Temperature change


Beardie name(s)
Hello, today I took my 3-4 month old bearded dragon called Abby outside her viv and took her outside for an intended 5-10 mins as I am not sure she has fully seen/been in the outside world. When I took her out and placed her in my garden the temperature was admittedly quite cold, it seemed when I placed her outside she was shaking and then stopped moving, it looked like she had gone into shock as she never lets me pick her up often and she wasn’t moving an inch when I picked her up. I immediately put her back in her viv and after 15 mins she slowly came back and is now running after food and fast asleep. Does anyone know what exactly happened to her? Was it the temperature or the exposure to the actual world or both please help


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hello, today I took my 3-4 month old bearded dragon called Abby outside her viv and took her outside for an intended 5-10 mins as I am not sure she has fully seen/been in the outside world. When I took her out and placed her in my garden the temperature was admittedly quite cold, it seemed when I placed her outside she was shaking and then stopped moving, it looked like she had gone into shock as she never lets me pick her up often and she wasn’t moving an inch when I picked her up. I immediately put her back in her viv and after 15 mins she slowly came back and is now running after food and fast asleep. Does anyone know what exactly happened to her? Was it the temperature or the exposure to the actual world or both please help
What was the temp outside? Shes really young to be taken outside-- how long have you had her?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
What was the temp outside? Shes really young to be taken outside-- how long have you had her?
The temp was between 16-19 degrees which is obviously a big change from 37-40we have had her for 2-3 months, Thankyou for getting back to me we won’t be taking her outside until she is older.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
The temp was between 16-19 degrees which is obviously a big change from 37-40we have had her for 2-3 months, Thankyou for getting back to me we won’t be taking her outside until she is older.
That would be 60-66 F degrees--- a little cool for her -- her temps in the tank should be 105-110 F surface basking temp taken w/ a digital probe thermometer--


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
That would be 60-66 F degrees--- a little cool for her -- her temps in the tank should be 105-110 F surface basking temp taken w/ a digital probe thermometer--
Would the fact she’s never really been outside and seen the size of the world effect her ? And did she just go into shock because of the temp


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Would the fact she’s never really been outside and seen the size of the world effect her ? And did she just go into shock because of the temp
Could be both I am thinking --- does she still have stress marks?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thats good----
Was just a worry as when she was out she went into shock and she seemed like she was dead she Doesn’t really let us handle her even tho we are gentle and hand feed but I had to pick her up and she was just limp big scare


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Was just a worry as when she was out she went into shock and she seemed like she was dead she Doesn’t really let us handle her even tho we are gentle and hand feed but I had to pick her up and she was just limp big scare
She's little and needs to adjust to her surroundings - handle her in her tank holding her little at a time-- hand feeding us good - what's going to speed things along will be correct surface basking temps and uvb -- No coils please--

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