What is this forum?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
I've added this forum to post site policies and rules. So far, the site has managed by encouraging people to use best judgement and good etiquette. Now, this is not to say you all aren't doing a great job at helping keep this place a friendly atmosphere. But, I do get more requests about what the rules are about certain things. I am finding I have to declare certain new policies (like the banner ad signatures), so this forum will help communicate it to all of you.

As some areas of uncertainty come up and can be more clearly defined, I will add more policies. I will be cautious (as I always have) with making too many changes too fast, and that rules are hopefully clear. If there seems to be a gray area in any particular policy, I suggest staying clear of the gray as well. :)

The lack of a policy being present here does not automatically indicate that one does not exist under the more general intent of keeping these forums a peaceful, friendly, and fun place for all.

I hope this helps settle some questions that come up regarding rules of the site.


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Mirage is shedding....he seems to be feeling itchy lol. Giving him a bath later today. Can Aloe be used on bearded dragons?
Gus - he’s a rescue!
How much water should I be giving my bearded dragon? He will only drink from a dropper when I drop on his nose and I’m not sure if I should give it to him until he won’t drink anymore? Or should I stop after he’s had a certain amount?
Just want to check that if my beardie is ok I managed to get a video of him yawning today and screenshot him with his mouth open does he have mouth rot??? He is eating and drinking normally btw, the discoloration on his left of the mouth has been there for a month but the discoloration on his right side is new
Hello if you don't know about sperm plugs and have a male bearded dragon click this link to find out, I found it really helpful on explaining what they are and what to do about it

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