What do you typically feed your dragon?

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Hey all - I know very well the list of acceptable fruits/veg/bugs that beardies can eat, but I'm curious as to exactly what you all feed your beardies every day (and how much) so I can compare.

Give me some examples of what a typical day looks like for your beardie, food-wise! :D


Sub-Adult Member
Rotated greens... arugula, kale, watercress, whatever we can keep fresh (my vegetarian husband helps with getting the stuff eaten before it wilts). Into this goes grated squash (acorn, yellow, etc.) and occasional grated carrot. Once in a great while, diced bell peppers (usually after dinner at the in-laws, where she puts out a platter of veggies and I pick over the leftovers for Figment). On special occasions, blueberries or raspberries.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Mixed turnip / collard rotating mustard and kale - some cilantro once in awhile
on top squash like yellow zucchini rotating
sweet potato raw shredded
cactus pads prickly pear once in awhile
have tried all kinds of fruit they dont eat it any of it -- have tried gr pepper red pepper wont eat it
insects roaches every few days w/ super worms and horn worms butter worms
My dragons are off their eating as of now - they are too busy sleeping or just basking
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She finally woke up, it‘s almost noon!!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on xp29's profile.
Hey, I just saw one of your posts from a few months ago, I’m sorry for your loss of Sweet Pea and Zen, I know that’s really rough, and I’ll keep you in my prayers!
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Lyrebird.Rainwing's profile.
Heyy….if you like WoF… is there a chance you like the book series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter?
Lizardlover9000 wrote on Plutonium's profile.
‘Ello mate!
Larry didn’t want to move from my hand this particularly chilly morning 🤣

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