Worried Mom

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I’m new BD-Mama and new to the site. I tend to ramble.. But at any rate. I hope this isn’t the wrong place to post. I have multi questions / concerns.

Firstly- I bought my little BD this: http://www.zilla-rules.com/products/deluxe-xl-bearded-dragon-kit.htm and here is a video I found on you tube, where a kid shows everything that came in the kit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AlZWZM8IrU

I plan to get him a bigger cage, once I save up more money. I originally wanted to get him a 100gal. BUT I was confused by which lights/ect to buy, so I just got the ‘kit’ until I understand more about the whole thing.

Random note: I’ve been calling my BD “Baby” and “Coma” -because the first night I had him, I thought he was dead. X.x and I cried cos when I touched him he didn’t move. Until my grandmother picked him up for me. *I was in panic mode, thinking he was dead, so I couldn’t pick him up* Anyway, I’ve now convinced when he sleeps he’s comatose!

Oh, I am also assuming he’s a boy..

#1 Is this set up in this photo okay?

#2 I’ve yet to see my little man drink/go anywhere near his “Water” dish” (which is behind that green tree bush thing.) [er- excluding now, which I’ll explain later.]
I was told to “Mist” him with water which I haven’t done.. But I did tonight. ( For V-day my mom got me a lil spray bottle.)

-When is the best time to spray him?
-Can he get ‘sun burned/burned’ if I spray him and he goes under his heat light/lamp?

#3 This might seem stupid, but I thought all BD’s were yellow.. When I bought him I figured he would be yellow when he grew up. Now finding that there are many colors.

-At which point will I be able to tell what color he is.
- If I can ‘Now’ could one of you be able to help me decipher his color?

#4 Is his “night light” (the purple one) needed? I turn off all lights when I go to bed, but in the morning when I go to touch him, he seems very cold/comatose like.. Is this normal?

#5 As I was typing this (or starting to) my Baby fell! From the top of his “tree’ structure [On the right] to the bottom of the cage!

-Do you think he will be okay?! >.<
-He’s now in the corner by his water dish. - I fear he may be scared to climb back up.
-I picked him up right after he fell, and all his limbs were working, and he was trying to craw away/off of me. (more then normal.) I didn’t think much of at the time, but maybe it was hurting him to “cling” to me. As where he’s sitting now, he’s just kinda “laying” there.

Update: he climbed halfway up and now is sleeping. He only moved from corner cos I made him. x.x again I thought he was dead.

My grandmother thinks hes 4’½ niches long. (nose to tail)

Lastly- on a unrelated note: when I go to put him back in his tank/cage he kinda “Clings” to my finger/hand or try’s to turn around, so he dosnt have to get off my hand and return to the tank. But I think this has more to do, with the angle in which Im trying to put him back. (does this happen with anyone else?)


This is “MY” first pet. That’s just mine, aside from a gold fish.. I just wanna make sure I do everything right. So sorry for seeming really ‘childish’ or ‘new mommyish’

( I'm 22 x.x) -Ali


Welcome to the forum. You have a good setup there many BD owners have the same. Black light is not needed if temps do not fall below 65 in house at night. You will want to replace the thermomerters as they are not very good. Get yourself a digital one with a probe. Your basking branch might not be the best choice and you will want something wider so he does not fall again. BD do not drink much so baths are needed. Make sure to read the care sheets here on them. Also read as many of the thread is each section. BD babies eat alot every day at least 2x a day. So make sure to read up on that well. OH an BD's are not very active all the time. They sit and wait for prey to come to them alot so prey must be live. They also sit under heat lamps alot and will not move. So do not worry to much about stillness and not moving. Babies are more active than adults though.

Reading this site will help you alot.
Good Luck on your new baby.
I cant add a lot because I am still new too. I have had Dexter for 3 weeks, and he sleeps the same way, he sprawls out and doesnt move all night... I was a little worried too the first few nights.

Dont apologize for being a worried new mommy, its great that you are seeking the right information for your new baby. Congratulations, hes adorable.


Gray-bearded Member
K here's what u need an 18" reptisun 10.0 UVB get rid of that coil the basking spot not the air the spot where he will bask most needs to be about 105-110f cool side 85-90f if under just run a plain old 2$ house light bulb on the cool side k now back to the reptisun u can get a fixture from Walmart take the bulb out and the cover of and her these hook things and hang it in there if u r in Canada u will have to get one from home depot thats where I have to get mine from and make sure u hang the reptisun in the tank screen cover will block UVB rays and if u r in the USA use amazon .com and order one cheap if in Canada they will be 45$ no matter what


Extreme Poster

Your basking light and your UVB need to be as close to each other as possible, not on opposite sides of the tank.

As previously mentioned, a Repti-Sun 10.0 linear tube light is the best choice for UVB because they have been tested against other brands and kinds and proven to give off a more consistent and safer UVB.

The compact/coil UVBs have been tested and proven to case eye damage and health problems, and do not give off the correct UVB consistently.

As previously mentioned, a blacklight or colored night light is not needed, not because of heating situations but because the colored lights are not good for them. Bearded dragons see color and cannot sleep properly under colored lights. If your night temps drop below 65 you can get a ceramic heat emitter (CHE) which will give heat but no light.

He cannot get sunburned if you spray him and he goes under his light. I have never misted any of my beardies, though some people do. I give mine soaks in a small tupperware type of tub twice a week. The water should be like a baby's bath, not too hot, and just to their armpits and not past the shoulder. Never leave them unattended in the bath.

Yes, beardies will cling to you and often not want to go back into their homes. He may just really like that body heat, especially if the ambient air is cool.

Have you measured your temperatures with a probe thermometer? I mean a thermometer that has a cord with a sensor on the end that you place directly under the basking light. Move the basking light to directly above where you want him to bask. This is where he will hang out the most. It needs to be on the 'hot' side of the tank and right next to the UVB. So get those lights situated together and find a spot for your dragon to bask and put a sensor right where he will lay and let it sit about 20-30 minutes to make sure the thermometer has the time to adjust and get the correct temp. We are looking for the exact temp where he will bask. The temps are probably the most important thing to your bearded dragon. They need a temp around 105 to properly digest their food and keep their immune system functioning properly.

WalMart has the best thermometer. It is the Accu-rite. It has a long cord with a sensor attached to the end. You would put the actual device all the way on the cool side of the tank, and run the wire with sensor over to the hot side and place it directly under the basking bulb where he would bask.

If you can go ahead and get that thermometer today and check that basking temp. Move the basking and UVB right next to each other. Get that linear tube Repti-Sun 10.0, too. (Make sure you don't fall for the deceptive Repti-Glo or Repta-Sun. The right bulb is made by Z00-MED and it is Repti-Sun)

Good luck getting these adjustments made and report back! :mrgreen: Congrats on your new beardie.


Hatchling Member
I will just add that if you do use a ceramic heat emitter be sure to choose one that is the appropriate size for the tank as the do get quite warm. I live in Northern Maine and our house temps remain in the low to mid 60's so I absolutely have to have them. The one the I saw the most are meant for a large tank like 55 gal. It warms the entire tank to keep the cool side a consistent 80 degrees.

Beautiful baby! Congrats and read this forum you will learn so much to the benefit of your beardie growing and living a long and happy life.

As for the colors, they change a lot while growing and unless you know the parents and lineage I am not sure if his color when grown can be accurately identified. I have one pet co baby and one pet store and both have changed but they also look very different from each other. Puppy looked like yours and he has changed to a light brown color with orange elbows. Kitty had red on her back when she first came home and now looks like ur baby without any red or yellow and Birdie was purchased from a breeder and looks a lot like her mom. She was described as Citrus Red/Orange with tiger barbs. and she has maintained that color and has gotten more vibrant over time.

I soak my babies and do not have water in their set up. I also do not spray them esp in their home as it can raise humidity. I have corn snakes and with water and heat it increases their humidity level. So they get a nice soak plus their salad gets washed prior to feeding them which adds moisture.

Look forward to hearing more on your beardie and how he/she is doing.


Original Poster
Re: Cybercat

“You will want to replace the thermometers as they are not very good.”
I agree! They suck! They both say something different.

“BD babies eat alot every day at least 2x a day”
Er- they told me to give him two crickets and I’ve been giving him, these little round ball-food thingds, I havnt seen him eat it. I also give him various veggies. I saw him “Try” one, (but I don’t think he ate it.) =( he hasn’t eaten any since. He likes crickets tho~

 Re: Zeusmybeardie 

“hook things and hang it in there”
One of the black lamp things came with “Hooks” I think. This?

You want me to hang it ‘Inside’ the cage under the screened top?


“Your basking light and your UVB need to be as close to each other as possible”
Oh, in the photo (on the box) It shows them on opposing sides. Is this better?

“WalMart has the best thermometer. It is the Accu-rite. It has a long cord with a sensor attached to the end.”

*puppy dog eyes* do you think you could find me a “photo” of the product you speak of? My nearest walmart is 45 minutes away, (but luckly! My mom’s house is closer.) If I can send her a photo of it, she pick it up for me.


“ceramic heat emitter”
I am interested. I don’t know how cold my room is, but I like my room to be cold. I normally have my windows open at night and have a fan blowing at all times. ( I would rather be hot, then cold… and I pick a lizard as a pet. Haha.) Would it be better to be “Safe then sorry” should I just pick one up anyway?

I think he really likes his log/thing, I know its high. (and he only fell off that once.) I have moved this “tree bush” thing under the area where he fell, in hopes it may.. “break his fall” IF he falls again.

So! I find it really annoying to have to remove the “lamps” from the top of the cage in order to “open it” in the future I was hoping I could have some shelf or “hanger” type thing, that all the lights could hang off of. I like the screen stop, because I hate bugs! And Im scared the crickets will jump out into my room. X.x but ideally I wouldn’t have the screen top.


Extreme Poster
Baby, I am on the iPad so it is a total pain to quote you and respond but firstly, do NOT hang that coil lamp that you have inside the viv. Those glass bulbs should not go inside. You posted a picture of a clamp lamp and they always go outside the vivs.

I think what Zeusmybeardie was trying to say is that you need to get a linear tube Repti-Sun 10.0 and it would go in a long hood-type fixture. You can mount that fixture inside of the viv if you want. Right now what I recommend is to get the hood fixture and the correct tube UVB and just put it on top of your screen for now. The screen does filter the UVB from any lights so if you have a linear tube UVB your beardie will get more exposure to the UVB with the light mounted inside the viv. Right now I would just focus on getting the right light.

Does that make sense?


Gray-bearded Member
k now you need a flouresent tube 18 inch long uvb aka a reotisun 10.o so u can keep your screen top on just get the fixture from walmart use hooks or hangers some thing like that make sure he can get 8 inchs away from it and put it in there you need to btw


Hatchling Member

There is an example I found that demonstrates the uvb light being in a glass enclosure. Get heavy duty velco and just stick it to the back of the tank. This person has also placed a pad under the branch in case their baby falls. It shows in the picture that the prob for the thermometer is right under the screen but ideally you want to attach it to the spot on the branch where your baby basks. You can get one of the probe ones from Petco for $8.


Extreme Poster
Baby":18a5o9l2 said:

“Your basking light and your UVB need to be as close to each other as possible”
Oh, in the photo (on the box) It shows them on opposing sides. Is this better?

“WalMart has the best thermometer. It is the Accu-rite. It has a long cord with a sensor attached to the end.”

*puppy dog eyes* do you think you could find me a “photo” of the product you speak of? My nearest walmart is 45 minutes away, (but luckly! My mom’s house is closer.) If I can send her a photo of it, she pick it up for me..

Yes you want to have both of those lamps right next to each other.

I searched online and couldn't find the thermometer pic, but here is a pic of the one in Scarlet's viv.

It will register the outdoor temp, which registers the sensor at the end of the long cord, and the indoor temp, which would be the cold side where you put the device, and humidity, which is also important.


Original Poster
Thanks for the photos - it helps alot!
*more of a visual learner.* x.x

“There is an example I found that demonstrates the uvb light being in a glass enclosure.”

Okay, so! (sorry I have to reword it to make sure I am understanding.) I should get one (like in the pic / [whatever you guys called it]) and stick it inside the cage ?
I then wont need the one ontop. (the ‘day’ blue one) I’ll still need the “basking” light.

That’s great, I have a petco near where I work. (but I only work twice a week..) next time I go I’ll go in and look around.

I’m not sure I know what Viv is.. I’m still kinda, newb with all this Lingo. But I will print that photo out and take it with me when I go to look.

Re:Shiva (again, sorry. Haha.)
“also do not spray them esp in their home”

Ack! I totally did! Twice! Next time I will take him out.


Extreme Poster
Baby":3clf8csy said:
Okay, so! (sorry I have to reword it to make sure I am understanding.) I should get one (like in the pic / [whatever you guys called it]) and stick it inside the cage ?
I then wont need the one ontop. (the ‘day’ blue one) I’ll still need the “basking” light..

What kind of lights do you currently have? What brand and kind?
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