 yrs old...that's old in rodent years.
Anyway...the dragons head bobbed Idk what. Probably saw a salamander...they're native here specially rainy season.
Broly ate greens without pumpkin on top, that was awesome! Kane will eat salad either way.


Gray-bearded Member
Yeah -- Advil is a nice thing to have around sometimes (or some other cheap generic equivalent).

It's hard to tell what gets beardies excited. Sometimes Puff seems to see something out the window that interests him, but I'm never really sure what it is. I do know that he's got a thing about the mouse cable that goes with my husband's laptop -- the assumption is that he thinks it's a worm, but I can never be really sure what's going on in his little reptile mind. Sometimes I wish I were telepathic so I could find out. :?

I never had hamsters but I did have a gerbil for a couple of years when my husband and I were first married (one of the few furry animals that he's not allergic to). He tolerated handling but I don't think he particularly enjoyed it (the gerbil, that is, not my husband :wink: ) We had a nifty little habitat for him with a little tube leading up to a running wheel at the top, but he used it for the "upstairs bathroom" instead of running in it, and then he could turn it a quarter turn and have a relatively clean place for next time, just in case his human slaves didn't get around to cleaning up after him right away. He was already about 2 years old when I got him, and he lived for about 4 years altogether -- an average lifespan for a gerbil from what I understand. After that, we were without pets for about 2 or 3 years until we got Squirmles, and even though I love being with my husband, I missed having a little critter of some sort around the house.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Busy so far! Last night discovered my 10 gal frog snail tank was leaking!! Luckily really small leak and had to wait till today. I got the new 10 gal set up with all the old gravel, decor, heater, filter and some old water. Everything old...can't imagine Im recycling my nitrogen cycle. I kept everything with my beneficial bacteria as wet as possible (drying out kills it). My arms hurt and my feet. It took 2 hours to get everything accurate to bypass restarting my nitrogen cycle. Of course I wiped the tank down. Everyone been in the tank and so far nobody's acting out of the ordinary. Im going to keep an eye on them to make sure nobody dies/sick.

Dragons were watching me move stuff around to get my aquatic children situated. I still fed them.


Gray-bearded Member
I've never had a fish tank or anything else aquatic, unless you count that one little fish that we had for a few days that didn't survive my husband's second attempt to feed it to the snake, :roll: so I had never even thought about what a hassle it must be to get everything sorted out if your tank springs a leak, not to mention the daily maintenance for the water chemistry and everything else. Sound like you had a hectic weekend, but I'm glad to hear that your frogs and snails all seem to have got through it ok.

Bearded dragons are very good at watching your every move, especially if they think your activities have anything to do with something for them -- I have noticed that Puff watches us most intently if we're doing anything with his crickets and roaches. My husband says Puff would probably be perfectly happy if we just dumped them all in his tank as soon as we got them home from the pet store, and he's probably right. :lol:

We just had a beautiful pink sunrise -- at 9am. This time of year, we have to enjoy every little bit of daylight we get around here. It looks like a Christmas card out there -- very pretty just as long as I don't have to go out in it. :wink:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

It's terrible to go through it. I discovered the right back was leaking badly when I got home so had to start quickly. So it wasn't the best day. Everyone is still doing well.

Broly smuggled for 3 minutes...he acted nuts in his 80 gallon tank..don't ask why it's huge...Kane has an 80 as well. I'm trying to get donkeys off my tail about tank size.
Everyone says 40 isnt big enough. So 80 gal with a 36" arcadia bulb. Im betting THATS not big enough...when the dragons pass away Im not getting anymore. People gettin on my tail about everything!! If this was adult enough I'd say F off, I got this. I do have this...and keeping dragons is getting to be a hassle with giant tanks and correct uvb. Don't get me wrong...I love my two and I did upgrade and go to vets. Correct foods. Idk I'll think about another when the time comes. Idk a lot of dragons are coming home sick.
Yellow fungus, bacterial, parasites, respiratory...Idt I can handle that again. My two are perfectly healthy, a future one may be ill. I have a great vet (my husband and his professor) and I got money. Idk...Im slightly depressed...

I have to get ready to go to my parents house on Thanksgiving. Im taking the boys. My geckos and skink will be taking care of.


Gray-bearded Member
Well, I'm glad that you and your critter family all survived the leak, even if it was no fun for a while. Hopefully things are back to "normal" now (whatever that is :wink: ).

Lots of people think that a 40 gallon tank is too small for an adult beardie. I would think that 80 would probably be adequate. We got a 125 gallon tank for Puff -- we aimed for the largest that was feasible, and it took two guys to haul it in here. It does nasty things to the electric bill to heat the thing, too. I think Puff would probably be ok in something smaller though, since he rarely uses all his space -- spends most of his day zoning out under the heat lamps. Couch potato dragon, but then I have no right to blame him for that because I'm a couch potato too. :mrgreen:

You and I seem to be in the same boat when it comes to future plans for bearded dragons. I love Puff and Squirmles, and I love having them, but my lack of sufficient energy to care for them consistently and reliably means that my poor husband gets stuck with most of the hard work, so if I outlive them it would be unfair to him for us to get any more, although he's willing. My tentative plan if they both die before I do is to keep the empty tanks for a month or so and see how we both feel, and if we discover that we have lizard or snake shaped holes in our hearts, and if we think we can still take care of them adequately for the rest of their expected lifespan between the two of us, I'll start watching the local animal control website for reptiles that are up for adoption. But neither of us is getting any younger, and it makes me sad to think that I'm getting too old and too disabled to have pets any more, and that it's gotten to the point where it would be unfair to both the animal and my husband for me to have a little critter to cuddle... :cry:

Jeepers, I guess we're both a little depressed -- don't want to forget to love and enjoy them while they're here. Gotta think about something happier -- looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and friends maybe? We're planning a quiet Thanksgiving at home, unless we get an unexpected dinner invitation from one of my sisters. None of us has a big enough house to get the whole extended family all together in one place, so we usually all just do the holidays with our own immediate families. But my husband's church is planning a game night and bring-your-leftovers potluck on Friday night, so we'll have that to go to if we're both up to it, and if not, we'll just cuddle the critters and go to bed. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

My reasoning for maybe quitting dragons in the future is because it's what everyone else is doing. It has to be what everyone is doing or they get pissed off. I had iguanas and didnt have what lots of people had. Obviously lights and food was the same. Idk what Im getting at...
Also the sickness that all new beardies people are getting. Sooo many sick ones these days...I already had a sick baby pass away 2 yrs ago from yellow fungus and stomach cancer. Cancer killed him faster than the fungus did.
I don't wanna have to deal with stress and vet bills. Well, I have vet bills that are fully paid off but still. Im probably gonna get a mountain lizard...I have done research. It'll be my next lizard and do something Im kinda sick of the overly passionate people...i need to do a different hobby. Im ok with passionate but overly...duuude Im not even gonna start. Im going to hell when I die LOL. I think of twisted thoughts. I honestly LOVE my dark humor.
My uncle got me into dark humor and calls me "tripp". Nickmame is Tripp. He says you're an Fing tripp. My family is full of foul mouths. Luckily, kids aren't learning the words. My granddad is 87 and curses like a sailor. I have an uncle who prefers to drink once a year. My oldest brother loves football, curses when our team loses. It's a wild house here. I think you'd love it! They're funny, sweet, caring buncha rednecks you'll meet. If you mess with anyone in our family... really bad for that person. SueAnn, we wouldn't do anything to you..youre really cool! We'd welcome you and your hubby with open arms and a few others. The crap I hate don't get invited. They can stay in the cold.


Gray-bearded Member
Your post cheers me up -- even though I'll probably never be able to get to Oregon again, it's nice to know that there's a delightful little family of "rednecks" somewhere in the world that would welcome me. And I don't mind "colorful" language, although my husband does have a problem with it. I try not to use the "naughty words" when he's around, but sometimes they slip out when something goes wrong, and if I don't follow it up with, "Pardon my Orkish," I'm liable to get "the lecture." I tell him that if I'm angry enough to use those words in the first place, he better not call me on the carpet for it or I'll just get angrier and he'll get a whole bunch more of the words he doesn't like, and louder... :oops: But I really do wish I could do a better job controlling my outbursts around him. He does so much for us and asks for so little in return.

I'm what I call a "social football fan," meaning that I only enjoy it when I'm with other people who also enjoy it. My dad and I used to play "armchair quarterback" together. We also have some friends who used to do a big Superbowl watching party every year, and it was lots of fun, but they've been taking care of aging parents and haven't had the time and energy to do it for the last couple of years. So when I'm home by myself I usually go for things like Dr. Who, Star Trek, etc.

The thought of having an iguana has crossed my mind, but I think they'd get too big for our little house. One nice thing, if I understand correctly, is that they're vegetarians, so we wouldn't have to worry about also having to keep a bunch of bugs alive, but maintaining a supply of fresh veggies might be just as difficult -- of course, we have to do both for the beardie. I guess we should just continue to take the best care we can of the ones we have now and try not to worry too much about what we're going to do in the future -- we'll "cross that bridge" if and when we come to it. Oh, and not worry too much about what other people think, either. Some people tend to be just a little too sure that they're "right" about everything. :roll: As long as your animals seem to be healthy and happy, then the basic "If it's working, don't fix it" principle probably applies here.

And I just have to say (even though I know you were probably kidding) that if someone like you would go to hell when you die, then the universe is poorly designed and there's no justice or mercy in it, especially since, if I remember your life story correctly, you've already been there and done that, and besides, you're a good person who cares about your family and your critters (and even your plants too) so you don't deserve to go there ever again, IMO for whatever it's worth. "Dark humor" is not a horrible "sin" -- there are way worse things.

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet, and I wasn't up to cooking anything special, but at least Squirmles and Puff got their baths, and Puffie pooped in the water, so the tanks are clean. :wink:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Haha yeah mostly kidding. Im not going to hell. I take care of everyone and anything. Yeah, I do take ppl's thoughts to heart. I sometimes care too much what they say and it's a bad habit.

Broly had a spasm in his leg. I touched and reaction, touched again, nothing. He also wanted to bite it so it hurt him when it spazzed. Nothing when it stopped. Yes, I know mbd comes to mind. Let's recap here, arcadia 12% uv mounted 13" away, basking is 107 and gets his cal and vit. Oh yeah the 80 gal tank. I can't imagine he has mbd if all this is correct. I can't believe first sign in 2 yrs. I may just take him to the school. Idk...very strange. It may also be just a one off thing like a real muscle spasm. I don't think dragons have just spasms like ppl, who knows. It didnt happen today as far as I know. He eats, passes stool and can use all legs. The legs shake a itty bit not massive. Today the legs didnt shake or spaz...still strange. Maybe the pain was still there after spazzing. Tolerable pain, perhaps..Idk...Im gettin it checked and pay another bill.


Gray-bearded Member
You and me both. One hurtful comment from another person can ruin my whole day and send me into depression, although I can also go there for no apparent reason. Interestingly, if they apologize later, it goes a long way toward making me feel better. But maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm often more comfortable with animals than with people.

It definitely does not sound like Broly has MBD -- you're giving him all the right UV light and vitamins. There can be other reasons for things like that. A while back, I was noticing that Puff was doing little twitches, mostly along his sides but also around his head, shoulders, and tail too, and usually when he was excited about something (getting picked up, fed, or whatever). My husband took a video of it and emailed it to the vet, and she thought it looked like things moving through his digestive tract, but I wasn't sure if that explained all of it. Of course, it was an intermittent thing and he wouldn't do it on cue in her office so she could see it in person. I worried about the adenovirus possibly doing some sort of nerve damage, and we talked about other possibilities -- deficiencies of other vitamins besides calcium (B12, if I remember correctly), sepsis, and even problems with sugar metabolism -- yes, bearded dragons do have pancreas, she reminded me. Sheesh -- several more things to worry about! :(

Anyway, we never did figure out what it was, and it has since subsided -- I don't see it much anymore lately. It doesn't hurt to have it checked though, so hopefully Broly will be okay. It sounds like it may have been just a one-off like you say.

I think they probably can get muscles spasms like we do -- I don't see why not. Sometimes I get them when I'm half asleep, and sometimes they're painful -- like the leg cramps that make you have to hop out of bed and jump up and down on the floor trying to make them go away. My doctor told me it was normal if it only happens once in a while, especially the minor ones when you're falling asleep. I suppose that could be the case for bearded dragons and other reptiles too. :?

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

So uv fixture is broken...the light is's not supposed to be. I did try another light and still dim so unless two bulbs go dim for no reason the fixture is taking a crap! He's gonna be without uv for a few days I'll need to get it done asap! I know how crucial it is. I'm gonna try the store if not...two day shipping.

Brighter spasms.

Ugh, stressful stuff..first fish tank now uvb fixture. The end of this month isn't working out. Broly is confused like "ummm you forgot one!" I didnt forget bud, it's not gonna work your uv well. It's all dim, very dim. He still has heat so there's that. I don't think I can give supplements, he can't process it.

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Mirage came out of brumation on April 26. He was doing great. On May 2 he started acting funny. We just redid his tank, and he keeps going into one of his hides. He just lays there. He shows no intrest in food. HELP!
is tape safe for fixing something in my leopard geckos hide?
Day 3 of brumation. It's a struggle. I really miss my little guy. 😔
Mirage entered brumation yesterday, I'm gonna miss hanging out with my little guy.

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