Forgive me for how many posts I make on here guys lol I just am so cautious about everything and want to do the best possible things for my beardie. anyways, quick backstory. She’s maybe 3-4yrs old according to the vet. Has MBD. Missing 4 toes. Was found in a Petco dumpster. So that’s why she looks well, like that. But I just wanted to ask about her tail… does this look like tail rot, or just stuck shed, ooooor I hear beardies will make their tails black sometimes as they do with other parts of their body ? Wanted to get some advice. I just gave her a bath in hopes of helping any shed if that is the case. In most cases I’ve seen of tail rot it looks pretty noticeable and nasty, but her tail as you can see is just like, black from what I can tell. but I don’t know. I wanted second opinions