The Odd Couple Of Sandhill- Oscar and Mia

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Just a short update on my boys, as I can't sit with my leg down for very long.

Putzy seems to be spending most of his day, dozing. Except for when we go out for some sun, which is when he perks up and tries to escape. I need to order him a new light as his present one is about 6 months old now. Hopefully that will help wake him up and get his appetite going again.

Oscar, on the other hand, is, well, a bottomless pit. He will eat any thing, anywhere, anytime. This includes my fingers, my hair, my feet etc. If it moves, he tries to nom it. As soon as I have the $200+ for his vet visit, it's fun time. (loves going for rides) But his poops are getting firmer and less stinky, so I think it was mainly due to his cricket diet and suddenly getting as much food (bugs and salad) as his not so little tummy could hold.

I'll be posting new pics as soon as I get this dinosaur 'puter to upload the software for my camera. Night all, from me and my boys!


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No silks, no waxies, no horn, nothing soft bodied at all! Managed to get the last 50 supers in the store, through. Soon as I got home, I gave Oscar 3 calcium dusted and 2 vitamin dusted. Oh, and changed his basking spot bulb. His old one burned out Thursday afternoon, so I switched it for a 100w household bulb. Poor Oscar's temps dropped from 105/89 to 81/65! He didn't touch his salad and just huddled under the light, for the entire day. New bulb went in this morning and within 10 minutes, he was dancing and demanding FOOD!! He's now pancaked, happily digesting his 5 worm salad, on his ramp beneath his new light. I'll go back in another hour and give him a bath (before he leaves some nuclear waste in his house) :puke:

Putzy is still a peaceful zombie. Wakes up every morning when his lights come on, so he can turn his butt around and put his head in the right corner. By 1pm, the light is coming in from the opposite side and he turns so he's got his head tucked into the left corner, where he stays until lights out. That's when he pokes his head out of his cave for some fresh air. :roll:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm glad to hear you got some wormies for Oscar. Putzy looks like a few of our dragons, only we don't put the light on while they're sleeping. Mind you, Vancouver is quite warm now, we had a 4 day cold spell (-15C) last week, which is nothing for Quebec, but is sure cold out here. Believe it or not the windows out here on older apartments are only single glazed, so when it gets cold, so do we. Not really looking forward to our next heating bill.

Did your husband get back to work? I hope so. Glad to hear your leg continues to improve. Hope it's all better soon.

It's amazing how a wrong temp reading can cause issues with our beardies. Glad you got that light going better for Oscar, they are definitely warm weather reptiles



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Unfortunately, until the living room gets rewired next year (crosses fingers) the only heat source during the day is his basking light. It's on an alternating timer. Basking bulb in am, CHE in pm. But the light he's hiding from comes from the window beside him. It faces north east and gets the sun from early morning to late afternoon.

Speaking of the bugger, he's actually awake today! He's going to love me (not) cause it's bathday!!! Yesterday, we lost power for almost an hour and I had both boys bundled up under the covers with me to keep them warm. Thank God, Oscar had already had his bath and was tuckered from his training laps around the tub. So both of them had a nap, and didn't notice the other.

The husband is back to work at the moment, but has two weeks off after Christmas. He's planning on doing some reno on the bedroom, expanding it into the front room, blocking out the second door and putting in a closet, as well as rewiring it. Which finishes that side of the house except for the kitchen nook. It is truly amazing how much money you save when the place is insulated!

Well, gotta go torment a sleepy grump with the infamous Sand Hill Water Torture!


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I have been bearded, stink eyed and hissed at!!! How dare I remove His Royal Splatness from his cozy cave, toss him into the bath tub THAT HAD WATER IN IT! And then have the unmitigated gall to attempt to snuggle! He hasn't been this feisty in months. Ate TWO whole teaspoons of babyfood and a worm. He also was upset that I blocked off his cave in order to force him to bask for a couple of hours. Now I just need a poop out of him.

No change in Oscar. Still eating, pooping and being a goofball.

Stay tuned this weekend as the traditional Christmas photo shoot is planned for Friday afternoon.


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I am Oscar's hero!! I actually managed to get my hands on 10 silkworms! Talk about gross, he squirted me with worm guts, but made up for it (kind of) by licking the guck off of me. So, at least some one had a good Christmas. Putzy is, once again, out like a light. Turtle is sulking because she didn't get any shrimp this year. And the husband has threatened me with death and/or dismemberment if I take his picture. Because I worked this weekend, we are having our family get together at New Years. Other than the decorations I used for the traditional holiday photos, the isn't any sign of Christmas in our house. But anyways, here are my babies!

I'd beard you if my head wasn't so heavy

Oh how handy! A nice shiny pillow

Pwettyy!! Is wormies?

No wormies? Me gotz sadz!

Get that flashy box thingy out of my face

Make her stop, Boss!

I'll write again and do a proper update after the Boxing Day frenzy. Off to Montreal, for new lights, CHEs and (fingers, toes and eyeballs crossed) hopefully some worms.


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Boxing Day was a total bust for reptile supplies. All out of worms, no zoo-med lights unless I want the 2.0 or a basking bulb. At least my MIL had fun. We hit 4 different pet stores, Walmart, Indigo Books, and a bunch of other places.

But wait!! Is that a prepaid Visa card from the hubby? For $200? And Big Al's Aquarium and Reptile Supplies is having a super boxing week special on all online orders? Yessssss. New Repti-suns, basking spots and CHE on their way! And to make the week even better, the petstore that we usually go to for feeders, called. They were holding 2 tubs of silkworms for me! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8:

Putzy had his bath today, still no poop. Weighed him and he's 577g. Oscar swam, pooped and weighs 583g. I've decided to keep track of their weights as Putzy seems to be waking more these days. And I'm making the vet appointment for Oscar next week, as his poops just aren't firming up. Not quite liquid but very runny, with reddish tinged urates.

Well, that's all I have to report for now, be back tomorrow.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Frances and family!

Glad to hear you got a bunch of silkworms. Wasn't that sweet of your hubby to get you that prepaid VISA. What a wonderful gift. Putz and Oscar will appreciate it, too!

I had a great holiday, two turkey dinners, lots of naps in afternoons and lots of playing with dragons, which is the best thing!

We're just starting to get cold weather again, but no snow in the forecast for now. Thank God. Vancouver shuts down if we get more than 2" of snow. I was glad to move here, even with the rainy winters. I got very fed up with snow removal, etc, as a single Mom in Deux Montagnes for 4 years. My folks & sibs moved to Vancouver in 1979, so took me awhile to join them; it's been a fun 23 years with all our kids, too. Now my sister and I have adult children (27 & 23) and my 2 brothers have younger children, 10, 9, 6 & 4. I like being an auntie!

Only Rubio is asleep today. I got him up yesterday for a bath & some food. He ate, so he'll be up again later in the week for poops.

Didi is watching "Dinasaur Train" on TV. They all love to watch cartoons. We spoil them way too much!

Hope the reno goes well and that he's back to work in 2 weeks. Wish him luck!

Have a great 2011 :D

beardie parents Sicko
I hope you have a great 2011! I was looking at your Christmas pics with your scaley and furry kids and enjoying them all again. It's funny to see Putzy using that christmas package as a pillow.


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Poop at last, poop at last, Thank God Almighty, we have poop at last!! :mrgreen: Had to go in yesterday for training in the new advanced care wing at work, came home at 4pm and discovered Herr Major von Putz sitting up with a look of disgust on his face. And a big, rock-hard poop and urate on his basking ledge! No actual smell, but it was huge. The bugger hoards it for weeks on end, refuses to poop in the tub (or anywhere else easily cleaned) but insists on doing his business on his basking place when no one is around to see it, then acts like we left it there on purpose! :banghead: Would have sworn up a storm but after 8 hours of my boss, I just wanted to go to bed and sleep for a couple of hours before heading back in for my usual shift.

Oscar, on the other hand, swam, pooped and and swam again. Then ate 5 silkworms and his salad, before having a nap.

beardie parents Sicko
I'm glad you have poop! What Putzy does is very funny. I laughed, causing my husband to ask me what was funny, so I had to read it to him, he laughed, also.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Happy New Year to all of you. And yeah for the poop :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: It's so strange that we don't have any qualms about discussing the pooping of our dragons. We have 3 dragons that will poop in the bath, then there are 2, Lonzo & Rubio, that will poop elsewhere. Lonzo likes to poop on the living room floor or their ramp. Rubio almost always poops in the same place in his tank & if we're not there to take it out right away, he'll run to his cool side & try to jump out of his tank. The dragon world is a wondrous place!

Hope 2011 is better than 2010!

Deb and my zoo


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Things are still stumbling along. Hubby's 2 weeks off were spent being a lazy lump. He really needed the chance to just vege-out. I, on the other hand, have been battling with the boss at work. My feelings for her, cannot be expressed on a PG-13 forum. Unfortunately, the boys have been paying the price for the turmoil. I have such trouble just dragging myself in and out of work, and once home, just want to crawl into bed and hide. They have had all of their basic needs taken care of, but I just didn't have the energy to handle their emotional needs as well. I'm clawing my way back, and forcing myself to participate in life again. Oscar, especially, seems to get upset at the lack of schedule. I think it worries him that he might be abandoned again.

Putzy is semi-awake, basking daily but still not eating anything but his sweet potato and turkey baby food. He even refuses worms! Laid another poop on his ramp, when no one was home, and glared at me until it was all cleaned up. Gave him a bath and tried to weigh him but the scale needs a new battery. Kept telling me he weighed 0.0lbs!

As for Oscar, well, he's become a MALE!! He had his very first, real live, down his chest, manly BLACK BEARD!!!! I was giving him his bath yesterday. He pooped and out he came, so I could rinse out the tub for his swim. Well, he wanted back in NOW! Kept having to grab him from jumping into the dirty tub until he became so mad, he smacked me with his foot and bearded me! I don't think he appreciated me burbling on about how adorable he was, such a big boy. Of course, he forgave me once he was back in for his swim.

Once the stores open, we're off to get some worms for the walking stomach. He's hoping for silkies, cause he's fed up with the vitamin and calcium powder on his salad (picks those leaves out and eats the rest) not to mention the disgusting taste of slave. I made the mistake of mixing his powders with some baby food and dabbed it on his nose. Seemed to like it so I went to do it again. Bad move! Saw the yummy stuff coming and Chomp! Tiny amount of blood from a small puncture and a really painful squooshed nail. The look on his face! If I hadn't been busy with my finger, I would have taken a picture. Absolutely worth the pain to see his "What the H E double hockey sticks was that disgusting bug?" "Now what are you doing? Finish feeding me, slave."

Whoops, the husband is dressed and cleaning the car off. Better hurry and get some clothes on before he leaves without me!
Later, Gators. I'll finish my tales later today.



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Been a rough couple of weeks. Got called into the office and given an official written warning and a one day suspension. Also found out that a co-worker has been going behind my back and spreading tales about my work. If I didn't need this job, I would have walked then and there.

But there has also been some good news in my life. My younger sister and I have not spoken in 2 years, except at our Dad's funeral. She actually called awhile back and we talked for almost 3 hours. Still hasn't apologized for the incident that caused the split, but at least she has acknowledged that it happened, and that it hurt the entire family. My niece (her eldest) is enrolled at the University in Victoria, BC but is first leaving for Australia for a month with her boyfriend and another couple. My mother has had her 15 year cancer-free checkup! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: Yippee!!! And last but not least...

Putzy has woken up (sort of). Yesterday, after Oscar's bath, I had him on the floor of the living room. Putzy sleepily opened an eye and spotted him. Well, it was like he had been hit with a jolt of electricity! He practically flew off his basking ledge, into the side of the tank. Black bearding, foot stomping, and head bobbing away at Oscar, who instead of his usual wave, bobbed back. I was laughing so hard, I almost peed myself. Of course being a smart woman, I took advantage of his outrage, grabbed the salad from the fridge and some supers. Poor things paid the price for his temper tantrum. First solid food he's eaten since late November. Just might have to try it again today, cause he's started to slowly lose weight.
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