The Odd Couple Of Sandhill- Oscar and Mia

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Just a short update on my boys, as I can't sit with my leg down for very long.

Putzy seems to be spending most of his day, dozing. Except for when we go out for some sun, which is when he perks up and tries to escape. I need to order him a new light as his present one is about 6 months old now. Hopefully that will help wake him up and get his appetite going again.

Oscar, on the other hand, is, well, a bottomless pit. He will eat any thing, anywhere, anytime. This includes my fingers, my hair, my feet etc. If it moves, he tries to nom it. As soon as I have the $200+ for his vet visit, it's fun time. (loves going for rides) But his poops are getting firmer and less stinky, so I think it was mainly due to his cricket diet and suddenly getting as much food (bugs and salad) as his not so little tummy could hold.

I'll be posting new pics as soon as I get this dinosaur 'puter to upload the software for my camera. Night all, from me and my boys!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
It's so good to hear that you're enjoying the job you have & that you're back eating because you're hungry. I know what you mean about emotional or bored eating, I've gained a couple of lbs, too over the holidays. Even though the rest did me good, I really pigged out. At least I'm still going to the gym, so the couple of lbs I gained should come off soon enough. And why is it that all the weight I gain is on my middle, where I really don't need it?

I guess Oscar is being affected by the cold snap, he'll get back up eventually. I got my boys up this morning (except Leo, he's addicted to the TV) and they all got water. Rubio drank 10 ml & basked a bit, he's already back asleep. Lonzo is at the top of the ramp, so there are 3 black beards going on here. I'll put Didi out for the time I'm out for an appointment, so that will give him his outside time, then when I get home, Leo's turn. Leo even swam in his bath a bit, so that was good to see. He's a great swimmer, like Oscar.

Mia is hiding under the comforter, maybe she knows Todd has a cold & wants to stay near him. Cats are funny creatures, too. At least she's quiet!


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Nope, nothing so nice. She hides there because there's a good chance someone will walk past that she could kill! That girl is not the comforting kind. At least she and Oscar seem to have reached an uneasy truce. Mainly because he's too sleepy to talk smack and she likes the nice warm spot in front of his house.

My loving husband gave a sweet present last week. A nice case of the sniffles. I'm all stuffed up with a runny nose. Not fun to work with, but I'm managing with help from Dayquil. Pop a couple of liquigels about an hour before we leave for work and I'm good for the evening, then some Nyquil before bed and I'm out for the count. Still have to sleep on the couch, but at least I am sleeping through the night.

All is quiet this morning (well almost afternoon), Mia is guarding the front window, making sure the crows don't attack, Oscar is sprawled like a drunk over his rock, soaking up some heat and UVB's and both me and Todd are playing on our computers.

I'd best get off and go start some lunch, then do a quick clean-up before I go to work.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Don't you love it when your hubby is kind enough to give you the cold he has, guess it's just more fun to share :mrgreen: Hope you're feeling better soon. So Mia likes to make sure crows don't attack, maybe she's thinking of Oscar after all. So funny. She sure keeps you on your toes! Oscar sounds like Leo, up but not doing much and not eating much.

Have a good eve at work.


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Oh the joys of having a day off, a sick husband, a psychotic kitty, and a suddenly awake dragon!

I thought I'd have a nice leisurely day, just lazing around the house until he gets home at 11:30. Instead he stayed home, "dying" from a cold. Mia was bouncing off the walls until she ran head first into the coffee table's leg. Then went in the back room and :puke: a lovely hairball. And last but not least, Oscar decided to wake up and demand food. NOT SQUASH, HUMAN!! WORMSSSSSS! Unfortunately I only had 3 left, which he ate then sat on his rock with a sulky face and black chin.

So my day off was spent running back and forth from the bedroom, carrying water, soup and kleenex for the wimpy man, begging the cat to stop her antics and to shut up, then gagging while cleaning up her mess, and trying to explain to an upset lizard why I can't give him more worms until Saturday! At least he had his bath, a big drink and a poop.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Boy, talk about a busy day off. It's amazing how grown men will turn into wimps when they're sick. And Mia, what a cat you have. Does she get rid of hairballs often? I had a cat for 15 years & he was constantly icking up hairballs. Even gave him a bit of tuna daily (special treal) & medicine, but nothing really helped. He'd be on my lap, start the hacking, so I'd throw him outside.

So Oscar wants more worms? Guess he'll have to put up with salad instead, poor baby. He'll probably eat more veggies tomorrow if he's really hungry. Only Leo is up daily over here & what a lazy dragon he is. He gets up just to watch cartoons on TV, I'm sure :mrgreen: The other three are sound asleep, they're really late to brumate this year. Normally they're nodding off in Sept & up by Jan, but they're still asleep. At least Leo likes to snuggle.

Guess you'll be glad to get back to work so you won't have to listen to your hubby or Mia. I know you can handle all this stuff :banghead: too bad you have to, though. :mrgreen:

Here's a big hug just for you :laughing6:


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What an emotional day yesterday was! The first Monday of the month, the Manoir has a birthday supper for everyone who has a birthday that month. There's a special meal, cake, music and dancing. They also have the birthday people announced and escorted to the front of the dining hall, where they are presented with flowers and a small present, and have their picture taken. This I had expected, I've worked the birthday supper before. Only, this time, MY name was called and I was escorted to the front!! I received a corsage, a pin, and was formally welcomed to the "Groupe Savoie family". I almost started bawling, I was so shocked and honored. After 7 years of feeling taken advantage of by my old employers, it was wonderful to not only receive recognition of my work but to feel they really cared about me.

Oscar is waking up a bit more each day. He still sprawls like a drunk but is showing a bit more interest in the world. Todd thinks I'm crazy, but I rigged up a mirror in front of his house. It's angled so it shows the reflection of the TV and Oscar is usually parked in front of it when we leave for work. The sleep mode turns it off about a half hour before his lights go off, and he's always tucked in his cave when we get home. So, hopefully, he's getting some stimulation during the afternoon and early evening. In any event, he's eating more than he was. In fact, it's time to rinse and scrub the tub for his bath. That way both he and Mia get some exercise. Oscar in the tub and Mia trying to kick the door open so she can join us.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
What a great surprise you got! They really do love what you do for them, that's so rewarding.

So Oscar is keeping himself occupied during the day now, huh? Good job!
Are Oscar and Mia still on good terms, or not quite back to normal yet?


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I am now officially OLD! Washed my hair yesterday and discovered the beginning of the "Salter Skunk Stripe". Both of my sisters, my brother, my mother and several cousins all have it. A clump of grey hairs, usually on the temples, but nowhere else. My mother still has her dark blonde hair down to her butt, with two wings of silver flowing from each temple. That I could live with. My brother and one sister, on the other hand, have a definite "skunk stripe" going. It just makes them look older, not wiser. Oh, and it's my birthday today! I'm now 3 years shy of being half a century!

Oscar is starting to develop a routine. Up at 9am, lounge on his rock until 10:30-11am, then tease Mia for awhile before getting serious about eating. We leave for work at 1:45, and he's propped on his rock to watch TV. This serves two purposes, 1) he gets some stimulation while we're gone and 2) he's getting enough UVB's and heat to properly digest his breakfast.

Todd has moved his reno work into the livingroom, in order to finish his new built-in fish tank. Which means I currently have a hole in the ceiling from when he ripped out the wall and expanded the living room into the dining room. I think you can guess what that means. Hole in ceiling, wood frame for fish tank, and a cat= Mia in the ceiling! Usually during the night when she can guarantee the most annoyance. Otherwise she seems to have calmed down somewhat. Unless, of course, Oscar is being nasty to her.

Got the weekend off, so I'm going to be busy catching up on everybody's threads. In the meantime, coffee is ready and Oscar is due a bath before breakfast.

beardie parents Sicko
Happy 47th Birthday! I guess this means I've been old for 6 years now. I just celebrated my 53rd birthday but I've had a little bit of silver in my hair at the top of my head, not much just enough to notice a little. My aunt had gray hair back when she was in her 40's sometime but my mother still doesn't have much gray hair, she has some tho and she's 80.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Happy Birthday, Frances! Hope your kids will give you a stress-free day (that is, no arguments).

For years, I had these two pure white hairs at the front of my head, right in plain view. They keep reappearing no matter how much plucking I do. And there's no hiding them either (I tried, by parting my hair differently, but they're still visible).
It sucks getting old, huh?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANCES, so you're close to joining the 50's crowd. I'm 56, so you're a youngster to me!

That was wonderful that you were feted at your work, doesn't that just touch your heart? Like you said, 7 yrs of hell to heaven, you're finally in a place that think you're great! I'm so glad to hear this, it's so good to know that you're happy at work, finally. :D

So Oscar has joined the TV crowd? My crew are all addicted to the TV. I leave it on Knowledge all day & they have some favourites, all the cartoons, of course, plus "Secret Gardens" 'cause it's full of bugs :mrgreen: and Hope for Wildlife, they watch that show intently. Leo gets the most TV as his tank is right beside it, but Didi gets out on the ramp in the morning b4 I go to work, so he gets a few hours, too. Neither of them are eating alot, for Leo, he's chunky, has lots of surplus fat, so no worries there, but Didi is small to begin with & now he's down to 390g, so I'm trying to find ways to fatten him up. I'll keep working on it.

I was off yesterday, so got Rubio & Lonzo up. Both had outside time & Lonzo, the little brat, pooped in the dump truck ont he side of the ramp. Took me awhile to find it & found another old one right beside it. Boy he has good aim :mrgreen: There used to be river pebbles in it, they're now gone, so hopefully that won't happen again. They both drank tons of water & were both back to sleep by 1p. I'm starting to wonder if they're going to get up this year. It's already end Feb! I sure miss them!

So Mia is doing a bit better & not yacking your ear off? Good girl. She waits behind doors to pounce? My cat used to do the same thing, especially if we did something he didn't like. He'd wait patiently to get whoever was guilty back. I sure miss him.

Have a great birthday weekend, especially being off work. Hope you're spoiled for the whole weekend!
Take care


Hatchling Member
Happy Birthday :blob5:
i'm the same age ...I dont have to worry about grey hair ...I color too often to know if my hair is grey or not LOL
None of my guys seem interested in watching tv at this time but maybe when we move back to our other house they will be situated so at least one of them will have tv for entertainment. when they're out with me and I'm in front of it they dont show much interest..
Well I hope you have a great birthday


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Well, my birthday wasn't as lazy as I had hoped for. We spent the late morning after Oscar's bath, doing laundry and cleaning fish tanks. Then, just as we sat down to a late lunch, my work called. The usual 4-12 girl had called in sick and I was the only one available that was trained for that shift. So, of course, I went in to work. Talk about a loooong night! The 2:30-9:30 girl had only just been trained and had never worked by herself. And, there had been a dance earlier in the day, so the residents were tired and a little cranky. So I spent much of the night helping the other girl do her work as well as my own and soothing everyones frazzled nerves. But I made it through and was looking forward to my pizza once I got home. Then, as I was doing my timecard, the secretary told me that because I had come in at the last minute to replace someone on my weekend off, I was to receive a bonus on my pay of about $25. Now that's what I call a nice gesture!

Oscar has been demanding time out of his house the past couple of days, so I've had to lock Mia up in the bedroom so he can run around. Mia seems to feel this is a case of discrimination and lets us all know about it. According to her, we are abusing her, treating her like a prisoner and showing a lack of trust because we won't allow her to play with Oscar. Unfortunately, I've seen her idea of "playing" and the object is usually reduced to pieces by the time she's done with it. She's a sweet (and crazy) cat but her earlier life as a semi-wild barn kitten means she has well honed hunting and killing instincts. As much as I wish the two of them could be buddies, I can't trust her with Oscar's life.

It's quarter-past three and the husband will be home soon so I'm off to start supper.


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Oscar has a new interest. I had him on my lap while checking my Facebook account, when he noticed a certain young beardie smiling from the page. He now likes me to go check out Yaddle's photos on Facebook. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to return his affection. But at least he's up and starting to get hormonal, so I hope his brumating is almost done for this year. Now, if only I could get him to eat more than a bite or two at a time!

Mia has lost her meow. She had a gi-nor-mungous hairball stuck in her throat, took her almost 5 minutes of hacking and gagging before she got it up and out. It was totally solid! Poor kitten is still barely making a sound when she talks. We have her on a hairball formula cat food and try to brush her daily (hates it, as it causes static and she keeps getting shocks) but now it looks like we'll need to start using "ick paste" also. I can't stand the smell of the stuff, but I guess it's better to give something to help get the hairballs out easier than her hurting herself trying to get rid of them on her own.

I have some new pictures of the two and will post them as soon as I find the darn cable to transfer them onto the computer.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Frances,
Poor Mia, I feel for her, hairballs, especially ones that big, can be a big pain, so glad you're giving her the hairball medicine. I'm sure she'll be in full voice before you know it!

So Oscar has decided to wake up. I know what you mean about not eating much. I have 3 up now, Rubio joined us on Wednesday, all of them aren't eating a whole lot. For Rubio I'm not concerned, he's 808g :shock: and that's after 3 mo of sleeping. Didi actually gained 2 g, :blob5: :blob8: so he's up to 394g & Leo lost 10g, but he was 536 on a small frame, so he has lots of cushioning, so not worried. So I'm off to feed everyone & give Lonzo a bath. Woke him up this am & had to block off his hide, he was heading back to it. He's lost some weight, but not too much.
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