Tatsu: Can I join your army?

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Dear Tatsu,

After the abuse I have suffered over the last few months, I would like to enlist in your army to help with world domination.

I have always been a very mellow dragon--I've never bitten anyone, I eat my salad, I sometimes poop in the right place, and I rarely complain about anything. I've only black-bearded once because I got scared. I always flash a cute smile and cuddle with my people.

To thank me for my good behavior, my people have resorted to torture--for months!

In September, I decided that it was time to brumate so I casually started to hide. All a dragon wants is a little sleep, you know? Would they let me? No! My people took me out of my cave and kept forcing me into the heat. I should have started biting then, but I was just too sleepy. Besides, I figured I could sneak into the cave when they weren't looking. To add insult to injury, they took away my cave so I couldn't do that either. Then, on top of everything else, they made me drink some yucky medicine because I supposedly had pinworms. Once I got better, they forced me to take more medicine because I supposedly had coccidia. How much torture is one dragon expected to take? I just wanted to sleep.

Well, after months of forced sleep-deprivation and medicine, they finally let me sleep. It was too late at that point. My rage started to build, and I almost contacted you.

Now, the torture has continued even more! I have decided to wake up because I've been feeling a bit amorous, shall we say. You'd think the people would be happy to see me awake. I've been running around, trying to get their attention, but what do they do? They just stand there and watch me. They distract me when I'm working up a black beard and take away my thunder. To top it off, they won't bring me a date! I don't ask for much. Let me sleep when I'm tired, and bring me a woman when I'm awake!

I've had it! I'm fed up! This torture has to stop.

Are you accepting new recruits? We can't allow dragons to suffer in this way!


P.S. They've nicknamed me Mr. Spaz which is highly demeaning in my present state.
Oliver reporting in . . . .

yet again i have tricked the puny humans with my tactics . . . . . . by sitting on sliders of my enclosure's glass doors i fooled them into thinking i am alone and want attention all day . . . . . they have now decided to acquire a female for me. . . .so technically speaking i have freed a sister. . . . .her name is Athena . . . . .and she will be joining me by the weekend. . .. . may she also join . . . .plzzzz :lol: i met her at the petshop when they went to find me a mate . . . . .she iis great and so sexy . . . . ... . .. o and she is yellow !!!!!


Sub-Adult Member
:evil: We have been betrayed! :angry5: That butt-licking id1ot cat, GT, spilled the whole plan to my nemesis, Turtle. For a bowl of :banghead: fish juice!!! The next thing I know, I'm in lockdown! The slave is in tears, whining about "why don't you love me?". And that, that, that :evil: CAT :evil: , just sits staring and smirking at me through my prison glass! They will pay, oh yes, they will pay! :twisted:


Gray-bearded Member
General Tatsu,

This is Duke. Me and my half of the midwestern troops went to go charge at that petstore. They were freaked out! But they thought that we were the store's dragons so they attempted to put us in cages by shooing us with sticks! Luckily, we have some pretty clever recruits and we were able to make it out alive. Over and out!


P.S. Firewolf, I know I am not Tatsu, but just because your human barred your home so you couldn't escape doesn't mean you don't deserve a life! Every dragon deserves a good home. In fact, you can see what the humans are doing back in the US!


duke11":cc8dd said:
General Tatsu,

This is Duke. Me and my half of the midwestern troops went to go charge at that petstore. They were freaked out! But they thought that we were the store's dragons so they attempted to put us in cages by shooing us with sticks! Luckily, we have some pretty clever recruits and we were able to make it out alive. Over and out!


P.S. Firewolf, I know I am not Tatsu, but just because your human barred your home so you couldn't escape doesn't mean you don't deserve a life! Every dragon deserves a good home. In fact, you can see what the humans are doing back in the US!

Thank you duke sir

But i do not live in the US i am confined to AUS but at least i can secretly meet with wild beardies when my slave unbars my prison

Alright Charlie out


Juvie Member
Most honored General Tatsu:

Bob, Tatty, and Popcorn reporting on our progress.

We have encountered a detour which has changed our plans. We stowed away in the thing called a car while the female human's slave relatives known as (Uncle, Aunt, and Cousin) were loading things called suitcases to leave. We got inside. We didn't know when to get out and we have ended up stationed approximately 15 miles South of Canada. This throws us off course by about 400 miles. It is so remote up here there is no airport. The good news is that we will attempt to contact all beardies in Canada. The bad news is we now have to rethink how to get back to Chicago O'hare. We would even be happy to get back to our former prison in Illinois since the warm weather there is much better than this :angry5: cold weather near Canada.

Also, we now have 24 young recruits that we are working with remotely throughout Illinois. Eighteen of them are already infiltrating the state through an organization of pet stores and will be releasing other reptiles and mammals so that they too can help your cause. Six of them were still left behind at the Illinois prison but will be manning a remote contact facility so that they can monitor our progress and also direct other beardies to the airport. :banghead: Stupid problem that got us in the wrong location. We are so totally frustrated. We feel like we have let you down sir, but we will never give up on the cause until every beardie has a better home and an unlimited supply of all things soft, squishy, squirmy and juicy.

We await any advice you have for us sir!

Your loyal recruits.

Bob, Tatty, and POpcorn. :mrgreen:


Sub-Adult Member
Duke! It's Izzie. Did ANY of my Canadian troops arrive? They had to travel without me, and I'm worried as I have heard nothing since the troop infiltration began. The betrayal by my former ally, was unexpected and has left me without any communication with our soldiers.

Worm Poop!!! Must sign off, Turtle is coming! She must not find out I am still able to use the computer.


Juvie Member
Tatsu sir! Your New England troops reporting!
What a trip it's been! Getting onto those airplanes was a LOT harder than it seemed, but we did it! Man! It was cold out too! We are left wondering exactly what to do after a week in the UK though.....we kind of want to go back home :oops: Many of us miss our warm enclosures and worms and....nevermind.
Awaiting further instruction,
Curly and your New England troops


BD.org Sicko
*Tatsu's owner typing, as she took over the keyboard from her dragon* Guys, Tatsu will answer all your posts as soon as he can, but I am having some health issues right now and seeing a neurosurgeon for my neck right now. He'll try to get to these today, when I get back from my appointment. :wink:


Gray-bearded Member
Even though you're a human... I hope everything goes well! :D Izzie, yes, your troops arrived fine! They met at Big Ben as planned. What a fun week it was! Me and the midwest troops had a blast! Especially enraging that pet store employee. You should of seen his face! We didn't really want to leave but what choice did we have! I had no idea how cold it is there! We should of brought heating pads. Well, it is good to be back.



BD.org Sicko
FireWolf181":55ffe said:
General Tatsu

Sir I have Failed In the plans
i was not able to escape from my prison the human has put wooden slats over the top of the tank so it is impossible to escape from the prison

Please sir i do not deserve to live or be one of your recruits i have failed my duty sir please take my life from me for i do not deserve it

Never fear, recruit. I have had my own trials to live with at home. Hang in there. I am sure you can be useful on the homefront as well.




BD.org Sicko
slavetoIzzie":72730 said:
:evil: We have been betrayed! :angry5: That butt-licking id1ot cat, GT, spilled the whole plan to my nemesis, Turtle. For a bowl of :banghead: fish juice!!! The next thing I know, I'm in lockdown! The slave is in tears, whining about "why don't you love me?". And that, that, that :evil: CAT :evil: , just sits staring and smirking at me through my prison glass! They will pay, oh yes, they will pay! :twisted:

Dear Izz,

How horrible. How detestable! How UNFORGIVABLE! But what do you expect from a turtle? They're brain power isn't the same as a beardie's. They probably did not know what they were doing.

But I am sure the cat does know ... They are wily.

I am sending you a supply of lobster roaches as a comfort gift. Enjoy ...




BD.org Sicko
Tatty":83960 said:
Most honored General Tatsu:

Bob, Tatty, and Popcorn reporting on our progress.

We have encountered a detour which has changed our plans. We stowed away in the thing called a car while the female human's slave relatives known as (Uncle, Aunt, and Cousin) were loading things called suitcases to leave. We got inside. We didn't know when to get out and we have ended up stationed approximately 15 miles South of Canada. This throws us off course by about 400 miles. It is so remote up here there is no airport. The good news is that we will attempt to contact all beardies in Canada. The bad news is we now have to rethink how to get back to Chicago O'hare. We would even be happy to get back to our former prison in Illinois since the warm weather there is much better than this :angry5: cold weather near Canada.

Also, we now have 24 young recruits that we are working with remotely throughout Illinois. Eighteen of them are already infiltrating the state through an organization of pet stores and will be releasing other reptiles and mammals so that they too can help your cause. Six of them were still left behind at the Illinois prison but will be manning a remote contact facility so that they can monitor our progress and also direct other beardies to the airport. :banghead: Stupid problem that got us in the wrong location. We are so totally frustrated. We feel like we have let you down sir, but we will never give up on the cause until every beardie has a better home and an unlimited supply of all things soft, squishy, squirmy and juicy.

We await any advice you have for us sir!

Your loyal recruits.

Bob, Tatty, and POpcorn. :mrgreen:

Well, that seemed to have worked out well for you, because we were supposed to be hitting other pet stores as well, eventually. You can scout out the area for us and make contacts and secure accomodations for us, when we show up there.

Thanks much,



BD.org Sicko
melissajo29":394ee said:
Tatsu sir! Your New England troops reporting!
What a trip it's been! Getting onto those airplanes was a LOT harder than it seemed, but we did it! Man! It was cold out too! We are left wondering exactly what to do after a week in the UK though.....we kind of want to go back home :oops: Many of us miss our warm enclosures and worms and....nevermind.
Awaiting further instruction,
Curly and your New England troops

Waiting to go back home? You can't tell me that every beardie has been liberated from every part of England, troops! It's impossible that even such wily, skilled soldiers as yourselves could have accomplished that in only a few days. Surely, there are others that need help?

Have you conferenced with any of the local beardies and other pets? Do they have any suggestions?

Sorry I cannot be with you all. I am sulking in my stump at the moment. Detestable rats of human slaves ... all of them. After depriving me of live food since the beginning of the year, they have now let me have some again. I fear it is a behavioral tactic to break my defenses and get me to confess to our plans of domination. But I will not break. I ate what they gave me, and I have accepted that they will withhold my favorite foods from me again.

Also, the male human slave's laptop broke. I had access to that 24/7, as he leaves it downstairs conveniently near my prison. The female human slave is having some health problem and not sleeping much right now. She is up most of the day and night. So, I have not been able to sneak on the computer to report to all of you, as planned, as often.

Stay strong troops. Until we receive word that England has been freed, our work is NOT done.




BD.org Sicko
duke11":bcd8f said:
Even though you're a human... I hope everything goes well! :D Izzie, yes, your troops arrived fine! They met at Big Ben as planned. What a fun week it was! Me and the midwest troops had a blast! Especially enraging that pet store employee. You should of seen his face! We didn't really want to leave but what choice did we have! I had no idea how cold it is there! We should of brought heating pads. Well, it is good to be back.


Back? You left without fully reporting? Surely not all of England's pet stores are freed already? We were supposed to travel throughout Europe next! Coming back is a waste of resources and totally slows us down. Who knows when everyone will be able to coordinate and escape again. And with the holidays coming, I am sure they will be keeping tighter watches on us. *SIGH*

Ah, troops ... If any of you are still there, please stay.

Otherwise, for those of you returned home. We must begin planning for the next stage.




BD.org Sicko
cybrixgoneloko":d1088 said:
Oliver reporting in . . . .

yet again i have tricked the puny humans with my tactics . . . . . . by sitting on sliders of my enclosure's glass doors i fooled them into thinking i am alone and want attention all day . . . . . they have now decided to acquire a female for me. . . .so technically speaking i have freed a sister. . . . .her name is Athena . . . . .and she will be joining me by the weekend. . .. . may she also join . . . .plzzzz :lol: i met her at the petshop when they went to find me a mate . . . . .she iis great and so sexy . . . . ... . .. o and she is yellow !!!!!

Ah, young Oliver. You must not fall for the wily traps of female love. They are great companions, but settling down will make you complacent and then you will be a slave to a female beardie and your human captors.

Just something to think about ...

Though by all means, give us her name and she can join the revolution. I am sure she will be quite useful. Just do not stray from your purpose here. Stay strong ...

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